java 分次读取大文件的三种方法

来源:互联网 发布:linux c 串口中断级别 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 21:30

1. java 读取大文件的困难

java 读取文件的一般操作是将文件数据全部读取到内存中,然后再对数据进行操作。例如

Path path = Paths.get("file path");byte[] data = Files.readAllBytes(path);


Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Required array size too large    at java.nio.file.Files.readAllBytes(

从错误定位看出,Files.readAllBytes 方法最大支持 Integer.MAX_VALUE - 8 大小的文件,也即最大2GB的文件。一旦超过了这个限度,java 原生的方法就不能直接使用了。

2. 分次读取大文件


(1) 文件字节流

对文件建立 ,每次调用 read() 方法时会接连取出文件中长度为 arraySize 的数据到 array 中。这种方法可行但是效率不高。

import;import;import;/** * Created by zfh on 16-4-19. */public class StreamFileReader {    private BufferedInputStream fileIn;    private long fileLength;    private int arraySize;    private byte[] array;    public StreamFileReader(String fileName, int arraySize) throws IOException {        this.fileIn = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(fileName), arraySize);        this.fileLength = fileIn.available();        this.arraySize = arraySize;    }    public int read() throws IOException {        byte[] tmpArray = new byte[arraySize];        int bytes =;// 暂存到字节数组中        if (bytes != -1) {            array = new byte[bytes];// 字节数组长度为已读取长度            System.arraycopy(tmpArray, 0, array, 0, bytes);// 复制已读取数据            return bytes;        }        return -1;    }    public void close() throws IOException {        fileIn.close();        array = null;    }    public byte[] getArray() {        return array;    }    public long getFileLength() {        return fileLength;    }    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {        StreamFileReader reader = new StreamFileReader("/home/zfh/movie.mkv", 65536);        long start = System.nanoTime();        while ( != -1) ;        long end = System.nanoTime();        reader.close();        System.out.println("StreamFileReader: " + (end - start));    }}

(2) 文件通道

对文件建立 java.nio.channels.FileChannel ,每次调用 read() 方法时会先将文件数据读取到分配的长度为 arraySizejava.nio.ByteBuffer 中,再从中将已经读取到的文件数据转化到 array 中。这种利用了NIO中的通道的方法,比传统的字节流读取文件是要快一些。

import;import;import java.nio.ByteBuffer;import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;/** * Created by zfh on 16-4-18. */public class ChannelFileReader {    private FileInputStream fileIn;    private ByteBuffer byteBuf;    private long fileLength;    private int arraySize;    private byte[] array;    public ChannelFileReader(String fileName, int arraySize) throws IOException {        this.fileIn = new FileInputStream(fileName);        this.fileLength = fileIn.getChannel().size();        this.arraySize = arraySize;        this.byteBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(arraySize);    }    public int read() throws IOException {        FileChannel fileChannel = fileIn.getChannel();        int bytes =;// 读取到ByteBuffer中        if (bytes != -1) {            array = new byte[bytes];// 字节数组长度为已读取长度            byteBuf.flip();            byteBuf.get(array);// 从ByteBuffer中得到字节数组            byteBuf.clear();            return bytes;        }        return -1;    }    public void close() throws IOException {        fileIn.close();        array = null;    }    public byte[] getArray() {        return array;    }    public long getFileLength() {        return fileLength;    }    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {        ChannelFileReader reader = new ChannelFileReader("/home/zfh/movie.mkv", 65536);        long start = System.nanoTime();        while ( != -1) ;        long end = System.nanoTime();        reader.close();        System.out.println("ChannelFileReader: " + (end - start));    }}

(3) 内存文件映射

这种方法就是把文件的内容被映像到计算机虚拟内存的一块区域,从而可以直接操作内存当中的数据而无需每次都通过 I/O 去物理硬盘读取文件。这是由当前 java 态进入到操作系统内核态,由操作系统读取文件,再返回数据到当前 java 态的过程。这样就能大幅提高我们操作大文件的速度。

import;import;import java.nio.MappedByteBuffer;import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;/** * Created by zfh on 16-4-19. */public class MappedFileReader {    private FileInputStream fileIn;    private MappedByteBuffer mappedBuf;    private long fileLength;    private int arraySize;    private byte[] array;    public MappedFileReader(String fileName, int arraySize) throws IOException {        this.fileIn = new FileInputStream(fileName);        FileChannel fileChannel = fileIn.getChannel();        this.fileLength = fileChannel.size();        this.mappedBuf =, 0, fileLength);        this.arraySize = arraySize;    }    public int read() throws IOException {        int limit = mappedBuf.limit();        int position = mappedBuf.position();        if (position == limit) {            return -1;        }        if (limit - position > arraySize) {            array = new byte[arraySize];            mappedBuf.get(array);            return arraySize;        } else {// 最后一次读取数据            array = new byte[limit - position];            mappedBuf.get(array);            return limit - position;        }    }    public void close() throws IOException {        fileIn.close();        array = null;    }    public byte[] getArray() {        return array;    }    public long getFileLength() {        return fileLength;    }    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {        MappedFileReader reader = new MappedFileReader("/home/zfh/movie.mkv", 65536);        long start = System.nanoTime();        while ( != -1);        long end = System.nanoTime();        reader.close();        System.out.println("MappedFileReader: " + (end - start));    }}

看似问题完美解决了,我们肯定会采用内存文件映射的方法去处理大文件。但是运行结果发现,这个方法仍然不能读取超过2GB的文件,明明 方法传递的文件长度是 long 类型的,怎么和 Integer.MAX_VALUE 有关系?

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Size exceeds Integer.MAX_VALUE    at


size - The size of the region to be mapped; must be non-negative and no greater than Integer.MAX_VALUE

这可以归结到一些历史原因,还有 int 类型在 java 中的深入程度,但是本质上由于 java.nio.MappedByteBuffer 是直接继承自 java.nio.ByteBuffer 的,而后者的索引变量是 int 类型的,所以前者也只能最大索引到 Integer.MAX_VALUE 的位置。这样的话我们是不是就没有办法了?当然不是,一个内存文件映射不够用,那么试一试用多个就可以了。

import;import;import java.nio.MappedByteBuffer;import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;/** * Created by zfh on 16-4-19. */public class MappedBiggerFileReader {    private MappedByteBuffer[] mappedBufArray;    private int count = 0;    private int number;    private FileInputStream fileIn;    private long fileLength;    private int arraySize;    private byte[] array;    public MappedBiggerFileReader(String fileName, int arraySize) throws IOException {        this.fileIn = new FileInputStream(fileName);        FileChannel fileChannel = fileIn.getChannel();        this.fileLength = fileChannel.size();        this.number = (int) Math.ceil((double) fileLength / (double) Integer.MAX_VALUE);        this.mappedBufArray = new MappedByteBuffer[number];// 内存文件映射数组        long preLength = 0;        long regionSize = (long) Integer.MAX_VALUE;// 映射区域的大小        for (int i = 0; i < number; i++) {// 将文件的连续区域映射到内存文件映射数组中            if (fileLength - preLength < (long) Integer.MAX_VALUE) {                regionSize = fileLength - preLength;// 最后一片区域的大小            }            mappedBufArray[i] =, preLength, regionSize);            preLength += regionSize;// 下一片区域的开始        }        this.arraySize = arraySize;    }    public int read() throws IOException {        if (count >= number) {            return -1;        }        int limit = mappedBufArray[count].limit();        int position = mappedBufArray[count].position();        if (limit - position > arraySize) {            array = new byte[arraySize];            mappedBufArray[count].get(array);            return arraySize;        } else {// 本内存文件映射最后一次读取数据            array = new byte[limit - position];            mappedBufArray[count].get(array);            if (count < number) {                count++;// 转换到下一个内存文件映射            }            return limit - position;        }    }    public void close() throws IOException {        fileIn.close();        array = null;    }    public byte[] getArray() {        return array;    }    public long getFileLength() {        return fileLength;    }    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {        MappedBiggerFileReader reader = new MappedBiggerFileReader("/home/zfh/movie.mkv", 65536);        long start = System.nanoTime();        while ( != -1) ;        long end = System.nanoTime();        reader.close();        System.out.println("MappedBiggerFileReader: " + (end - start));    }}

3. 运行结果比较


StreamFileReader:  11494900386ChannelFileReader: 11329346316MappedFileReader:  11169097480


StreamFileReader:       194579779394ChannelFileReader:      190430242497MappedBiggerFileReader: 186923035795
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