UVA-307 Sticks (搜索剪枝)

来源:互联网 发布:网络视频点播系统 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 11:41


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George took sticks of the same length and cut them randomly until all parts became at most 50 units long. Now he wants to return sticks to the original state, but he forgot how many sticks he had originally and how long they were originally. Please help him and design a program which computes the smallest possible original length of those sticks. All lengths expressed in units are integers greater than zero.


The input file contains blocks of 2 lines. The first line contains the number of sticks parts after cutting. The second line contains the lengths of those parts separated by the space. The last line of the file contains zero.


The output file contains the smallest possible length of original sticks, one per line.

Sample Input

95 2 1 5 2 1 5 2 141 2 3 40

Sample Output

此题的大致意思就是,给你n跟木棒,让你拼成木棍(木棒-->木棍 ,它俩是有区别滴~~)要尽可能的拼多的木棍,也就是计算拼的木棍的最短长度。




    假如  5  5  4  4 3  要拼长度为6的木棍是 用5拼不可能成功,那个第二个长度为5的木棒就不用判断了。




     因为把已拼好棍子的最后一根木棒替换下来,那么肯定有一个或者两个或者更多拼在一起是最后一根木棒的长度,把它放在后面就好了! 干嘛要替换人家最后一根木棒呢。




#include<iostream>#include<cstdio>#include<map>#include<math.h>#include<cstring>#include<algorithm>using namespace std;int tused[100], tlength[100], s, m, n;bool cmp(int A, int B){    return A > B;}int Dfs(int M, int L, int pos){    if(M == 0 && L ==0)    {        return 1;    }    if(L == 0)    {        pos = -1;//剪枝4        L = m;//如果刚好拼好,接着拼下一根    }    for(int i = pos + 1; i < n; i++)    {        if(!tused[i] && tlength[i] <= L)        {            if(i > 0)            {                if((tlength[i - 1] == tlength[i]) && (!tused[i-1]))                     continue;//剪枝1            }            tused[i] = 1;//标记已使用            if(Dfs(M - 1, L - tlength[i], i))                return 1;            else            {                tused[i] = 0;                if(tlength[i] == L || L == m)                    return 0;//剪枝 2 3            }        }    }    return 0;}int main(){    int i, sum;    while(scanf("%d",&n) && n)    {        sum = 0;        for(i = 0; i < n; i++)        {            scanf("%d",&tlength[i]);            sum += tlength[i];        }        sort(tlength, tlength + n, cmp);//按降序排列        for(m = tlength[0]; m <= sum / 2; m++)        {            if(sum % m != 0)                continue;// 不加这个条件超时鸟~~~~加上100ms以下!            memset(tused, 0, sizeof(tused));            if(Dfs(n ,m, -1))//n代表木棒的个数,m为长度,-1位要访问的木棒序号            {                printf("%d\n",m);                break;            }        }        if(m > sum / 2)            printf("%d\n",sum);    }    return 0;}

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