
来源:互联网 发布:教育软件平台公司 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/17 18:55

写过Android项目的童鞋都知道,ListView 是Android各种基本控件里面非常常用又稍稍有些难度的控件,那么在Xamarin里面究竟是怎样的呢?


An ItemsView that displays a collection of data as a vertical list.


using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using Xamarin.Forms;namespace FormsGallery{class ListViewDemoPage : ContentPage{    class Person    {        public Person(string name, DateTime birthday, Color favoriteColor)        {            this.Name = name;            this.Birthday = birthday;            this.FavoriteColor = favoriteColor;        }        public string Name { private set; get; }        public DateTime Birthday { private set; get; }        public Color FavoriteColor { private set; get; }    };    public ListViewDemoPage()    {        Label header = new Label        {            Text = "ListView",            FontSize = Device.GetNamedSize (NamedSize.Large, typeof(Label)),            HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center        };        // Define some data.        List<Person> people = new List<Person>        {            new Person("Abigail", new DateTime(1975, 1, 15), Color.Aqua),            new Person("Bob", new DateTime(1976, 2, 20), Color.Black),            // ...etc.,...            new Person("Yvonne", new DateTime(1987, 1, 10), Color.Purple),            new Person("Zachary", new DateTime(1988, 2, 5), Color.Red)        };        // Create the ListView.        ListView listView = new ListView        {            // Source of data items.            ItemsSource = people,            // Define template for displaying each item.            // (Argument of DataTemplate constructor is called for             //      each item; it must return a Cell derivative.)            ItemTemplate = new DataTemplate(() =>                {                    // Create views with bindings for displaying each property.                    Label nameLabel = new Label();                    nameLabel.SetBinding(Label.TextProperty, "Name");                    Label birthdayLabel = new Label();                    birthdayLabel.SetBinding(Label.TextProperty,                        new Binding("Birthday", BindingMode.OneWay,                             null, null, "Born {0:d}"));                    BoxView boxView = new BoxView();                    boxView.SetBinding(BoxView.ColorProperty, "FavoriteColor");                    // Return an assembled ViewCell.                    return new ViewCell                    {                        View = new StackLayout                        {                            Padding = new Thickness(0, 5),                            Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal,                            Children =                             {                                boxView,                                new StackLayout                                {                                    VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center,                                    Spacing = 0,                                    Children =                                     {                                        nameLabel,                                        birthdayLabel                                    }                                    }                            }                            }                    };                })        };        // Accomodate iPhone status bar.        this.Padding = new Thickness(10, Device.OnPlatform(20, 0, 0), 10, 5);        // Build the page.        this.Content = new StackLayout        {            Children =             {                header,                listView            }            };    }}}



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