
来源:互联网 发布:mac nginx默认根目录 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 10:41

Hive 语句的简单案例:

hive -hiveconf hive.root.logger=DEBUG,console 调试[hduser@cloud00 second]$ vi stu2015 liubing,20031001,23liuy,20034001,24zhangwu,20040333,21lizhang,20033233,20wuzh,23232323,19[hduser@cloud00 second]$ vi infor2015 20031001,man,beijing xidan       20034001,woman,shanghai road20040333,man,guangzhou road20033233,woman,fujian road23232323,man,jiangshu roadcreate table if not exists student ( name string,number string,age  string) PARTITIONED BY ( dt STRING ) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',\t' STORED AS TEXTFILE;create table if not exists studentinfor ( number string,sex string,address  string) PARTITIONED BY ( dt STRING ) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',\t' STORED AS TEXTFILE;hive> alter table student add partition (dt='2015') location '/student/2015';  alter table student add partition (dt='2014') location '/student/2014/'; '; hive> load data local inpath '/home/hduser/second/stu2015' overwrite into table student partition (dt='2015');hive> alter table student drop partition ( dt='2014' );hive> alter table studentinfor add partition (dt='2015');     hive> load data local inpath '/home/hduser/second/infor2015' overwrite into table studentinfor partition (dt='2015');修改学生表hive> create table student_copy like student;hive> ALTER TABLE student_copy RENAME TO students_czj;hive> desc students_czj;hive> drop table students_czj;hive> select if(name ='liubing',"OK","faile") from student;hive> select * from student order by name asc;hive> select * from student order by name desc;hive> insert overwrite table t1 select name,agehive> insert overwrite table t2 select name,count(name) group by name;hive> select name,max(age) from ( select name,age from student) tt group by name;hive> select student.* ,studentinfor.* from student join studentinfor on ( student.number=studentinfor.number);hive> select A.*,,B.address from student as A LEFT OUTER join studentinfor B on ( A.number=B.number);                   hive> select A.*,,B.address from student as A LEFT OUTER join studentinfor B on ( A.number=B.number) where A.dt='2015' and B.dt='2015';hive> select,C.address,B.age,B.number from t1 join student B on ( ) join studentinfor C on ( B.number=C.number );hive> create view student_view as select,C.address,B.age,B.number from t1 join student B on ( ) join studentinfor C on ( B.number=C.number );CREATE INDEX inedx_number ON TABLE student(number) AS 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.index.compact.CompactIndexHandler' with DEFERRED REBUILD;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////编译与运行ant[hduser@cloud00 bin]$ hive --service hiveserver2& 根据端口号10000 10001来进行定义 [root@cloud00 builder]# java -jar dist/builder-0.0.1.jar main.HiveClentjava -jar dist/builder-0.0.1.jar main.myhivecli;执行hwi工具[hduser@cloud00 bin]$ hive --service hwi&

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