
来源:互联网 发布:app商城源码 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/18 20:05


import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;public class ReentrantLockTest {public static void main(String[] args) {ReentrantLock reentrantLock = new ReentrantLock();new Thread(()->{int i = 0;while(i<3){//获取锁,获取不到就等待reentrantLock.lock();//获取之后进行一系列操作System.out.println("Thread-0 get the lock...");System.out.println("I'm Thread-0,I hold the lock,but I'll sleep for a while,give others the chance to try to get the lock..");try {Thread.sleep(1000);} catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}System.out.println("I'm Thread-0,I'm awake now,I'll release the lock..");i++;reentrantLock.unlock();}}).start();new Thread(()->{int i = 0;while(i<3){//获取锁,获取不到就等待reentrantLock.lock();//获取之后进行一系列操作System.out.println("Thread-1 get the lock...");System.out.println("I'm Thread-1,I hold the lock,but I'll sleep for a while,give others the chance to try to get the lock..");try {Thread.sleep(1000);} catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}System.out.println("I'm Thread-1,I'm awake now,I'll release the lock..");i++;reentrantLock.unlock();}}).start();}//运行结果://Thread-0 get the lock...//I'm Thread-0,I hold the lock,but I'll sleep for a while,give others the chance to try to get the lock..//I'm Thread-0,I'm awake now,I'll release the lock..//Thread-0 get the lock...//I'm Thread-0,I hold the lock,but I'll sleep for a while,give others the chance to try to get the lock..//I'm Thread-0,I'm awake now,I'll release the lock..//Thread-0 get the lock...//I'm Thread-0,I hold the lock,but I'll sleep for a while,give others the chance to try to get the lock..//I'm Thread-0,I'm awake now,I'll release the lock..//Thread-1 get the lock...//I'm Thread-1,I hold the lock,but I'll sleep for a while,give others the chance to try to get the lock..//I'm Thread-1,I'm awake now,I'll release the lock..//Thread-1 get the lock...//I'm Thread-1,I hold the lock,but I'll sleep for a while,give others the chance to try to get the lock..//I'm Thread-1,I'm awake now,I'll release the lock..//Thread-1 get the lock...//I'm Thread-1,I hold the lock,but I'll sleep for a while,give others the chance to try to get the lock..//I'm Thread-1,I'm awake now,I'll release the lock../* * 很显然这是由于锁的作用哦 */}
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock;public class ReentrantReadWriteLockTest {public static void main(String[] args) {/* * 有两个线程对公共资源进行写,使用写锁,有两个线程对公共资源进行读,使用读锁 */ReentrantReadWriteLock rrrl = new ReentrantReadWriteLock();new Thread(()->{//第一个写线程int i = 0;while(i<2){rrrl.writeLock().lock();System.out.println("the first write thread...");try {//给其他线程竞争锁的机会Thread.sleep(10);} catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}System.out.println("the first write thread done...");i++;rrrl.writeLock().unlock();}}).start();new Thread(()->{//第二个写线程int i = 0;while(i<2){rrrl.writeLock().lock();System.out.println("the second write thread...");try {//给其他线程竞争锁的机会Thread.sleep(10);} catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}System.out.println("the second write thread done...");i++;rrrl.writeLock().unlock();}}).start();new Thread(()->{//第一个读线程int i = 0;while(i<2){rrrl.readLock().lock();System.out.println("the first read thread...");try {//给其他线程竞争锁的机会Thread.sleep(10);} catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}System.out.println("the first read thread done...");i++;rrrl.readLock().unlock();}}).start();new Thread(()->{//第二个读线程int i = 0;while(i<2){rrrl.readLock().lock();System.out.println("the second read thread...");try {//给其他线程竞争锁的机会Thread.sleep(10);} catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}System.out.println("the second read thread done...");i++;rrrl.readLock().unlock();}}).start();}}//运行结果://the first write thread...//the first write thread done...//the first write thread...//the first write thread done...//the second write thread...//the second write thread done...//the second write thread...//the second write thread done...//the first read thread...//the second read thread...//the second read thread done...//the second read thread...//the first read thread done...//the first read thread...//the second read thread done...//the first read thread done...
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition;import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;public class OneCondition {public static void main(String[] args) {ReentrantLock rl = new ReentrantLock();Condition condition = rl.newCondition();new Thread(()->{rl.lock();//进来之后就进行等待try {condition.await();System.out.println("I'm thread-0, I'm awake now..");} catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}rl.unlock();}).start();new Thread(()->{rl.lock();//进来之后,先睡一会儿,给线程上一个线程运行的机会,即使给了他机会,因为进去之后就等待了,所以也不会向下执行try {Thread.sleep(1000);} catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}System.out.println("I'm thread-1, I will be in the firstline in the output of the console absolutely..");condition.signalAll();rl.unlock();}).start();//运行结果://I'm thread-1, I will be in the firstline in the output of the console absolutely..//I'm thread-0, I'm awake now..}}
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition;import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;public class TwoConditions {public static void main(String[] args) {ReentrantLock rt = new ReentrantLock();Queue4 queue4 = new Queue4(rt);// 生产者new Thread(() -> {while (queue4.count < 5) {queue4.set();}}).start();// 消费者new Thread(() -> {while (queue4.count <= 5) {queue4.get();}}).start();}//运行结果://Set: 1//Got: 1//Set: 2//Got: 2//Set: 3//Got: 3//Set: 4//Got: 4//Set: 5//#然后程序一直运行,Got:5输出不了。}class Queue4 {int count = 0;boolean isCon = true;ReentrantLock rt = null;Condition pro = null;Condition con = null;public Queue4(ReentrantLock rt) {this.rt = rt;pro = rt.newCondition();con = rt.newCondition();}public void get() {// 消费者rt.lock();if(isCon==false){System.out.println("Got: "+count);isCon = true;pro.signalAll();return;}try {con.await();/* * 等待时候,count为4,等活了之后,count为5,然而count为4等待之后,就一直等待了,没有被唤醒,即使在代码上唤醒了
 */} catch (InterruptedException e) {e.printStackTrace();}rt.unlock();}public void set() {// 生产者rt.lock();if(isCon==true){count ++;System.out.println("Set: "+count);isCon = false;con.signalAll();return;}try {pro.await();} catch (InterruptedException e) {e.printStackTrace();}rt.unlock();}}
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