
来源:互联网 发布:线切割编程 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 09:15
        不同于java,windows编程的api core官网并没有给出介绍,如下图,地址:。
Windows SDK(64bit)VS2012版本的包。解压后的文件目录如下:

#include <qcc/platform.h>#include <assert.h>#include <signal.h>#include <stdio.h>#include <vector>#include <qcc/String.h>#include <alljoyn/AllJoynStd.h>#include <alljoyn/BusAttachment.h>#include <alljoyn/BusObject.h>#include <alljoyn/DBusStd.h>#include <alljoyn/Init.h>#include <alljoyn/MsgArg.h>#include <alljoyn/version.h>#include <alljoyn/Status.h>using namespace std;using namespace qcc;using namespace ajn;/*constants*/static const char* INTERFACE_NAME = "org.alljoyn.Bus.sample";static const char* SERVICE_NAME = "org.alljoyn.Bus.sample";static const char* SERVICE_PATH = "/sample";static const SessionPort SERVICE_PORT = 25;static volatile sig_atomic_t s_interrupt = false;static void CDECL_CALL SigIntHandler(int sig){    QCC_UNUSED(sig);    s_interrupt = true;}class BasicSampleObject : public BusObject {  public:    BasicSampleObject(BusAttachment& bus, const char* path) :        BusObject(path)    {        /** Add the test interface to this object */        const InterfaceDescription* exampleIntf = bus.GetInterface(INTERFACE_NAME);        assert(exampleIntf);        AddInterface(*exampleIntf);        /** Register the method handlers with the object */        const MethodEntry methodEntries[] = {            { exampleIntf->GetMember("cat"), static_cast<MessageReceiver::MethodHandler>(&BasicSampleObject::Cat) }        };        QStatus status = AddMethodHandlers(methodEntries, sizeof(methodEntries) / sizeof(methodEntries[0]));        if (ER_OK != status) {            printf("Failed to register method handlers for BasicSampleObject.\n");        }    }    void ObjectRegistered()    {        BusObject::ObjectRegistered();        printf("ObjectRegistered has been called.\n");    }    void Cat(const InterfaceDescription::Member* member, Message& msg)    {        QCC_UNUSED(member);        /* Concatenate the two input strings and reply with the result. */        qcc::String inStr1 = msg->GetArg(0)->v_string.str;        qcc::String inStr2 = msg->GetArg(1)->v_string.str;        qcc::String outStr = inStr1 + inStr2;        MsgArg outArg("s", outStr.c_str());        QStatus status = MethodReply(msg, &outArg, 1);        if (ER_OK != status) {            printf("Ping: Error sending reply.\n");        }    }};class MyBusListener : public BusListener, public SessionPortListener {    void NameOwnerChanged(const char* busName, const char* previousOwner, const char* newOwner)    {        if (newOwner && (0 == strcmp(busName, SERVICE_NAME))) {            printf("NameOwnerChanged: name=%s, oldOwner=%s, newOwner=%s.\n",                   busName,                   previousOwner ? previousOwner : "<none>",                   newOwner ? newOwner : "<none>");        }    }    bool AcceptSessionJoiner(SessionPort sessionPort, const char* joiner, const SessionOpts& opts)    {        if (sessionPort != SERVICE_PORT) {            printf("Rejecting join attempt on unexpected session port %d.\n", sessionPort);            return false;        }        printf("Accepting join session request from %s (opts.proximity=%x, opts.traffic=%x, opts.transports=%x).\n",               joiner, opts.proximity, opts.traffic, opts.transports);        return true;    }};/** The bus listener object. */static MyBusListener s_busListener;/** Top level message bus object. */static BusAttachment* s_msgBus = NULL;/** Create the interface, report the result to stdout, and return the result status. */QStatus CreateInterface(void){    /* Add org.alljoyn.Bus.method_sample interface */    InterfaceDescription* testIntf = NULL;    QStatus status = s_msgBus->CreateInterface(INTERFACE_NAME, testIntf);    if (status == ER_OK) {        printf("Interface created.\n");        testIntf->AddMethod("cat", "ss",  "s", "inStr1,inStr2,outStr", 0);        testIntf->Activate();    } else {        printf("Failed to create interface '%s'.\n", INTERFACE_NAME);    }    return status;}/** Register the bus object and connect, report the result to stdout, and return the status code. */QStatus RegisterBusObject(BasicSampleObject* obj){    QStatus status = s_msgBus->RegisterBusObject(*obj);    if (ER_OK == status) {        printf("RegisterBusObject succeeded.\n");    } else {        printf("RegisterBusObject failed (%s).\n", QCC_StatusText(status));    }    return status;}/** Connect, report the result to stdout, and return the status code. */QStatus ConnectBusAttachment(void){    QStatus status = s_msgBus->Connect();    if (ER_OK == status) {        printf("Connect to '%s' succeeded.\n", s_msgBus->GetConnectSpec().c_str());    } else {        printf("Failed to connect to '%s' (%s).\n", s_msgBus->GetConnectSpec().c_str(), QCC_StatusText(status));    }    return status;}/** Start the message bus, report the result to stdout, and return the status code. */QStatus StartMessageBus(void){    QStatus status = s_msgBus->Start();    if (ER_OK == status) {        printf("BusAttachment started.\n");    } else {        printf("Start of BusAttachment failed (%s).\n", QCC_StatusText(status));    }    return status;}/** Create the session, report the result to stdout, and return the status code. */QStatus CreateSession(TransportMask mask){    SessionOpts opts(SessionOpts::TRAFFIC_MESSAGES, false, SessionOpts::PROXIMITY_ANY, mask);    SessionPort sp = SERVICE_PORT;    QStatus status = s_msgBus->BindSessionPort(sp, opts, s_busListener);    if (ER_OK == status) {        printf("BindSessionPort succeeded.\n");    } else {        printf("BindSessionPort failed (%s).\n", QCC_StatusText(status));    }    return status;}/** Advertise the service name, report the result to stdout, and return the status code. */QStatus AdvertiseName(TransportMask mask){    QStatus status = s_msgBus->AdvertiseName(SERVICE_NAME, mask);    if (ER_OK == status) {        printf("Advertisement of the service name '%s' succeeded.\n", SERVICE_NAME);    } else {        printf("Failed to advertise name '%s' (%s).\n", SERVICE_NAME, QCC_StatusText(status));    }    return status;}/** Request the service name, report the result to stdout, and return the status code. */QStatus RequestName(void){    const uint32_t flags = DBUS_NAME_FLAG_REPLACE_EXISTING | DBUS_NAME_FLAG_DO_NOT_QUEUE;    QStatus status = s_msgBus->RequestName(SERVICE_NAME, flags);    if (ER_OK == status) {        printf("RequestName('%s') succeeded.\n", SERVICE_NAME);    } else {        printf("RequestName('%s') failed (status=%s).\n", SERVICE_NAME, QCC_StatusText(status));    }    return status;}/** Wait for SIGINT before continuing. */void WaitForSigInt(void){    while (s_interrupt == false) {#ifdef _WIN32        Sleep(100);#else        usleep(100 * 1000);#endif    }}/** Main entry point */int CDECL_CALL main(int argc, char** argv, char** envArg){    QCC_UNUSED(argc);    QCC_UNUSED(argv);    QCC_UNUSED(envArg);    if (AllJoynInit() != ER_OK) {        return 1;    }#ifdef ROUTER    if (AllJoynRouterInit() != ER_OK) {        AllJoynShutdown();        return 1;    }#endif    printf("AllJoyn Library version: %s.\n", ajn::GetVersion());    printf("AllJoyn Library build info: %s.\n", ajn::GetBuildInfo());    /* Install SIGINT handler */    signal(SIGINT, SigIntHandler);    QStatus status = ER_OK;    BasicSampleObject* testObj = NULL;    /* Create message bus */    s_msgBus = new BusAttachment("myApp", true);    if (s_msgBus) {        if (ER_OK == status) {            status = CreateInterface();        }        if (ER_OK == status) {            s_msgBus->RegisterBusListener(s_busListener);        }        if (ER_OK == status) {            status = StartMessageBus();        }        testObj = new BasicSampleObject(*s_msgBus, SERVICE_PATH);        if (ER_OK == status) {            status = RegisterBusObject(testObj);        }        if (ER_OK == status) {            status = ConnectBusAttachment();        }        /*         * Advertise this service on the bus.         * There are three steps to advertising this service on the bus.         * 1) Request a well-known name that will be used by the client to discover         *    this service.         * 2) Create a session.         * 3) Advertise the well-known name.         */        if (ER_OK == status) {            status = RequestName();        }        const TransportMask SERVICE_TRANSPORT_TYPE = TRANSPORT_ANY;        if (ER_OK == status) {            status = CreateSession(SERVICE_TRANSPORT_TYPE);        }        if (ER_OK == status) {            status = AdvertiseName(SERVICE_TRANSPORT_TYPE);        }        /* Perform the service asynchronously until the user signals for an exit. */        if (ER_OK == status) {            WaitForSigInt();        }    } else {        status = ER_OUT_OF_MEMORY;    }    /* Clean up */    delete s_msgBus;    s_msgBus = NULL;    delete testObj;    testObj = NULL;    printf("Basic service exiting with status 0x%04x (%s).\n", status, QCC_StatusText(status));#ifdef ROUTER    AllJoynRouterShutdown();#endif    AllJoynShutdown();    return (int) status;}
#include <qcc/platform.h>#include <assert.h>#include <signal.h>#include <stdio.h>#include <vector>#include <qcc/String.h>#include <alljoyn/AllJoynStd.h>#include <alljoyn/BusAttachment.h>#include <alljoyn/Init.h>#include <alljoyn/Status.h>#include <alljoyn/version.h>using namespace std;using namespace qcc;using namespace ajn;/** Static top level message bus object */static BusAttachment* g_msgBus = NULL;/*constants*/static const char* INTERFACE_NAME = "org.alljoyn.Bus.sample";static const char* SERVICE_NAME = "org.alljoyn.Bus.sample";static const char* SERVICE_PATH = "/sample";static const SessionPort SERVICE_PORT = 25;static bool s_joinComplete = false;static String s_sessionHost;static SessionId s_sessionId = 0;static volatile sig_atomic_t s_interrupt = false;static void CDECL_CALL SigIntHandler(int sig){    QCC_UNUSED(sig);    s_interrupt = true;}/** AllJoynListener receives discovery events from AllJoyn */class MyBusListener : public BusListener, public SessionListener {  public:    void FoundAdvertisedName(const char* name, TransportMask transport, const char* namePrefix)    {        if (0 == strcmp(name, SERVICE_NAME) && s_sessionHost.empty()) {            printf("FoundAdvertisedName(name='%s', transport = 0x%x, prefix='%s')\n", name, transport, namePrefix);            /* We found a remote bus that is advertising basic service's well-known name so connect to it. */            /* Since we are in a callback we must enable concurrent callbacks before calling a synchronous method. */            s_sessionHost = name;            g_msgBus->EnableConcurrentCallbacks();            SessionOpts opts(SessionOpts::TRAFFIC_MESSAGES, false, SessionOpts::PROXIMITY_ANY, TRANSPORT_ANY);            QStatus status = g_msgBus->JoinSession(name, SERVICE_PORT, this, s_sessionId, opts);            if (ER_OK == status) {                printf("JoinSession SUCCESS (Session id=%d).\n", s_sessionId);            } else {                printf("JoinSession failed (status=%s).\n", QCC_StatusText(status));            }            s_joinComplete = true;        }    }    void NameOwnerChanged(const char* busName, const char* previousOwner, const char* newOwner)    {        if (newOwner && (0 == strcmp(busName, SERVICE_NAME))) {            printf("NameOwnerChanged: name='%s', oldOwner='%s', newOwner='%s'.\n",                   busName,                   previousOwner ? previousOwner : "<none>",                   newOwner ? newOwner : "<none>");        }    }};/** Create the interface, report the result to stdout, and return the result status. */QStatus CreateInterface(void){    /* Add org.alljoyn.Bus.method_sample interface */    InterfaceDescription* testIntf = NULL;    QStatus status = g_msgBus->CreateInterface(INTERFACE_NAME, testIntf);    if (status == ER_OK) {        printf("Interface '%s' created.\n", INTERFACE_NAME);        testIntf->AddMethod("cat", "ss",  "s", "inStr1,inStr2,outStr", 0);        testIntf->Activate();    } else {        printf("Failed to create interface '%s'.\n", INTERFACE_NAME);    }    return status;}/** Start the message bus, report the result to stdout, and return the result status. */QStatus StartMessageBus(void){    QStatus status = g_msgBus->Start();    if (ER_OK == status) {        printf("BusAttachment started.\n");    } else {        printf("BusAttachment::Start failed.\n");    }    return status;}/** Handle the connection to the bus, report the result to stdout, and return the result status. */QStatus ConnectToBus(void){    QStatus status = g_msgBus->Connect();    if (ER_OK == status) {        printf("BusAttachment connected to '%s'.\n", g_msgBus->GetConnectSpec().c_str());    } else {        printf("BusAttachment::Connect('%s') failed.\n", g_msgBus->GetConnectSpec().c_str());    }    return status;}/** Register a bus listener in order to get discovery indications and report the event to stdout. */void RegisterBusListener(void){    /* Static bus listener */    static MyBusListener s_busListener;    g_msgBus->RegisterBusListener(s_busListener);    printf("BusListener Registered.\n");}/** Begin discovery on the well-known name of the service to be called, report the result to   stdout, and return the result status. */QStatus FindAdvertisedName(void){    /* Begin discovery on the well-known name of the service to be called */    QStatus status = g_msgBus->FindAdvertisedName(SERVICE_NAME);    if (status == ER_OK) {        printf("org.alljoyn.Bus.FindAdvertisedName ('%s') succeeded.\n", SERVICE_NAME);    } else {        printf("org.alljoyn.Bus.FindAdvertisedName ('%s') failed (%s).\n", SERVICE_NAME, QCC_StatusText(status));    }    return status;}/** Wait for join session to complete, report the event to stdout, and return the result status. */QStatus WaitForJoinSessionCompletion(void){    unsigned int count = 0;    while (!s_joinComplete && !s_interrupt) {        if (0 == (count++ % 10)) {            printf("Waited %u seconds for JoinSession completion.\n", count / 10);        }#ifdef _WIN32        Sleep(100);#else        usleep(100 * 1000);#endif    }    return s_joinComplete && !s_interrupt ? ER_OK : ER_ALLJOYN_JOINSESSION_REPLY_CONNECT_FAILED;}/** Do a method call, report the result to stdout, and return the result status. */QStatus MakeMethodCall(void){    ProxyBusObject remoteObj(*g_msgBus, SERVICE_NAME, SERVICE_PATH, s_sessionId);    const InterfaceDescription* alljoynTestIntf = g_msgBus->GetInterface(INTERFACE_NAME);    assert(alljoynTestIntf);    remoteObj.AddInterface(*alljoynTestIntf);    Message reply(*g_msgBus);    MsgArg inputs[2];    inputs[0].Set("s", "Hello ");    inputs[1].Set("s", "World!");    QStatus status = remoteObj.MethodCall(INTERFACE_NAME, "cat", inputs, 2, reply, 5000);    if (ER_OK == status) {        printf("'%s.%s' (path='%s') returned '%s'.\n", SERVICE_NAME, "cat",               SERVICE_PATH, reply->GetArg(0)->v_string.str);    } else {        printf("MethodCall on '%s.%s' failed.", SERVICE_NAME, "cat");    }    return status;}/** Main entry point */int CDECL_CALL main(int argc, char** argv, char** envArg){    QCC_UNUSED(argc);    QCC_UNUSED(argv);    QCC_UNUSED(envArg);    if (AllJoynInit() != ER_OK) {        return 1;    }#ifdef ROUTER    if (AllJoynRouterInit() != ER_OK) {        AllJoynShutdown();        return 1;    }#endif    printf("AllJoyn Library version: %s.\n", ajn::GetVersion());    printf("AllJoyn Library build info: %s.\n", ajn::GetBuildInfo());    /* Install SIGINT handler. */    signal(SIGINT, SigIntHandler);    QStatus status = ER_OK;    /* Create message bus. */    g_msgBus = new BusAttachment("myApp", true);    /* This test for NULL is only required if new() behavior is to return NULL     * instead of throwing an exception upon an out of memory failure.     */    if (!g_msgBus) {        status = ER_OUT_OF_MEMORY;    }    if (ER_OK == status) {        status = CreateInterface();    }    if (ER_OK == status) {        status = StartMessageBus();    }    if (ER_OK == status) {        status = ConnectToBus();    }    if (ER_OK == status) {        RegisterBusListener();        status = FindAdvertisedName();    }    if (ER_OK == status) {        status = WaitForJoinSessionCompletion();    }    if (ER_OK == status) {        status = MakeMethodCall();    }    /* Deallocate bus */    delete g_msgBus;    g_msgBus = NULL;    printf("Basic client exiting with status 0x%04x (%s).\n", status, QCC_StatusText(status));#ifdef ROUTER    AllJoynRouterShutdown();#endif    AllJoynShutdown();    return (int) status;}

        注意:我的包名称是-Windows SDK(64bit)VS2012。



/** Create the interface, report the result to stdout, and return the result status. */QStatus CreateInterface(void){    /* Add org.alljoyn.Bus.method_sample interface */    InterfaceDescription* testIntf = NULL;    QStatus status = s_msgBus->CreateInterface(INTERFACE_NAME, testIntf);    if (status == ER_OK) {        printf("Interface created.\n");        testIntf->AddMethod("cat", "ss",  "s", "inStr1,inStr2,outStr", 0);        testIntf->Activate();    } else {        printf("Failed to create interface '%s'.\n", INTERFACE_NAME);    }    return status;}
class BasicSampleObject : public BusObject {  public:    BasicSampleObject(BusAttachment& bus, const char* path) :        BusObject(path)    {        /** Add the test interface to this object */        const InterfaceDescription* exampleIntf = bus.GetInterface(INTERFACE_NAME);        assert(exampleIntf);        AddInterface(*exampleIntf);        /** Register the method handlers with the object */        const MethodEntry methodEntries[] = {            { exampleIntf->GetMember("cat"), static_cast<MessageReceiver::MethodHandler>(&BasicSampleObject::Cat) }        };        QStatus status = AddMethodHandlers(methodEntries, sizeof(methodEntries) / sizeof(methodEntries[0]));        if (ER_OK != status) {            printf("Failed to register method handlers for BasicSampleObject.\n");        }    }    void ObjectRegistered()    {        BusObject::ObjectRegistered();        printf("ObjectRegistered has been called.\n");    }    void Cat(const InterfaceDescription::Member* member, Message& msg)    {        QCC_UNUSED(member);        /* Concatenate the two input strings and reply with the result. */        qcc::String inStr1 = msg->GetArg(0)->v_string.str;        qcc::String inStr2 = msg->GetArg(1)->v_string.str;        qcc::String outStr = inStr1 + inStr2;        MsgArg outArg("s", outStr.c_str());        QStatus status = MethodReply(msg, &outArg, 1);        if (ER_OK != status) {            printf("Ping: Error sending reply.\n");        }    }};
/** Do a method call, report the result to stdout, and return the result status. */QStatus MakeMethodCall(void){    ProxyBusObject remoteObj(*g_msgBus, SERVICE_NAME, SERVICE_PATH, s_sessionId);    const InterfaceDescription* alljoynTestIntf = g_msgBus->GetInterface(INTERFACE_NAME);    assert(alljoynTestIntf);    remoteObj.AddInterface(*alljoynTestIntf);    Message reply(*g_msgBus);    MsgArg inputs[2];    inputs[0].Set("s", "Hello ");    inputs[1].Set("s", "World!");    QStatus status = remoteObj.MethodCall(INTERFACE_NAME, "cat", inputs, 2, reply, 5000);    if (ER_OK == status) {        printf("'%s.%s' (path='%s') returned '%s'.\n", SERVICE_NAME, "cat",               SERVICE_PATH, reply->GetArg(0)->v_string.str);    } else {        printf("MethodCall on '%s.%s' failed.", SERVICE_NAME, "cat");    }    return status;}
        同java中相同的是创建代理对象,不同的是java中直接从代理对象获得接口之后,使用(void or String)interface.method()就实现了方法的调用和返回。这里用了接口描述,没法直接向java一样的调用方法,传入参数以MsgArg数组实现,传出参数以Message实现。
static const char* INTERFACE_NAME = "org.alljoyn.Bus.sample";static const char* SERVICE_NAME = "org.alljoyn.Bus.sample";static const char* SERVICE_PATH = "/sample";static const SessionPort SERVICE_PORT = 25;

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