VB 求余数和商

来源:互联网 发布:软件测试职业规划书 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/15 13:45

Option Base 1
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim yushu As Byte
Dim shang As Byte
Dim n2() As Byte
Dim n1() As Byte
Dim n1len As Long
Dim n2len As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim tempresult As Byte
n1len = Len(Me.Text1.Text)
n2len = Len(Me.Text2.Text)
ReDim n1(n1len)
ReDim n2(n1len)
For i = LBound(n1) To UBound(n1)
n1(i) = Int(Val(Mid(Me.Text1.Text, i, 1)))
For i = LBound(n2) To UBound(n2)
n2(i) = Int(Val(Mid(Me.Text2.Text, i, 1)))
tempresult = n1(1) * n2(1)
yushu = tempresult Mod 10
shang = tempresult \ 10
Print yushu & shang

End Sub

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