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      首先我们写一个抽象类Dialog,内容如下/* * Created on 2004-7-10 * * TODO To change the template for this generated file go to * Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates */

/** * @author P2800 *  * TODO To change the template for this generated type comment go to Window - * Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates */

import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;

//The base class for a set of general-purpose//Dialogs. To use, create a concrete instance//of this class, set the Dialog listener,//and then call display.

public abstract class Dialog{    protected Display display;    protected DialogListener listener;    protected Displayable restore;    private int eventID;

    protected Dialog(Display display)    {        this.display = display;    }

    /**     * @return Returns the eventID.     */    public int getEventID()    {        return eventID;    }

    /**     * @param eventID     *            The eventID to set.     */    public void setEventID(int eventID)    {        this.eventID = eventID;    }

    // Dismisses the Dialog, restoring the old    // displayable, if any. This is normally done    // by the Dialog itself in response to commands,    // but can also be called by the application    // in response to some other event, such as a    // timer expiration. The code is passed directly    // to the Dialog listener, if any.

    public void dismiss(int code)    {        Displayable curr = display.getCurrent();        if (curr != getDisplayable())            return;

        if (restore != null)        {            display.setCurrent(restore);        } else        {            display.setCurrent(new Form(""));        }

        if (listener != null)        {            listener.DialogDismissed(this, code);        }    }

    // Displays the Dialog, saving the current    // displayable for later restoration.

    public void display()    {        Displayable curr = display.getCurrent();        Displayable Dialog = getDisplayable();

        if (curr != Dialog)        {            restore = curr;            display.setCurrent(Dialog);        }    }

    public void display(int event)    {        Displayable curr = display.getCurrent();        Displayable Dialog = getDisplayable();        this.eventID = event;

        if (curr != Dialog)        {            restore = curr;            display.setCurrent(Dialog);        }    }

    // Returns the registered Dialog listener.

    public DialogListener getDialogListener()    {        return listener;    }

    // Subclasses implement this method to return    // the actual object to display on the screen.

    protected abstract Displayable getDisplayable();

    // Registers a Dialog listener.

    public void setDialogListener(DialogListener l)    {        listener = l;    }


你需要覆盖getDisplayable()方法返回一个Displayable的对象,当你调用Dialog的display()方法的时候,你的YourDialog将会显示在屏幕上,有的时候你可能要传递一个事件值给后面的对象,那么你应该调用方法display(int event)。Dialog可以注册DialogListener,这个接口定义了一个方法,内容如下:/* * Created on 2004-7-10 * * TODO To change the template for this generated file go to * Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates */

/** * @author P2800 *  * TODO To change the template for this generated type comment go to Window - * Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates */public interface DialogListener{    void DialogDismissed(Dialog Dialog, int code);}当Dialog显示的时候,我们提供给用户的界面是用WaitCanvas实现的,下面是他的代码:/* * Created on 2004-3-14 * * To change the template for this generated file go to * Window - Preferences - Java - Code Generation - Code and Comments */

import java.util.*;import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;

/** * @author p2800 *  * To change the template for this generated type comment go to Window - * Preferences - Java - Code Generation - Code and Comments */public class WaitCanvas extends Canvas{

    private int mCount, mMaximum;    private int mInterval;

    private int mWidth, mHeight, mX, mY, mRadius;    private String mMessage;    private boolean run = false;

    public WaitCanvas(String message, boolean run)    {        this.mMessage = message;        mCount = 0;        mMaximum = 36;        mInterval = 100;

        mWidth = getWidth();        mHeight = getHeight();

        // Calculate the radius.        int halfWidth = (mWidth - mRadius) / 2;        int halfHeight = (mHeight - mRadius) / 2;        mRadius = Math.min(halfWidth, halfHeight);

        //   Calculate the location.        mX = halfWidth - mRadius / 2;        mY = halfHeight - mRadius / 2;

        //   Create a Timer to update the display.        if (run)        {            TimerTask task = new TimerTask()            {                public void run()                {                    mCount = (mCount + 1) % mMaximum;                    repaint();                }            };            Timer timer = new Timer();

            timer.schedule(task, 0, mInterval);        }    }

    public void paint(Graphics g)    {        int theta = -(mCount * 360 / mMaximum);

        // Clear the whole screen.        g.setColor(255, 255, 255);        g.fillRect(0, 0, mWidth, mHeight);

        // Now draw the pinwheel.        g.setColor(128, 128, 255);        g.drawArc(mX, mY, mRadius, mRadius, 0, 360);        g.fillArc(mX, mY, mRadius, mRadius, theta + 90, 90);        g.fillArc(mX, mY, mRadius, mRadius, theta + 270, 90);

        // Draw the message, if there is a message.        if (mMessage != null)        {            g.drawString(mMessage, mWidth / 2, mHeight, Graphics.BOTTOM                    | Graphics.HCENTER);        }    }


通过控制boolean run的值可以决定是不是让这个画面动起来。下面两个例子是Dialog的子类,他们实现了它的抽象方法。我直接给出代码:import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;

//Defines a Dialog that displays a text//message and "Yes" and "No" buttons.

public class ConfirmationDialog extends Dialog implements CommandListener{

    public static final int YES = 0;    public static final int NO = 1;    protected Canvas canvas;    protected Command noCommand;    protected Command yesCommand;    private String message;    private String yesLabel;    private String noLabel;

    public ConfirmationDialog(Display display, String message)    {        this(display, message, null, null);    }

    public ConfirmationDialog(Display display, String amessage,            String ayesLabel, String anoLabel)    {        super(display);        this.message = (amessage == null) ? "继续操作?" : amessage;        this.yesLabel = (yesLabel == null) ? "确定" : ayesLabel;        this.noLabel = (noLabel == null) ? "返回" : anoLabel;

        yesCommand = new Command(yesLabel, Command.OK, 1);        noCommand = new Command(noLabel, Command.CANCEL, 1);

        canvas = new WaitCanvas(message, true);        canvas.addCommand(yesCommand);        canvas.addCommand(noCommand);        canvas.setCommandListener(this);    }

    /**     * @return Returns the message.     */    public String getMessage()    {        return message;    }

    /**     * @param message     *            The message to set.     */    public void setMessage(String message)    {        this.message = message;    }

    public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable d)    {        if (c == yesCommand)        {            dismiss(YES);        } else if (c == noCommand)        {            dismiss(NO);        }    }

    protected Displayable getDisplayable()    {        return canvas;    }


import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;

public class MessageDialog extends Dialog implements CommandListener{

    public static final int OK = 0;    protected Command command;    protected Canvas canvas;    private String message;    private String label;

    public MessageDialog(Display display, String message)    {        this(display, message, null);    }

    public MessageDialog(Display display, String amessage, String alabel)    {        super(display);        this.message = (amessage == null)?"完成":amessage;        this.label = (alabel == null)?"确定":alabel;        command = new Command(label, Command.OK, 1);        canvas = new WaitCanvas(message, true);        canvas.addCommand(command);        canvas.setCommandListener(this);


    public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable d)    {        if (c == command)        {            dismiss(OK);        }    }

    protected Displayable getDisplayable()    {        return canvas;    }


你可以方便的在自己的程序中使用这两个Dialog,你也可以扩展Dialog实现自己的Dialog,下面是测试这两个Dialog的MIDlet。首先我们看一下它的截图然后给出源代码!这里只给出用户选择确定的界面,如果你选择返回那么知识下面的文字改变。import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;import javax.microedition.midlet.*;

public class DialogTest extends MIDlet implements CommandListener,        DialogListener{

    private Display display;    private Form mainForm;    private ConfirmationDialog confirm;    private MessageDialog message;

    public static final Command exitCommand = new Command("Exit", Command.EXIT,            1);

    public DialogTest()    {    }

    public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable d)    {        if (c == exitCommand)        {            exitMIDlet();        }    }

    protected void destroyApp(boolean unconditional)            throws MIDletStateChangeException    {        exitMIDlet();    }

    public void exitMIDlet()    {        notifyDestroyed();    }

    public Display getDisplay()    {        return display;    }

    protected void initMIDlet()    {    }

    protected void pauseApp()    {    }

    protected void startApp() throws MIDletStateChangeException    {        if (display == null)        {            display = Display.getDisplay(this);            initMIDlet();        }

        // First ask the user a question

        confirm = new ConfirmationDialog(display, "继续操作嘛?");        confirm.setDialogListener(this);        confirm.display();    }

    public void DialogDismissed(Dialog d, int code)    {        if (d == confirm)        {            // Then give the user a response

            if (code == ConfirmationDialog.YES)            {                message = new MessageDialog(display, "您选择了确定");            } else            {                message = new MessageDialog(display, "您选择了返回");            }            message.display();            message.setDialogListener(this);        } else if (d == message)        {            // Now let the user quit

            Form f = new Form(null);            f.append("退出程序");            f.addCommand(exitCommand);            f.setCommandListener(this);            display.setCurrent(f);        }    }



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