PLEAC-Perl 教程 - Pattern Matching (Perl进阶者极力推荐)

来源:互联网 发布:窦唯官方淘宝店 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 14:19
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6. Pattern Matching


match( $string, $pattern );
subst( $string, $pattern, $replacement );
$meadow =~ m/sheep/; # True if $meadow contains "sheep"
$meadow !~ m/sheep/; # True if $meadow doesn't contain "sheep"
$meadow =~ s/old/new/; # Replace "old" with "new" in $meadow
# Fine bovines demand fine toreadors.
# Muskoxen are a polar ovibovine species.
# Grooviness went out of fashion decades ago.
# Ovines are found typically in oviaries.
if ($meadow =~ //bovines?/b/i) { print "Here be sheep!" }
$string = "good food";
$string =~ s/o*/e/;
# good food

# geod food

# geed food

# geed feed

# ged food

# ged fed

# egood food
#% echo ababacaca | perl -ne 'print "___FCKpd___0amp;/n" if /(a|ba|b)+(a|ac)+/'
#% echo ababacaca |

# awk 'match($0,/(a|ba|b)+(a|ac)+/) { print substr($0, RSTART, RLENGTH) }'
while (m/(/d+)/g) {
print "Found number $1/n";
@numbers = m/(/d+)/g;
$digits = "123456789";
@nonlap = $digits =~ /(/d/d/d)/g;
@yeslap = $digits =~ /(?=(/d/d/d))/g;
print "Non-overlapping: @nonlap/n";
print "Overlapping: @yeslap/n";
# Non-overlapping: 123 456 789

# Overlapping: 123 234 345 456 567 678 789
$string = "And little lambs eat ivy";
$string =~ /l[^s]*s/;
print "(
<script type="text/javascript"><!--google_ad_client = "pub-5143338080895292";/* 728x90, created 4/10/08 */google_ad_slot = "6675122003";google_ad_width = 728;google_ad_height = 90;//--></script> <script type="text/javascript"src=""></script>

6. Pattern Matching


) (___FCKpd___0amp;) (

Copying and Substituting Simultaneously

$dst = $src;
$dst =~ s/this/that/;
($dst = $src) =~ s/this/that/;
# strip to basename
($progname = $0) =~ s!^.*/!!;

# Make All Words Title-Cased
($capword = $word) =~ s/(/w+)//u/L$1/g;

# /usr/man/man3/foo.1 changes to /usr/man/cat3/foo.1
($catpage = $manpage) =~ s/man(?=/d)/cat/;
@bindirs = qw( /usr/bin /bin /usr/local/bin );
for (@libdirs = @bindirs) { s/bin/lib/ }
print "@libdirs/n";
# /usr/lib /lib /usr/local/lib
($a = $b) =~ s/x/y/g; # copy $b and then change $a
$a = ($b =~ s/x/y/g); # change $b, count goes in $a

Matching Letters

if ($var =~ /^[A-Za-z]+$/) {
# it is purely alphabetic
use locale;
if ($var =~ /^[^/W/d_]+$/) {
print "var is purely alphabetic/n";
use locale;
use POSIX 'locale_h';

# the following locale string might be different on your system
unless (setlocale(LC_ALL, "fr_CA.ISO8859-1")) {
die "couldn't set locale to French Canadian/n";

while (<DATA>) {
if (/^[^/W/d_]+$/) {
print "$_: alphabetic/n";
} else {
print "$_: line noise/n";


Matching Words

#//S+/ # as many non-whitespace bytes as possible
#/[A-Za-z'-]+/ # as many letters, apostrophes, and hyphens
#//b([A-Za-z]+)/b/ # usually best
#//s([A-Za-z]+)/s/ # fails at ends or w/ punctuation

Commenting Regular Expressions

# download the following standalone program
#!/usr/bin/perl -p
# resname - change all "" style names in the input stream
# into " []" (or whatever) instead

use Socket; # load inet_addr
s{ #
( # capture the hostname in $1
(?: # these parens for grouping only
(?! [-_] ) # lookahead for neither underscore nor dash
[/w-] + # hostname component
/. # and the domain dot
) + # now repeat that whole thing a bunch of times
[A-Za-z] # next must be a letter
[/w-] + # now trailing domain part
) # end of $1 capture
}{ # replace with this:
"$1 " . # the original bit, plus a space
( ($addr = gethostbyname($1)) # if we get an addr
? "[" . inet_ntoa($addr) . "]" # format it
: "[???]" # else mark dubious
}gex; # /g for global
# /e for execute
# /x for nice formatting

s/ # replace
/# # a pound sign
(/w+) # the variable name
/# # another pound sign
/${$1}/xg; # with the value of the global variable
s/ # replace
/# # a pound sign
(/w+) # the variable name
/# # another pound sign

Finding the Nth Occurrence of a Match

# One fish two fish red fish blue fish
$WANT = 3;
$count = 0;
while (/(/w+)/s+fish/b/gi) {
if (++$count == $WANT) {
print "The third fish is a $1 one./n";
# Warning: don't `last' out of this loop
# The third fish is a red one.
# simple way with while loop
$count = 0;
while ($string =~ /PAT/g) {
$count++; # or whatever you'd like to do here

# same thing with trailing while
$count = 0;
$count++ while $string =~ /PAT/g;

# or with for loop
for ($count = 0; $string =~ /PAT/g; $count++) { }

# Similar, but this time count overlapping matches
$count++ while $string =~ /(?=PAT)/g;
$pond = 'One fish two fish red fish blue fish';

# using a temporary
@colors = ($pond =~ /(/w+)/s+fish/b/gi); # get all matches
$color = $colors[2]; # then the one we want

# or without a temporary array
$color = ( $pond =~ /(/w+)/s+fish/b/gi )[2]; # just grab element 3

print "The third fish in the pond is $color./n";
# The third fish in the pond is red.
$count = 0;
$_ = 'One fish two fish red fish blue fish';
@evens = grep { $count++ % 2 == 1 } /(/w+)/s+fish/b/gi;
print "Even numbered fish are @evens./n";
# Even numbered fish are two blue.
$count = 0;
/b # makes next /w more efficient
( /w+ ) # this is what we'll be changing
/s+ fish /b
if (++$count == 4) {
"sushi" . $2;
} else {
$1 . $2;
# One fish two fish red fish sushi fish
$pond = 'One fish two fish red fish blue fish swim here.';
$color = ( $pond =~ //b(/w+)/s+fish/b/gi )[-1];
print "Last fish is $color./n";
# Last fish is blue.
A # find some pattern A
(?! # mustn't be able to find
.* # something
A # and A
$ # through the end of the string
$pond = 'One fish two fish red fish blue fish swim here.';
if ($pond =~ m{
/b ( /w+) /s+ fish /b
(?! .* /b fish /b )
}six )
print "Last fish is $1./n";
} else {
print "Failed!/n";
# Last fish is blue.

Matching Multiple Lines

# download the following standalone program
# killtags - very bad html tag killer
undef $/; # each read is whole file
while (<>) { # get one whole file at a time
s/<.*?>//gs; # strip tags (terribly)
print; # print file to STDOUT

# download the following standalone program
# headerfy: change certain chapter headers to html
$/ = '';
while ( <> ) { # fetch a paragraph
/A # start of record
( # capture in $1
Chapter # text string
/s+ # mandatory whitespace
/d+ # decimal number
/s* # optional whitespace
: # a real colon
. * # anything not a newline till end of line

#% perl -00pe 's{/A(Chapter/s+/d+/s*:.*)}{<H1>$1</H1>}gx' datafile
$/ = ''; # paragraph read mode for readline access
while (<ARGV>) {
while (m#^START(.*?)^END#sm) { # /s makes . span line boundaries
# /m makes ^ match near newlines
print "chunk $. in $ARGV has <<$1>>/n";

Reading Records with a Pattern Separator

undef $/;
@chunks = split(/pattern/, <FILEHANDLE>);
# .Ch, .Se and .Ss divide chunks of STDIN
local $/ = undef;
@chunks = split(/^/.(Ch|Se|Ss)$/m, <>);
print "I read ", scalar(@chunks), " chunks./n";

Extracting a Range of Lines

while (<>) {
# line falls between BEGIN and END in the
# text, inclusive.

while (<>) {
# operate only between first and last line, inclusive.
while (<>) {
# line is between BEGIN and END on different lines

while (<>) {
# operate only between first and last line, but not same
# command-line to print lines 15 through 17 inclusive (see below)
perl -ne 'print if 15 .. 17' datafile

# print out all <XMP> .. </XMP> displays from HTML doc
while (<>) {
print if m#<XMP>#i .. m#</XMP>#i;

# same, but as shell command
# perl -ne 'print if m#<XMP>#i .. m#</XMP>#i' document.html
# perl -ne 'BEGIN { $top=3; $bottom=5 } print if $top .. $bottom' /etc/passwd # previous command FAILS
# perl -ne 'BEGIN { $top=3; $bottom=5 } /
# print if $. == $top .. $. == $bottom' /etc/passwd # works
# perl -ne 'print if 3 .. 5' /etc/passwd # also works
print if /begin/ .. /end/;
print if /begin/ ... /end/;
while (<>) {
$in_header = 1 .. /^$/;
$in_body = /^$/ .. eof();
%seen = ();
while (<>) {
next unless /^From:?/s/i .. /^$/;
while (/([^<>(),;/s]+/@[^<>(),;/s]+)/g) {
print "$1/n" unless $seen{$1}++;

Matching Shell Globs as Regular Expressions

sub glob2pat {
my $globstr = shift;
my %patmap = (
'*' => '.*',
'?' => '.',
'[' => '[',
']' => ']',
$globstr =~ s{(.)} { $patmap{$1} || "/Q$1" }ge;
return '^' . $globstr . '

Speeding Up Interpolated Matches

while ($line = <>) {
if ($line =~ /$pattern/o) {
# do something
# download the following standalone program
# popgrep1 - grep for abbreviations of places that say "pop"
# version 1: slow but obvious way
@popstates = qw(CO ON MI WI MN);
LINE: while (defined($line = <>)) {
for $state (@popstates) {
if ($line =~ //b$state/b/) {
print; next LINE;

# download the following standalone program
# popgrep2 - grep for abbreviations of places that say "pop"
# version 2: eval strings; fast but hard to quote
@popstates = qw(CO ON MI WI MN);
$code = 'while (defined($line = <>)) {';
for $state (@popstates) {
$code .= "/tif (/$line =~ ///b$state//b/) { print /$line; next; }/n";
$code .= '}';
print "CODE IS/n----/n$code/n----/n" if 0; # turn on to debug
eval $code;
die if $@;

while (defined($line = <>)) {
if ($line =~ //bCO/b/) { print $line; next; }
if ($line =~ //bON/b/) { print $line; next; }
if ($line =~ //bMI/b/) { print $line; next; }
if ($line =~ //bWI/b/) { print $line; next; }
if ($line =~ //bMN/b/) { print $line; next; }
# download the following standalone program
# popgrep3 - grep for abbreviations of places that say "pop"
# version 3: use build_match_func algorithm
@popstates = qw(CO ON MI WI MN);
$expr = join('||', map { "m///b/$popstates[$_]//b/o" } 0..$#popstates);
$match_any = eval "sub { $expr }";
die if $@;
while (<>) {
print if &$match_any;

sub {
m//b$popstates[0]/b/o || m//b$popstates[1]/b/o ||
m//b$popstates[2]/b/o || m//b$popstates[3]/b/o ||
# download the following standalone program
# grepauth - print lines that mention both Tom and Nat

$multimatch = build_match_all(q/Tom/, q/Nat/);
while (<>) {
print if &$multimatch;

sub build_match_any { build_match_func('||', @_) }
sub build_match_all { build_match_func('&&', @_) }
sub build_match_func {
my $condition = shift;
my @pattern = @_; # must be lexical variable, not dynamic one
my $expr = join $condition => map { "m//$pattern[$_]/o" } (0..$#pattern);
my $match_func = eval "sub { local /$_ = shift if /@_; $expr }";
die if $@; # propagate $@; this shouldn't happen!
return $match_func;

# download the following standalone program
# popgrep4 - grep for abbreviations of places that say "pop"
# version 4: use Regexp module
use Regexp;
@popstates = qw(CO ON MI WI MN);
@poppats = map { Regexp->new( '/b' . $_ . '/b') } @popstates;
while (defined($line = <>)) {
for $patobj (@poppats) {
print $line if $patobj->match($line);


Testing for a Valid Pattern

do {
print "Pattern? ";
chomp($pat = <>);
eval { "" =~ /$pat/ };
warn "INVALID PATTERN $@" if $@;
} while $@;
sub is_valid_pattern {
my $pat = shift;
return eval { "" =~ /$pat/; 1 } || 0;
# download the following standalone program
# paragrep - trivial paragraph grepper
die "usage: $0 pat [files]/n" unless @ARGV;
$/ = '';
$pat = shift;
eval { "" =~ /$pat/; 1 } or die "$0: Bad pattern $pat: $@/n";
while (<>) {
print "$ARGV $.: $_" if /$pat/o;

$pat = "You lose @{[ system('rm -rf *')]} big here";
$safe_pat = quotemeta($pat);
something() if /$safe_pat/;
something() if //Q$pat/;

Honoring Locale Settings in Regular Expressions

use locale;
# download the following standalone program
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# localeg - demonstrate locale effects

use locale;
use POSIX 'locale_h';

$name = "andreas k/xF6nig";
@locale{qw(German English)} = qw(de_DE.ISO_8859-1 us-ascii);
setlocale(LC_CTYPE, $locale{English})
or die "Invalid locale $locale{English}";
@english_names = ();
while ($name =~ //b(/w+)/b/g) {
push(@english_names, ucfirst($1));
setlocale(LC_CTYPE, $locale{German})
or die "Invalid locale $locale{German}";
@german_names = ();
while ($name =~ //b(/w+)/b/g) {
push(@german_names, ucfirst($1));
print "English names: @english_names/n";
print "German names: @german_names/n";

English names: Andreas K Nig

German names: Andreas K鰊ig

Approximate Matching

use String::Approx qw(amatch);

if (amatch("PATTERN", @list)) {
# matched

@matches = amatch("PATTERN", @list);
use String::Approx qw(amatch);
open(DICT, "/usr/dict/words") or die "Can't open dict: $!";
while(<DICT>) {
print if amatch("balast");






Matching from Where the Last Pattern Left Off

while (/(/d+)/g) {
print "Found $1/n";
$n = " 49 here";
$n =~ s//G /0/g;
print $n;
00049 here
while (//G,?(/d+)/g) {
print "Found number $1/n";
$_ = "The year 1752 lost 10 days on the 3rd of September";

while (/(/d+)/gc) {
print "Found number $1/n";

if (//G(/S+)/g) {
print "Found $1 after the last number./n";

#Found number 1752
#Found number 10
#Found number 3
#Found rd after the last number.
print "The position in /$a is ", pos($a);
pos($a) = 30;
print "The position in /$_ is ", pos;
pos = 30;

Greedy and Non-Greedy Matches

# greedy pattern
s/<.*>//gs; # try to remove tags, very badly

# non-greedy pattern
s/<.*?>//gs; # try to remove tags, still rather badly
#<b><i>this</i> and <i>that</i> are important</b> Oh, <b><i>me too!</i></b>
m{ <b><i>(.*?)</i></b> }sx
m{ <b><i>( (?: (?!</b>|</i>). )* ) </i></b> }sx
m{ <b><i>( (?: (?!</[ib]>). )* ) </i></b> }sx
[^<]* # stuff not possibly bad, and not possibly the end.
# at this point, we can have '<' if not part of something bad
(?! </?[ib]> ) # what we can't have
< # okay, so match the '<'
[^<]* # and continue with more safe stuff
) *

Detecting Duplicate Words

$/ = ''; # paragrep mode
while (<>) {
while ( m{
/b # start at a word boundary (begin letters)
(/S+) # find chunk of non-whitespace
/b # until another word boundary (end letters)
/s+ # separated by some whitespace
/1 # and that very same chunk again
/b # until another word boundary
) + # one or more sets of those
print "dup word '$1' at paragraph $./n";
This is a test
test of the duplicate word finder.
$a = 'nobody';
$b = 'bodysnatcher';
if ("$a $b" =~ /^(/w+)(/w+) /2(/w+)$/) {
print "$2 overlaps in $1-$2-$3/n";
body overlaps in no-body-snatcher
/^(/w+?)(/w+) /2(/w+)$/,
# download the following standalone program
# prime_pattern -- find prime factors of argument using pattern matching
for ($N = ('o' x shift); $N =~ /^(oo+?)/1+$/; $N =~ s/$1/o/g) {
print length($1), " ";
print length ($N), "/n";

# solve for 12x + 15y + 16z = 281, maximizing x
if (($X, $Y, $Z) =
(('o' x 281) =~ /^(o*)/1{11}(o*)/2{14}(o*)/3{15}$/))
($x, $y, $z) = (length($X), length($Y), length($Z));
print "One solution is: x=$x; y=$y; z=$z./n";
} else {
print "No solution./n";
#One solution is: x=17; y=3; z=2.
('o' x 281) =~ /^(o+)/1{11}(o+)/2{14}(o+)/3{15}$/;
#One solution is: x=17; y=3; z=2

('o' x 281) =~ /^(o*?)/1{11}(o*)/2{14}(o*)/3{15}$/;
#One solution is: x=0; y=7; z=11.

('o' x 281) =~ /^(o+?)/1{11}(o*)/2{14}(o*)/3{15}$/;
#One solution is: x=1; y=3; z=14.

Expressing AND, OR, and NOT in a Single Pattern

chomp($pattern = <CONFIG_FH>);
if ( $data =~ /$pattern/ ) { ..... }
if (!($string =~ /pattern/)) { something() } # ugly
if ( $string !~ /pattern/) { something() } # preferred
if ($string =~ /pat1/ && $string =~ /pat2/ ) {
() }
if ($string =~ /pat1/ || $string =~ /pat2/ ) {
() }
# download the following standalone program
# minigrep - trivial grep
$pat = shift;
while (<>) {
print if /$pat/o;

"labelled" =~ /^(?=.*bell)(?=.*lab)/s
$string =~ /bell/ && $string =~ /lab/
if ($murray_hill =~ m{
^ # start of string
(?= # zero-width lookahead
.* # any amount of intervening stuff
bell # the desired bell string
) # rewind, since we were only looking
(?= # and do the same thing
.* # any amount of intervening stuff
lab # and the lab part
}sx ) # /s means . can match newline
print "Looks like Bell Labs might be in Murray Hill!/n";
"labelled" =~ /(?:^.*bell.*lab)|(?:^.*lab.*bell)/
$brand = "labelled";
if ($brand =~ m{
(?: # non-capturing grouper
^ .*? # any amount of stuff at the front
bell # look for a bell
.*? # followed by any amount of anything
lab # look for a lab
) # end grouper
| # otherwise, try the other direction
(?: # non-capturing grouper
^ .*? # any amount of stuff at the front
lab # look for a lab
.*? # followed by any amount of anything
bell # followed by a bell
) # end grouper
}sx ) # /s means . can match newline
print "Our brand has bell and lab separate./n";
$map =~ /^(?:(?!waldo).)*$/s
if ($map =~ m{
^ # start of string
(?: # non-capturing grouper
(?! # look ahead negation
waldo # is he ahead of us now?
) # is so, the negation failed
. # any character (cuzza /s)
) * # repeat that grouping 0 or more
$ # through the end of the string
}sx ) # /s means . can match newline
print "There's no waldo here!/n";
7:15am up 206 days, 13:30, 4 users, load average: 1.04, 1.07, 1.04


tchrist tty1 5:16pm 36days 24:43 0.03s xinit

tchrist tty2 5:19pm 6days 0.43s 0.43s -tcsh

tchrist ttyp0 chthon 7:58am 3days 23.44s 0.44s -tcsh

gnat ttyS4 coprolith 2:01pm 13:36m 0.30s 0.30s -tcsh
#% w | minigrep '^(?!.*ttyp).*tchrist'
^ # anchored to the start
(?! # zero-width look-ahead assertion
.* # any amount of anything (faster than .*?)
ttyp # the string you don't want to find
) # end look-ahead negation; rewind to start
.* # any amount of anything (faster than .*?)
tchrist # now try to find Tom
#% w | grep tchrist | grep -v ttyp
#% grep -i 'pattern' files
#% minigrep '(?i)pattern' files

Matching Multiple-Byte Characters

my $eucjp = q{ # EUC-JP encoding subcomponents:
[/x00-/x7F] # ASCII/JIS-Roman (one-byte/character)
| /x8E[/xA0-/xDF] # half-width katakana (two bytes/char)
| /x8F[/xA1-/xFE][/xA1-/xFE] # JIS X 0212-1990 (three bytes/char)
| [/xA1-/xFE][/xA1-/xFE] # JIS X 0208:1997 (two bytes/char)
/^ (?: $eucjp )*? /xC5/xEC/xB5/xFE/ox # Trying to find Tokyo
/^ ( (?:eucjp)*? ) $Tokyo/$1$Osaka/ox
//G ( (?:eucjp)*? ) $Tokyo/$1$Osaka/gox
@chars = /$eucjp/gox; # One character per list element
while (<>) {
my @chars = /$eucjp/gox; # One character per list element
for my $char (@chars) {
if (length($char) == 1) {
# Do something interesting with this one-byte character
} else {
# Do something interesting with this multiple-byte character
my $line = join("",@chars); # Glue list back together
print $line;
$is_eucjp = m/^(?:$eucjp)*$/xo;
$is_eucjp = m/^(?:$eucjp)*$/xo;
$is_sjis = m/^(?:$sjis)*$/xo;
while (<>) {
my @chars = /$eucjp/gox; # One character per list element
for my $euc (@chars) {
my $uni = $euc2uni{$char};
if (defined $uni) {
$euc = $uni;
} else {
## deal with unknown EUC->Unicode mapping here.
my $line = join("",@chars);
print $line;

Matching a Valid Mail Address

1 while $addr =~ s//([^()]*/)//g;

Please confirm the mail address you gave us Wed May 6 09:38:41
MDT 1998 by replying to this message. Include the string
"Rumpelstiltskin" in that reply, but spelled in reverse; that is,
start with "Nik...". Once this is done, your confirmed address will
be entered into our records.

Matching Abbreviations

chomp($answer = <>);
if ("SEND" =~ /^/Q$answer/i) { print "Action is send/n" }
elsif ("STOP" =~ /^/Q$answer/i) { print "Action is stop/n" }
elsif ("ABORT" =~ /^/Q$answer/i) { print "Action is abort/n" }
elsif ("LIST" =~ /^/Q$answer/i) { print "Action is list/n" }
elsif ("EDIT" =~ /^/Q$answer/i) { print "Action is edit/n" }
use Text::Abbrev;
$href = abbrev qw(send abort list edit);
for (print "Action: "; <>; print "Action: ") {
my $action = $href->{ lc($_) };
print "Action is $action/n";
$name = 'send';
# assumes that &invoke_editor, &deliver_message,
# $file and $PAGER are defined somewhere else.
use Text::Abbrev;
my($href, %actions, $errors);
%actions = (
"edit" => /&invoke_editor,
"send" => /&deliver_message,
"list" => sub { system($PAGER, $file) },
"abort" => sub {
print "See ya!/n";
"" => sub {
print "Unknown command: $cmd/n";

$href = abbrev(keys %actions);

local $_;
for (print "Action: "; <>; print "Action: ") {
s/^/s+//; # trim leading white space
s//s+$//; # trim trailing white space
next unless $_;
$actions->{ $href->{ lc($_) } }->();
$abbreviation = lc($_);
$expansion = $href->{$abbreviation};
$coderef = $actions->{$expansion};

Program: urlify

#% gunzip -c ~/mail/archive.gz | urlify > archive.urlified
#% urlify ~/mail/*.inbox > ~/allmail.urlified
# download the following standalone program
# urlify - wrap HTML links around URL-like constructs

$urls = '(http|telnet|gopher|file|wais|ftp)';
$ltrs = '/w';
$gunk = '/#~:.?+=&%@!/-';
$punc = '.:?/-';
$any = "${ltrs}${gunk}${punc}";

while (<>) {
/b # start at word boundary
( # begin $1 {
$urls : # need resource and a colon
[$any] +? # followed by on or more
# of any valid character, but
# be conservative and take only
# what you need to....
) # end $1 }
(?= # look-ahead non-consumptive assertion
[$punc]* # either 0 or more punctuation
[^$any] # followed by a non-url char
| # or else
$ # then end of the string
}{<A HREF="$1">$1</A>}igox;


Program: tcgrep

#% tcgrep -ril '^From: .*kate' ~/mail
# download the following standalone program
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# tcgrep: tom christiansen's rewrite of grep
# v1.0: Thu Sep 30 16:24:43 MDT 1993
# v1.1: Fri Oct 1 08:33:43 MDT 1993
# v1.2: Fri Jul 26 13:37:02 CDT 1996
# v1.3: Sat Aug 30 14:21:47 CDT 1997
# v1.4: Mon May 18 16:17:48 EDT 1998

use strict;
# globals
use vars qw($Me $Errors $Grand_Total $Mult %Compress $Matches);

my ($matcher, $opt); # matcher - anon. sub to check for matches
# opt - ref to hash w/ command line options

init(); # initialize globals

($opt, $matcher) = parse_args(); # get command line options and patterns

matchfile($opt, $matcher, @ARGV); # process files

exit(2) if $Errors;
exit(0) if $Grand_Total;


sub init {
($Me = $0) =~ s!.*/!!; # get basename of program, "tcgrep"
$Errors = $Grand_Total = 0; # initialize global counters
$Mult = ""; # flag for multiple files in @ARGV
$| = 1; # autoflush output

%Compress = ( # file extensions and program names
z => 'gzcat', # for uncompressing
gz => 'gzcat',
Z => 'zcat',


sub usage {
die <<EOF
usage: $Me [flags] [files]

Standard grep options:
i case insensitive
n number lines
c give count of lines matching
C ditto, but >1 match per line possible
w word boundaries only
s silent mode
x exact matches only
v invert search sense (lines that DON'T match)
h hide filenames
e expression (for exprs beginning with -)
f file with expressions
l list filenames matching

1 1 match per file
H highlight matches
u underline matches
r recursive on directories or dot if none
t process directories in '
ls -t' order
p paragraph mode (default: line mode)
P ditto, but specify separator, e.g. -P '
a all files, not just plain text files
q quiet about failed file and dir opens
T trace files as opened

May use a TCGREP environment variable to set default options.


sub parse_args {
use Getopt::Std;

my ($optstring, $zeros, $nulls,
%opt, $pattern, @patterns, $match_code);
my ($SO, $SE);

if ($_ =
$ENV{TCGREP}) { # get envariable TCGREP
s/^([^/-])/-$1/; # add leading - if missing
@ARGV, $_); # add TCGREP opt string to @ARGV

$optstring = "incCwsxvhe:f:l1HurtpP:aqT";

$zeros = '
inCwxvhelut'; # options to init to 0 (prevent warnings)
$nulls = '
pP'; # options to init to "" (prevent warnings)

@opt{ split //, $zeros } = ( 0 ) x length($zeros);
@opt{ split //, $nulls } = ( '' ) x length($nulls);

getopts($optstring, /
%opt) or usage();

if (
$opt{f}) { # -f patfile
$opt{f}) or die qq($Me: Can't open '$opt{f}': $!);

# make sure each pattern in file is valid
while ( defined($pattern = <PATFILE>) ) {
chomp $pattern;
eval { 'foo' =~ /$pattern/, 1 } or
die "$Me: $opt{f}:$.: bad pattern: $@";
push @patterns, $pattern;
close PATFILE;
else { # make sure pattern is valid
$pattern = $opt{e} || shift(@ARGV) || usage();
eval { 'foo' =~ /$pattern/, 1 } or
die "$Me: bad pattern: $@";
@patterns = ($pattern);

if ($opt{H} || $opt{u}) { # highlight or underline
my $term = $ENV{TERM} || 'vt100';
my $terminal;

eval { # try to look up escapes for stand-out
require POSIX; # or underline via Term::Cap
use Term::Cap;

my $termios = POSIX::Termios->new();
my $ospeed = $termios->getospeed;

$terminal = Tgetent Term::Cap { TERM=>undef, OSPEED=>$ospeed }

unless ($@) { # if successful, get escapes for either
local $^W = 0; # stand-out (-H) or underlined (-u)
($SO, $SE) = $opt{H}
? ($terminal->Tputs('so'), $terminal->Tputs('se'))
: ($terminal->Tputs('us'), $terminal->Tputs('ue'));
else { # if use of Term::Cap fails,
($SO, $SE) = $opt{H} # use tput command to get escapes
? (`tput -T $term smso`, `tput -T $term rmso`)
: (`tput -T $term smul`, `tput -T $term rmul`)

if ($opt{i}) {
@patterns = map {"(?i)$_"} @patterns;

if ($opt{p} || $opt{P}) {
@patterns = map {"(?m)$_"} @patterns;

$opt{p} && ($/ = '');
$opt{P} && ($/ = eval(qq("$opt{P}"))); # for -P '%%/n'
$opt{w} && (@patterns = map {'/b' . $_ . '/b'} @patterns);
$opt{'x'} && (@patterns = map {"^$_/___FCKpd___22quot;} @patterns);
if (@ARGV) {
$Mult = 1 if ($opt{r} || (@ARGV > 1) || -d $ARGV[0]) && !$opt{h};
$opt{1} += $opt{l}; # that's a one and an ell
$opt{H} += $opt{u};
$opt{c} += $opt{C};
$opt{'s'} += $opt{c};
$opt{1} += $opt{'s'} && !$opt{c}; # that's a one

@ARGV = ($opt{r} ? '.' : '-') unless @ARGV;
$opt{r} = 1 if !$opt{r} && grep(-d, @ARGV) == @ARGV;

$match_code = '';
$match_code .= 'study;' if @patterns > 5; # might speed things up a bit

foreach (@patterns) { s(/)(///)g }

if ($opt{H}) {
foreach $pattern (@patterns) {
$match_code .= "/$Matches += s/($pattern)/${SO}/$1${SE}/g;";
elsif ($opt{v}) {
foreach $pattern (@patterns) {
$match_code .= "/$Matches += !/$pattern/;";
elsif ($opt{C}) {
foreach $pattern (@patterns) {
$match_code .= "/$Matches++ while /$pattern/g;";
else {
foreach $pattern (@patterns) {
$match_code .= "/$Matches++ if /$pattern/;";

$matcher = eval "sub { $match_code }";
die if $@;

return (/%opt, $matcher);


sub matchfile {
$opt = shift; # reference to option hash
$matcher = shift; # reference to matching sub

my ($file, @list, $total, $name);
$total = 0;

FILE: while (defined ($file = shift(@_))) {

if (-d $file) {
if (-l $file && @ARGV != 1) {
warn "$Me: /"$file/" is a symlink to a directory/n"
if $opt->{T};
next FILE;
if (!$opt->{r}) {
warn "$Me: /"$file/" is a directory, but no -r given/n"
if $opt->{T};
next FILE;
unless (opendir(DIR, $file)) {
unless ($opt->{'q'}) {
warn "$Me: can't opendir $file: $!/n";
next FILE;
@list = ();
for (readdir(DIR)) {
push(@list, "$file/$_") unless /^/.{1,2}$/;
if ($opt->{t}) {
my (@dates);
for (@list) { push(@dates, -M) }
@list = @list[sort { $dates[$a] <=> $dates[$b] } 0..$#dates];
else {
@list = sort @list;
matchfile($opt, $matcher, @list); # process files
next FILE;

if ($file eq '-') {
warn "$Me: reading from stdin/n" if -t STDIN && !$opt->{'q'};
$name = '<STDIN>';
else {
$name = $file;
unless (-e $file) {
warn qq($Me: file "$file" does not exist/n) unless $opt->{'q'};
next FILE;
unless (-f $file || $opt->{a}) {
warn qq($Me: skipping non-plain file "$file"/n) if $opt->{T};
next FILE;

my ($ext) = $file =~ //.([^.]+)$/;
if (defined $ext && exists $Compress{$ext}) {
$file = "$Compress{$ext} <$file |";
elsif (! (-T $file || $opt->{a})) {
warn qq($Me: skipping binary file "$file"/n) if $opt->{T};
next FILE;

warn "$Me: checking $file/n" if $opt->{T};

unless (open(FILE, $file)) {
unless ($opt->{'q'}) {
warn "$Me: $file: $!/n";
next FILE;

$total = 0;

$Matches = 0;

LINE: while (<FILE>) {
$Matches = 0;

&{$matcher}(); # do it! (check for matches)

next LINE unless $Matches;

$total += $Matches;

if ($opt->{p} || $opt->{P}) {
s//n{2,}$//n/ if $opt->{p};
chomp if $opt->{P};

print("$name/n"), next FILE if $opt->{l};

$opt->{'s'} || print $Mult && "$name:",
$opt->{n} ? "$.:" : "",
($opt->{p} || $opt->{P}) && ('-' x 20) . "/n";

next FILE if $opt->{1}; # that's a one
continue {
print $Mult && "$name:", $total, "/n" if $opt->{c};
$Grand_Total += $total;


Regular Expression Grabbag

m/(/w+)/s*=/s*(.*)/s*$/ # keyword is $1, value is $2
m|(/d+)/(/d+)/(/d+) (/d+):(/d+):(/d+)|
s/%([0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f])/chr hex $1/ge
//* # Match the opening delimiter
.*? # Match a minimal number of characters
/*/ # Match the closing delimiter
} []gsx;
$cols = ( ($ENV{TERMCAP} || " ") =~ m/:co#(/d+):/ ) ? $1 : 80;
($name = " $0 @ARGV") =~ s, //S+/, ,g;
die "This isn't Linux" unless $^O =~ m/linux/i;
s//n/s+/ /g
@nums = m/(/d+/.?/d*|/./d+)/g;
@capwords = m/(/b[^/Wa-z0-9_]+/b)/g;
@lowords = m/(/b[^/WA-Z0-9_]+/b)/g;
@icwords = m/(/b[^/Wa-z0-9_][^/WA-Z0-9_]*/b)/;
@links = m/<A[^>]+?HREF/s*=/s*["']?([^'" >]+?)[ '"]?>/sig; #"'
($initial) = m/^/S+/s+(/S)/S*/s+/S/ ? $1 : "";
s/"([^"]*)"/``$1''/g #"
{ local $/ = "";
while (<>) {
s//n/ /g;
s/ {3,}/ /g;
push @sentences, m/(/S.*?[!?.])(?= |/Z)/g;
m/(/d{4})-(/d/d)-(/d/d)/ # YYYY in $1, MM in $2, DD in $3
m/ ^
1 /s (?: /d/d/d /s)? # 1, or 1 and area code
| # ... or ...
/(/d/d/d/) /s # area code with parens
| # ... or ...
(?: /+/d/d?/d? /s)? # optional +country code
/d/d/d ([/s/-]) # and area code
/d/d/d (/s|/1) # prefix (and area code separator)
/d/d/d/d # exchange
push(@lines, $1)
while ($input =~ s/^([^/012/015]*)(/012/015?|/015/012?)//);

# (And ) (little lambs) ( eat ivy)

Copying and Substituting Simultaneously


Matching Letters


Matching Words


Commenting Regular Expressions


Finding the Nth Occurrence of a Match


Matching Multiple Lines


Reading Records with a Pattern Separator


Extracting a Range of Lines


Matching Shell Globs as Regular Expressions


Speeding Up Interpolated Matches


Testing for a Valid Pattern


Honoring Locale Settings in Regular Expressions


Approximate Matching


Matching from Where the Last Pattern Left Off


Greedy and Non-Greedy Matches


Detecting Duplicate Words


Expressing AND, OR, and NOT in a Single Pattern


Matching Multiple-Byte Characters


Matching a Valid Mail Address


Matching Abbreviations


Program: urlify


Program: tcgrep


Regular Expression Grabbag


. $1/xeeg; # '
with the value of *any* variable

Finding the Nth Occurrence of a Match


Matching Multiple Lines


Reading Records with a Pattern Separator


Extracting a Range of Lines


Matching Shell Globs as Regular Expressions


Speeding Up Interpolated Matches


Testing for a Valid Pattern


Honoring Locale Settings in Regular Expressions


Approximate Matching


Matching from Where the Last Pattern Left Off


Greedy and Non-Greedy Matches


Detecting Duplicate Words


Expressing AND, OR, and NOT in a Single Pattern


Matching Multiple-Byte Characters


Matching a Valid Mail Address


Matching Abbreviations


Program: urlify


Program: tcgrep


Regular Expression Grabbag


# (And ) (little lambs) ( eat ivy)

Copying and Substituting Simultaneously


Matching Letters


Matching Words


Commenting Regular Expressions


Finding the Nth Occurrence of a Match


Matching Multiple Lines


Reading Records with a Pattern Separator


Extracting a Range of Lines


Matching Shell Globs as Regular Expressions


Speeding Up Interpolated Matches


Testing for a Valid Pattern


Honoring Locale Settings in Regular Expressions


Approximate Matching


Matching from Where the Last Pattern Left Off


Greedy and Non-Greedy Matches


Detecting Duplicate Words


Expressing AND, OR, and NOT in a Single Pattern


Matching Multiple-Byte Characters


Matching a Valid Mail Address


Matching Abbreviations


Program: urlify


Program: tcgrep


Regular Expression Grabbag


; #'

Speeding Up Interpolated Matches


Testing for a Valid Pattern


Honoring Locale Settings in Regular Expressions


Approximate Matching


Matching from Where the Last Pattern Left Off


Greedy and Non-Greedy Matches


Detecting Duplicate Words


Expressing AND, OR, and NOT in a Single Pattern


Matching Multiple-Byte Characters


Matching a Valid Mail Address


Matching Abbreviations


Program: urlify


Program: tcgrep


Regular Expression Grabbag


# (And ) (little lambs) ( eat ivy)

Copying and Substituting Simultaneously


Matching Letters


Matching Words


Commenting Regular Expressions


Finding the Nth Occurrence of a Match


Matching Multiple Lines


Reading Records with a Pattern Separator


Extracting a Range of Lines


Matching Shell Globs as Regular Expressions


Speeding Up Interpolated Matches


Testing for a Valid Pattern


Honoring Locale Settings in Regular Expressions


Approximate Matching


Matching from Where the Last Pattern Left Off


Greedy and Non-Greedy Matches


Detecting Duplicate Words


Expressing AND, OR, and NOT in a Single Pattern


Matching Multiple-Byte Characters


Matching a Valid Mail Address


Matching Abbreviations


Program: urlify


Program: tcgrep


Regular Expression Grabbag


. $1/xeeg; # ' with the value of *any* variable

Finding the Nth Occurrence of a Match


Matching Multiple Lines


Reading Records with a Pattern Separator


Extracting a Range of Lines


Matching Shell Globs as Regular Expressions


Speeding Up Interpolated Matches


Testing for a Valid Pattern


Honoring Locale Settings in Regular Expressions


Approximate Matching


Matching from Where the Last Pattern Left Off


Greedy and Non-Greedy Matches


Detecting Duplicate Words


Expressing AND, OR, and NOT in a Single Pattern


Matching Multiple-Byte Characters


Matching a Valid Mail Address


Matching Abbreviations


Program: urlify


Program: tcgrep


Regular Expression Grabbag


# (And ) (little lambs) ( eat ivy)

Copying and Substituting Simultaneously


Matching Letters


Matching Words


Commenting Regular Expressions


Finding the Nth Occurrence of a Match


Matching Multiple Lines


Reading Records with a Pattern Separator


Extracting a Range of Lines


Matching Shell Globs as Regular Expressions


Speeding Up Interpolated Matches


Testing for a Valid Pattern


Honoring Locale Settings in Regular Expressions


Approximate Matching


Matching from Where the Last Pattern Left Off


Greedy and Non-Greedy Matches


Detecting Duplicate Words


Expressing AND, OR, and NOT in a Single Pattern


Matching Multiple-Byte Characters


Matching a Valid Mail Address


Matching Abbreviations


Program: urlify


Program: tcgrep


Regular Expression Grabbag


热门问题 老师的惩罚 人脸识别 我在镇武司摸鱼那些年 重生之率土为王 我在大康的咸鱼生活 盘龙之生命进化 天生仙种 凡人之先天五行 春回大明朝 姑娘不必设防,我是瞎子 20公分雪松价格 雪松多少钱一棵 5公分雪松价格 三十公分雪松价格 15公分雪松价格 9公分雪松价格 8公分雪松价格 13公分雪松价格 18公分雪松价格 50公分雪松价格 6公分雪松价格 12公分雪松价格 4公分雪松价格 求购雪松种子 六米雪松价格 雪松木材价格 五米雪松价格 7米雪松多少钱一棵 7公分雪松价格 3公分雪松价格 3米雪松多少钱 雪松是什么植物 雪松树的价格 哪里有雪松苗 塔松和雪松的区别 雪松种子批发 雪松幼苗价格 雪松小苗管理 雪松种子报价 雪松移栽技术 2015年雪松价格 营养钵雪松苗 10米雪松价格 哪里有雪松卖 4.5米雪松价格 雪松基地价格 四米雪松价格 1.5米雪松价格 12米雪松价格 七米雪松价格 雪松市场价格