
来源:互联网 发布:php在线升级原理 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/30 04:11



下面从SwipeDismissBehavior源码的角度看看SwipeDismissBehavior是怎么工作的。SwipeDismissBehavior继承自CoordinatorLayout.Behavior(我们知道CoordinatorLayout.Behavior的使用我们分了三种情况)。这里SwipeDismissBehavior只是关注CoordinatorLayout.Behavior 的 onInterceptTouchEvent和onTouchEvent方法。也就是CoordinatorLayout里Behavior简单分析里面说的Behavior的第一种情况。


    private final ViewDragHelper.Callback mDragCallback = new ViewDragHelper.Callback() {        private int mOriginalCapturedViewLeft;        @Override        public boolean tryCaptureView(View child, int pointerId) {            mOriginalCapturedViewLeft = child.getLeft();            return true;        }        @Override        public void onViewDragStateChanged(int state) {            if (mListener != null) {                mListener.onDragStateChanged(state);            }        }        @Override        public void onViewReleased(View child, float xvel, float yvel) {            final int childWidth = child.getWidth();            int targetLeft;            boolean dismiss = false;            if (shouldDismiss(child, xvel)) {                targetLeft = child.getLeft() < mOriginalCapturedViewLeft                             ? mOriginalCapturedViewLeft - childWidth                             : mOriginalCapturedViewLeft + childWidth;                dismiss = true;            } else {                // Else, reset back to the original left                targetLeft = mOriginalCapturedViewLeft;            }            if (mViewDragHelper.settleCapturedViewAt(targetLeft, child.getTop())) {                ViewCompat.postOnAnimation(child, new SettleRunnable(child, dismiss));            } else if (dismiss && mListener != null) {                mListener.onDismiss(child);            }        }        private boolean shouldDismiss(View child, float xvel) {            if (xvel != 0f) {                final boolean isRtl = ViewCompat.getLayoutDirection(child)                                      == ViewCompat.LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL;                if (mSwipeDirection == SWIPE_DIRECTION_ANY) {                    // We don't care about the direction so return true                    return true;                } else if (mSwipeDirection == SWIPE_DIRECTION_START_TO_END) {                    // We only allow start-to-end swiping, so the fling needs to be in the                    // correct direction                    return isRtl ? xvel < 0f : xvel > 0f;                } else if (mSwipeDirection == SWIPE_DIRECTION_END_TO_START) {                    // We only allow end-to-start swiping, so the fling needs to be in the                    // correct direction                    return isRtl ? xvel > 0f : xvel < 0f;                }            } else {                final int distance = child.getLeft() - mOriginalCapturedViewLeft;                final int thresholdDistance = Math.round(child.getWidth() * mDragDismissThreshold);                return Math.abs(distance) >= thresholdDistance;            }            return false;        }        @Override        public int getViewHorizontalDragRange(View child) {            return child.getWidth();        }        @Override        public int clampViewPositionHorizontal(View child, int left, int dx) {            final boolean isRtl = ViewCompat.getLayoutDirection(child)                                  == ViewCompat.LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL;            int min, max;            if (mSwipeDirection == SWIPE_DIRECTION_START_TO_END) {                if (isRtl) {                    min = mOriginalCapturedViewLeft - child.getWidth();                    max = mOriginalCapturedViewLeft;                } else {                    min = mOriginalCapturedViewLeft;                    max = mOriginalCapturedViewLeft + child.getWidth();                }            } else if (mSwipeDirection == SWIPE_DIRECTION_END_TO_START) {                if (isRtl) {                    min = mOriginalCapturedViewLeft;                    max = mOriginalCapturedViewLeft + child.getWidth();                } else {                    min = mOriginalCapturedViewLeft - child.getWidth();                    max = mOriginalCapturedViewLeft;                }            } else {                min = mOriginalCapturedViewLeft - child.getWidth();                max = mOriginalCapturedViewLeft + child.getWidth();            }            return clamp(min, left, max);        }        @Override        public int clampViewPositionVertical(View child, int top, int dy) {            return child.getTop();        }        @Override        public void onViewPositionChanged(View child, int left, int top, int dx, int dy) {            final float startAlphaDistance = mOriginalCapturedViewLeft                                             + child.getWidth() * mAlphaStartSwipeDistance;            final float endAlphaDistance = mOriginalCapturedViewLeft                                           + child.getWidth() * mAlphaEndSwipeDistance;            if (left <= startAlphaDistance) {                ViewCompat.setAlpha(child, 1f);            } else if (left >= endAlphaDistance) {                ViewCompat.setAlpha(child, 0f);            } else {                // We're between the start and end distances                final float distance = fraction(startAlphaDistance, endAlphaDistance, left);                ViewCompat.setAlpha(child, clamp(0f, 1f - distance, 1f));            }        }    };

1. tryCaptureView函数,保存了我们触摸到的View距离父控件左边的距离。return true。接收手势了。
2. onViewDragStateChanged 直接给listener了。
3. onViewReleased 手势释放的时候调用。找到View最终要到达的位置(指定位置还是回到原位置)。看下shouldDismiss函数具体干了什么事情,第41行如果水平方向有速度(fling的时候不为0,scroll的时候为0)判断是哪个方向的要不要直接到制定的位置去。如果水平方向速度为0(scroll) 则是去判断滑动的距离是否超过了一半(默认是一半可以自己设置)。
4. clampViewPositionHorizontal 水平方向移动。
5. clampViewPositionVertical 垂直方向不移动。
6. onViewPositionChanged 设置在移动的过程中设置透明度。


    @Override    public boolean onInterceptTouchEvent(CoordinatorLayout parent, V child, MotionEvent event) {        switch (MotionEventCompat.getActionMasked(event)) {            case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:            case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL:                // Reset the ignore flag                if (mIgnoreEvents) {                    mIgnoreEvents = false;                    return false;                }                break;            default:                mIgnoreEvents = !parent.isPointInChildBounds(child,                                                             (int) event.getX(), (int) event.getY());                break;        }        if (mIgnoreEvents) {            return false;        }        ensureViewDragHelper(parent);        return mViewDragHelper.shouldInterceptTouchEvent(event);    }



    @Override    public boolean onTouchEvent(CoordinatorLayout parent, V child, MotionEvent event) {        if (mViewDragHelper != null) {            mViewDragHelper.processTouchEvent(event);            return true;        }        return false;    }



    /**     * 设置View滑动的方向 SWIPE_DIRECTION_START_TO_END(右),SWIPE_DIRECTION_END_TO_START(左),SWIPE_DIRECTION_ANY(两个方向都可以) 三个当中的一个     */    public void setSwipeDirection(@SwipeDirection int direction)    /**     * 设置当手指放开的时候滑动的距离达到改设置值*View的宽度的时候 会自动偏移View的宽度的位置     */    public void setDragDismissDistance(float distance)    /**     * 透明度开始变化的位置(当滑动的距离达到改设置值*View的宽度的时候透明度开始变化)     */    public void setStartAlphaSwipeDistance(float fraction)    /**     * 透明度结束变化的位置(当滑动的距离达到改设置值*View的宽度的时候透明度结束变化)     */    public void setEndAlphaSwipeDistance(float fraction)    /**     * 用于设置ViewDragHelper的touchSlop     */    public void setSensitivity(float sensitivity)


注:这里有发现一个问题,如果CoordinatorLayout里面有A View和B View。如果我们只给A View设置了SwipeDismissBehavior。当我们触摸B View的时候B View也会有滑动消失的效果。因为在ViewDragHelper的Callback的tryCaptureView所有的View都是返回的ture。


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