QtQuick 技巧

来源:互联网 发布:h3c路由器查看端口ip 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 16:55

QtQuick 技巧


  property real dpi: Screen.pixelDensity.toFixed(2)

常用的 qmlproject

/* File generated by Qt Creator */import QmlProject 1.1Project {    mainFile: "main.qml"    /* Include .qml, .js, and image files from current directory and subdirectories */    QmlFiles {        directory: "."    }    JavaScriptFiles {        directory: "."    }    ImageFiles {        directory: "."    }    Files {        directory: "."        filter: "qmldir"    }    Files {        directory: "."        filter: "*.md"    }    // for Qt3D    Files {        directory: "."        filter: "*.vert"    }    Files {        directory: "."        filter: "*.frag"    }    Files {        directory: "."        filter: "*.obj"    }    Files {        directory: "."        filter: "*.3ds"    }    /* List of plugin directories passed to QML runtime */    // importPaths: [ "../exampleplugin" ]}


        function longtimeRunning(callback) {            var timeStart = Date.now();            callback();            return timeEnd - Date.now();        }



ios — 调用系统”设置”里的功能(转)


-(IBAction)btnSetting:(id)sender{     NSURL*url=[NSURL URLWithString:@"prefs:root=LOCATION_SERVICES"];     [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:url]; } 


About — prefs:root=General&path=About

Accessibility — prefs:root=General&path=ACCESSIBILITY

Airplane Mode On — prefs:root=AIRPLANE_MODE

Auto-Lock — prefs:root=General&path=AUTOLOCK

Brightness — prefs:root=Brightness

Bluetooth — prefs:root=General&path=Bluetooth

Date & Time — prefs:root=General&path=DATE_AND_TIME

FaceTime — prefs:root=FACETIME

General — prefs:root=General

Keyboard — prefs:root=General&path=Keyboard

iCloud — prefs:root=CASTLE

iCloud Storage & Backup — prefs:root=CASTLE&path=STORAGE_AND_BACKUP

International — prefs:root=General&path=INTERNATIONAL

Location Services — prefs:root=LOCATION_SERVICES

Music — prefs:root=MUSIC

Music Equalizer — prefs:root=MUSIC&path=EQ

Music Volume Limit — prefs:root=MUSIC&path=VolumeLimit

Network — prefs:root=General&path=Network

Nike + iPod — prefs:root=NIKE_PLUS_IPOD

Notes — prefs:root=NOTES

Notification — prefs:root=NOTIFICATIONS_ID

Phone — prefs:root=Phone

Photos — prefs:root=Photos

Profile — prefs:root=General&path=ManagedConfigurationList

Reset — prefs:root=General&path=Reset

Safari — prefs:root=Safari

Siri — prefs:root=General&path=Assistant

Sounds — prefs:root=Sounds

Software Update — prefs:root=General&path=SOFTWARE_UPDATE_LINK

Store — prefs:root=STORE

Twitter — prefs:root=TWITTER

Usage — prefs:root=General&path=USAGE

VPN — prefs:root=General&path=Network/VPN

Wallpaper — prefs:root=Wallpaper

Wi-Fi — prefs:root=WIFI

以上,可以通过 QML 中的




很好的 QML 的 transform示例

import QtQuick 1.0Rectangle {    id: splashText    property string text: "Splash!"    width: 440; height: 160    property bool reverse: Math.random() > 0.5    color: Qt.rgba(0.5+0.5*Math.random(), 0.2+0.4*Math.random(),                   0.2+0.2*Math.random())    transform: Rotation {        origin.x: splashText.width/2        origin.y: splashText.height/2        property real value: Math.random()        axis.x: Math.random() < 0.2 || value < 0.3        axis.y: Math.random() < 0.2 || value >= 0.3 && value < 0.7        axis.z: Math.random() < 0.2 || value >= 0.7        SequentialAnimation on angle {            loops: Animation.Infinite            NumberAnimation {                from: 0.0; to: reverse ? -20.0 : 20.0                duration: 500; easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad            }            NumberAnimation {                from: reverse ? -20.0 : 20.0; to: 0.0                duration: 500; easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad            }        }    }    Repeater {        model: 20        Rectangle {            height: Math.random()*parent.height            width: 0.4*Math.random()*parent.width            color: Qt.rgba(0.6+0.5*Math.random(), 0.4+0.4*Math.random(),                           0.2+0.4*Math.random(), 0.5+0.5*Math.random())            x: Math.random() > 0.3 ? Math.random()*parent.width - width/2 :               Math.random()*width - width + (Math.random() > 0.5 ? parent.width : 0)            y: Math.random()*parent.height - height/2        }    }    Repeater {        model: 5        Text {            text: splashText.text            color: "white"            font.pixelSize: 70+Math.random()*10            anchors {                centerIn: parent                horizontalCenterOffset: 3*Math.random()                verticalCenterOffset: 4*Math.random()            }        }    }}

很好的 QML 动画加载示例

Rectangle {    id:contair    width: rad * 2    height: rad * 2    color: backColor    radius: 720    property var run: true    property var arc: 230    property var backColor: "#00000000"    property var arcColor: "#5f8aa4"    property var fontColor: "#5f8aa4"    property var borderColor: "#5f8aa4"    property string txt: "Please Wait for a while."    property string endText: "The project has been loaded."    property var endWaitTime: 1200    property var rad: 250    property var arcWidth: 6    Text {        id:textInfo        font.pixelSize: 16        font.family: "微软雅黑"        anchors.centerIn: parent        color:fontColor        state: "runningText"        states:[            State{                name:"runningText"                changes: [                    PropertyChanges {                        target: textInfo;                        text : txt                    }                ]            },            State{                name:"endingText"                when:hideText.complete()                changes: [                    PropertyChanges {                        target: textInfo;                        text : endText                    }                ]            }        ]    }    onArcChanged: canvas.requestPaint();    //结束动画    onRunChanged:        SequentialAnimation{        NumberAnimation{            id:hideText            target: textInfo            property: "opacity"            to:0            duration: 500            onStopped: textInfo.state = "endingText"            easing.type: Easing.InBack        }        NumberAnimation{            target: textInfo            property: "opacity"            to:1            duration: 500            easing.type: Easing.OutBack            onStopped: running.stop();        }        NumberAnimation {            target: contair            property: "endWaitTime"            duration: endWaitTime            to:0        }        ParallelAnimation{        NumberAnimation {            target: contair            property: "scale"            duration: 500            to:0.5            easing.type: Easing.InBack        }        NumberAnimation {            target: contair            property: "opacity"            duration: 500            to:0            easing.type: Easing.InBack        }        onStopped: contair.destroy()    }}    //加载动画    Component.onCompleted: ParallelAnimation{        NumberAnimation {            target: contair            property: "scale"            duration: 250            from: 0.5            to:1            easing.type: Easing.OutBack        }        NumberAnimation {            target: contair            property: "opacity"            duration: 250            from:0.5            to:1            easing.type: Easing.OutBack        }        onStopped: running.start()    }    NumberAnimation{        id: running        target: canvas        property: "rotation"        duration: 2000        to: 360        easing.type: Easing.Linear        onStopped: NumberAnimation {            id: toZero            target: canvas            property: "rotation"            duration: run != false ? 1 : 1000            to:0            easing.type: Easing.OutBack            onStopped: if(run != false) running.start();        }    }    MouseArea{        anchors.fill: parent        onClicked: run = false    }    Canvas{        id: canvas        anchors.fill: parent        contextType: "2d"        onPaint: {            var ctx = getContext("2d");            ctx.lineWidth = arcWidth            ctx.strokeStyle = arcColor            ctx.beginPath();            ctx.arc(rad,rad,rad - arcWidth,Math.PI/180 * 270,Math.PI/180 * arc,false);            ctx.stroke();        }    }}

上诉代码为上海 Qt 开发群群友共享


import QtQuick 2.0Item {    width: 300    height: 150    //显示    Text{        id: textDateTime        text: currentDateTime();        anchors.centerIn: parent    }    //当前日期时间    function currentDateTime(){        return Qt.formatDateTime(new Date(), "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.zzz ddd");    }    //定时器    Timer{        id: timer        interval: 1 //间隔(单位毫秒):1000毫秒=1秒        repeat: true //重复        onTriggered:{            textDateTime.text = currentDateTime();        }    }    Component.onCompleted: {        timer.start();    }}/*Text元素用来显示日期时间,currentDateTime函数用来获取当前日期时间,Timer元素用来定时刷新,实现动态呈现.*/


QML 中,执行动画之后改变某个非数字属性

Animation 没有 finished 这个信号。







那么 ActionScript 绝对是你想要的。


import QtQuick 2.0Item {    Text {        id: text        text: "d"        MouseArea {            anchors.fill: parent            onClicked: {                text.state = "ChangeText"            }        }        states: [            State {                name: "ChangeText"                PropertyChanges {                    target: text                    x: 10                }            }        ]        transitions: [            Transition {                from: "*"                to: "ChangeText"                SequentialAnimation {                    NumberAnimation {                        properties: "x"                        duration: 1000                    }                    ScriptAction {                        script: {                            text.text = "ddd"                        }                    }                }            }        ]    }}


大体是在 AndroidManifest.xml 中填写:

 <activity   <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" /><!-- 定义成浏览器类型,有URL需要处理时会过滤 -->                  <data android:scheme="fyfeng" /><!-- 打开以fyfeng协议的URL,这个自己随便定义。 -->  


ANDROID – 使用特定的URL开启应用程序




如何让自己的软件也出现在该列表中呢? 通过设置AndroidManifest.xml文件即可:

<activity android:name=".EasyNote" android:label="@string/app_name" android:launchMode="singleTask" android:screenOrientation="portrait">< intent-filter>< action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />< category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />< /intent-filter><intent-filter>< action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW"></action>< category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT"></category>< data android:mimeType="text/plain"></data>< /intent-filter>< /activity>













application/msword(Microsoft Word文件)

message/rfc822(RFC 822形式)




QML 媒体播放小探


在 Windows 下 QML 媒体播放一般是调用系统的解码接口的,在比较旧的 QML 媒体播放类型,是使用 DirectShow 解码技术,比较新的 QML 媒体播放类型使用的是 Media Foundation 技术。

Media Foundation 是DirectShow为主的旧式多媒体应用程序接口的替代者与继承者,在微软的计划下将逐步汰换DirectShow技术。


DirectShowPlayerService::doRender: Unresolved error code ****

请安装 LAV Filters,或者升级 Windows 的 Media Foundation

Supported Media Formats in Media Foundation

Media Foundation

信号 connect 小探

import QtQuick 2.0Rectangle {    id: page    width: 100    height: 62    function handle() {        console.log(page, " : page")    }    MouseArea {        anchors.fill: parent        onClicked: page.destroy();    }    signal timeout()    onTimeout: console.log("here is qml timeout handle ", page);    Component.onCompleted: {        // 对象死亡之后,仍然会触发函数        singletonObject.timeout.connect(page.handle);        console.log("page.handle type :",typeof page.handle, "page.handle:", page.handle, "page.handle.connect: ",page.handle.connect);        // Error: Function.prototype.connect: this object is not a signal        page.handle.connect(function(){            console.log("尼玛,太贱了,在qml中,连函数都可以有信号的作用啊~,竟然可以使用connect连接,其实是不行的");        });        // 对象死亡之后,就会自动移除对象的信号!但是不会移除连接到其他信号的函数。        singletonObject.timeout.connect(page.timeout);        console.log("page.timeout type :", typeof page.timeout, "page.timeout", "page.timeout.connect:", page.timeout.connect);    }}

ApplicationWindow 的 visible 属性

ApplicationWindow {    title: qsTr("Hello World")    width: 640    height: 480    visible: true                       // 这个必须添加}

常用的 ListView 设置

    ListView {        id: view        currentIndex: 0        clip: false  //此属性的默认值是false,表示不会自动截掉超出显示区域的部分。桌面软件中应设置为true。        anchors.fill: parent        preferredHighlightBegin: 0        preferredHighlightEnd: 0        highlightMoveDuration: 250        highlightRangeMode: ListView.StrictlyEnforceRange        snapMode: ListView.SnapOneItem        boundsBehavior: ListView.StopAtBounds        orientation: ListView.Horizontal        model: itemModel        interactive: false // 此属性的默认值是true,表示用户可以拖动该对象。桌面软件中应设置为false。        Component.onCompleted: positionViewAtIndex(0, ListView.Beginning);        onCurrentIndexChanged: forceActiveFocus();    }


Qt 中加密算法返回结果注意事项

// Qt 中加密算法,一般返回二进制字符,要进行toHex。


    TextField {        id: inputEmail        validator: RegExpValidator {            regExp: /^([a-zA-Z0-9]+[_|\_|\.]?)*[a-zA-Z0-9]+@([a-zA-Z0-9]+[_|\_|\.]?)*[a-zA-Z0-9]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}$/        }    }

qml 数据库的文件路径

//! [file] C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\QML\OfflineStorage\Databases


function saveImageToFile(item,fileName){    if(Qt.isQtObject(itme)){        return  item.grabToImage(function(result){            // result QQuickItemGrabResult::saveToFile(QString)            // fileName 不能是file:// 开头!            result.saveToFile(fileName.toString());        });    } else {        throw item.toString()+"isn't a Qt or QML object";    }}

QML 中的 destroy()

有关qml中 destroy() 函数的使用问题,qml 对象调用销毁函数后,不是马上销毁,而是添加到 Qt 的事件循环中,在事件循环中删除。

import QtQuick 2.0import QtQuick.Controls 1.2Rectangle {    id: root    width: 300    height: 300    color: "red"    property Rectangle item1: Rectangle {        color: "blue"        width: 200        height: 200        Component.onDestruction: {            console.log("good bye");        }    }    Rectangle {        id: item2        color: "black"        width: 200        height: 200        anchors.bottom: parent.bottom    }    Row {        Button {            id: killItem1            text: "killItem1"            // 在第一次点击之后,item1的删除操作在下一个事务循环执行,            // 在本次事务循环中,还存在            // 在第二、三次之后的点击中,item1 已经是 null 了            onClicked: {                console.log(item1)                item1.destroy();                console.log(item1.color)            }        }        Button {            id: killItem2            text: "killItem2"            // 在第一次点击之后,item1的删除操作在下一个事务循环执行,            // 在本次事务循环中,还存在            // 在第二、三次之后的点击中,item1 已经是 null 了            onClicked: {                console.log(item2)                item2.destroy();                console.log(item2.color)            }        }    }}

获取 Layout 控件的高度

获取 ColumnLayoutRowLayout 的实际高宽度应该使用 implicitHeightimplicitWidth

implicitHeightimplicitWidthheightwidth 的区别。

Component.onCompleted 的发送顺序

  • 注意qml中页面传参的方式!以及内部控件信号触发的方式。


  • 动态组件创建,多数用于页面传参。页面传参最好在createObject这里设定。

ListView 的视图渲染和数据缓存,模型数据跟踪

ListView 使用注意,由于 ListView 是典型的 MVC,只会实时跟进数据,但是对于视图,会尽可能的进行惰性渲染,就是视图超出视窗的部分会进行裁剪,销毁,不在后台维护这个视图。


ListView {    model: listModel    delegate: CheckBox {        text: listModelText   }}

视图代理可以跟进数据的变化,但是一旦视图项超出视窗范围,就会进行销毁,例如,你点击了视图项中的 CheckBox,你以为 ListView 会为你保存每个 CheckBox 的属性值,但是,并不会,ListView 对超出视窗部分的视图项进行销毁,当视图项进入视窗的时候重新构造。


控制 ListView 滚速度

        // 控制滚动速度        maximumFlickVelocity: 5000



import QtQuick 2.4ShaderEffect {    id: shaderEffect    width: 512; height: 128    // Properties that will get bound to a uniform with the same name in the shader    property color backgroundColor: "#10000000"    property color spreadColor: "#20000000"    property point normTouchPos    property real widthToHeightRatio: height / width    // Our animated uniform property    property real spread: 0    opacity: 0    ParallelAnimation {        id: touchStartAnimation        UniformAnimator {            uniform: "spread"; target: shaderEffect            from: 0; to: 1            duration: 1000; easing.type: Easing.InQuad        }        OpacityAnimator {            target: shaderEffect            from: 0; to: 1            duration: 50; easing.type: Easing.InQuad        }    }    ParallelAnimation {        id: touchEndAnimation        UniformAnimator {            uniform: "spread"; target: shaderEffect            from: spread; to: 1            duration: 1000; easing.type: Easing.OutQuad        }        OpacityAnimator {            target: shaderEffect            from: 1; to: 0            duration: 1000; easing.type: Easing.OutQuad        }    }    fragmentShader: "        varying mediump vec2 qt_TexCoord0;        uniform lowp float qt_Opacity;        uniform lowp vec4 backgroundColor;        uniform lowp vec4 spreadColor;        uniform mediump vec2 normTouchPos;        uniform mediump float widthToHeightRatio;        uniform mediump float spread;        void main() {            // Pin the touched position of the circle by moving the center as            // the radius grows. Both left and right ends of the circle should            // touch the item edges simultaneously.            mediump float radius = (0.5 + abs(0.5 - normTouchPos.x)) * 1.0 * spread;            mediump vec2 circleCenter =                normTouchPos + (vec2(0.5) - normTouchPos) * radius * 2.0;            // Calculate everything according to the x-axis assuming that            // the overlay is horizontal or square. Keep the aspect for the            // y-axis since we're dealing with 0..1 coordinates.            mediump float circleX = (qt_TexCoord0.x - circleCenter.x);            mediump float circleY = (qt_TexCoord0.y - circleCenter.y) * widthToHeightRatio;            // Use step to apply the color only if x2*y2 < r2.            lowp vec4 tapOverlay =                spreadColor * step(circleX*circleX + circleY*circleY, radius*radius);            gl_FragColor = (backgroundColor + tapOverlay) * qt_Opacity;        }    "    function touchStart(x, y) {        normTouchPos = Qt.point(x / width, y / height)        touchEndAnimation.stop()        touchStartAnimation.start()    }    function touchEnd() {        touchStartAnimation.stop()        touchEndAnimation.start()    }    // For this demo's purpose, in practice we'll use a MouseArea    Timer { id: touchEndTimer; interval: 125; onTriggered: touchEnd() }    Timer {        running: true; repeat: true        onTriggered: {            touchStart(width*0.8, height*0.66)            touchEndTimer.start()        }    }}

Qt on Andorid 中有用的Java代码


> QML on Android,有使用到 Java 的下载类,可以研究一番。> [MusicGear](https://github.com/Iktwo/musicgear/blob/master/android/src/com/iktwo/musicgear/MusicGear.java) 这个类有许多用的代码,可以给 Qt 应用交互使用。```public static void download(String url, String name){    Log.v(TAG, "download(" + url + ", " + name + ")");    dm = (DownloadManager) m_instance.getSystemService(DOWNLOAD_SERVICE);    Request request = new Request(Uri.parse(url));    request.setTitle(name);    request.setDescription(url);    request.allowScanningByMediaScanner();    request.setNotificationVisibility(Request.VISIBILITY_VISIBLE_NOTIFY_COMPLETED);    request.setDestinationInExternalPublicDir(Environment.DIRECTORY_MUSIC, name + ".mp3");    dm.enqueue(request);}public static void share(String name, String url){    Intent share = new Intent(android.content.Intent.ACTION_SEND);    share.setType("text/plain");    share.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_WHEN_TASK_RESET);    share.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT, name);    if (!name.isEmpty()) {        share.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, name + " - " + url + " via Musicgear");        m_instance.startActivity(Intent.createChooser(share, "Share " + name));    } else {        share.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, url + " via Musicgear");        m_instance.startActivity(Intent.createChooser(share, "Share this music"));    }}public static void toast(final String message){    m_instance.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {        public void run() {            Toast.makeText(m_instance.getApplicationContext(), message, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();        }    });}```


    @Override    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {            super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);            // setContentView(0x7f020000);            mTintManager = new SystemBarTintManager(this);            mTintManager.setStatusBarTintEnabled(true);            mTintManager.setNavigationBarTintEnabled(true);//            int selected = 0xFF7F00;//            int color = Color.argb(100,//                                   Color.red(selected),//                                   Color.green(selected),//                                   Color.blue(selected));//            mTintManager.setTintColor(color);            //! [0]            //! 让整个 Activity 覆盖整个屏幕            //! 并且系统栏位于整个 Activity 的上层            getWindow()                .getDecorView()                .setSystemUiVisibility(                            View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_STABLE |                            View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_FULLSCREEN);            //! [0]            //! [1]            //! 设置系统的状态栏为透明            //! 这两句必须            //! 后续要拿到系统状态栏高度。            getWindow().setStatusBarColor(Color.TRANSPARENT);            getWindow().setNavigationBarColor(Color.TRANSPARENT);            //! [1]    }

import QtQuick 2.4import QtQuick.Controls 1.3import QtQuick.Window 2.2import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0// 圆角图片效果ApplicationWindow {    title: qsTr("Hello World")    width: 640    height: 480    visible: true    color: "#555555"    Image {        id: bug        source: "qrc:/QQ截图20150930185642.png"        sourceSize: Qt.size(parent.width, parent.height)        smooth: true        visible: false        width: 200        height:200        x:20        y:20    }    Rectangle {        id: mask        smooth: true        visible: false        width: 200        height: 200        anchors.centerIn: bug        radius: width/2    }    OpacityMask {        anchors.fill: bug        source: bug        maskSource: mask    }    Image {        id: bug1        source: "qrc:/bbbbb.png"        sourceSize: Qt.size(parent.width, parent.height)        smooth: true        visible: false        width: 200        height:200        anchors.right:parent.right        y:20    }    Rectangle {        id: mask1        smooth: true        visible: false        width: 200        height: 200        anchors.centerIn: bug1        radius: width/3    }    OpacityMask {        anchors.fill: bug1        source: bug1        maskSource: mask1    }}


继承 QAbstractListModel 并重写如下三个虚函数。

    enum Roles{        NameRole = Qt::UserRole + 1,        AgeRole    };int rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const;QVariant data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const;QHash<int, QByteArray> roleNames() const;int TestModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const{    Q_UNUSED(parent)    return m_datas.length();}QVariant TestModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const{    if (!index.isValid() || index.row() < 0)        return QVariant();    if (index.row() >= m_datas.count()) {        qWarning() << "SatelliteModel: Index out of bound";        return QVariant();    }    const Dao &dao = m_datas.at(index.row());    switch (role)    {    case NameRole:        return dao.name();    case AgeRole:        return dao.age();    default:        break;    }    return QVariant();}QHash<int, QByteArray> TestModel::roleNames() const{    QHash<int, QByteArray> roleNames;    roleNames.insert(NameRole, "NameRole");    roleNames.insert(AgeRole, "AgeRole");    return roleNames;}

url 编解码

encodeURI,encodeURIComponent,deocodeURI,decodeURIComponent,在qt quick中都可以用。


/* * Copyright (c) <2015> <copyright qyvlik> * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE.*/

Qt 发布 windeployqt

windeployqt  APP-PATH/APP.EXE

HTTP Content-type 常用对照表

How to INSTALL & RUN QML QtWebEngine & QtWebKit



QML官方系列教程 Scalability

QML官方系列教程UseCase-Style And Theme Support


android ui的几个概念:px,dip(dp),sp,dpi,分辨率等


[网页平面] iPhone、iPad、Android UI常用设计尺寸

[Qt教程] QML经验谈(二) 关于动态QML组件的几种用法

qml 一些知识点

qml ios长按晃动




qt android 开发篇之如何实现圆盘(hsv)颜色选择器

qt qml 九宫格划指锁屏视图



QBS 快速向导

1 0