
来源:互联网 发布:双色球算法必中6红组合 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/15 07:42




 /* Causes the current thread to wait until another thread invokes the     * {@link java.lang.Object#notify()} method or the     * {@link java.lang.Object#notifyAll()} method for this object.     * The current thread must own this object's monitor. The thread     * releases ownership of this monitor and waits until another thread     * notifies threads waiting on this object's monitor to wake up     * This method should only be called by a thread that is the owner     * of this object's monitor.     */    public final void wait() throws InterruptedException {        wait(0);    }    public final native void wait(long timeout) throws InterruptedException;    /**     * Wakes up a single thread that is waiting on this object's     * monitor.If any threads are waiting on this object, one of them     * is chosen to be awakened. The choice is arbitrary and occurs at     * the discretion of the implementation. A thread waits on an object's     * monitor by calling one of the {@code wait} methods.     */         public final native void notify();    /* Wakes up all threads that are waiting on this object's monitor. A     * thread waits on an object's monitor by calling one of the     * {@code wait} methods.     */ public final native void notifyAll();
首先可以看到wait()/notify()/notifyAll()都是Object类中的方法,其次可以看到notify()/notifyAll(),与带一个参数的 wait(long timeout) 都被final native修饰的,即它们是本地方法且不允许被重写的。

1 调用某个对象的wait()方法能让当前线程阻塞,这个方法只能在拥有此对象的monitor的线程中调用(This method should only be called by a thread that is the owner of this     object's monitor.)。

2 调用某个对象的notify()方法能够唤醒一个正在等待这个对象的monitor的线程,如果有多个线程都在等待这个对象的monitor,则只能唤醒其中一个线程(Wakes up a single        thread that is waiting on this object's monitor.If any threads are waiting on this object, one of them is chosen to be awakened. )

3 调用notifyAll()方法能够唤醒所有正在等待这个对象的monitor的线程(Wakes up all threads that are waiting on this object's monitor.)



public class Main {    publicstaticvoid main(String[] args) {        ThreadOne one = new ThreadOne();        one.start(); //启动一个子线程        synchronized (one) {//synchronized (one) 代表当前线程拥有one对象的锁,线程为了调用wait()或notify()方法,该线程必须是那个对象锁的拥有者            try {                System.out.println("等待对象one完成计算。。。");                one.wait(); //调用wait()方法的线程必须拥有对象one的锁,即必须在synchronized同步块中调用wait()            } catch (InterruptedException e) {                e.printStackTrace();             }             System.out.println("one对象计算的总和是:" + one.total);        }     } }  public class ThreadOne extends Thread {    int total;     publicvoid run() {        synchronized (this) {            for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {                total += i;             }                        notify();  //完成计算后唤醒在此对象锁上等待的单个线程,在本例中主线程Main被唤醒        }     } }






public class ProducerConsumer{public static void main(String[] args){SyncStack ss = new SyncStack();Producer p = new Producer(ss);Consumer c = new Consumer(ss);Thread t1 = new Thread(p);Thread t2 = new Thread(c);t1.start();t2.start();}}class SyncStack{int cnt = 0;char[] data = new char[6];public synchronized void push(char ch){while (cnt == data.length){try{this.wait();//wait是Object 类中的方法,不是Thread中的方法,Thread中wait也是继承自Object,         //this.wait();不是让当前对象wait,而是让当前锁定this对象的线程wait,同时释放对this的锁定。  //注意:如果该对象没有被锁定,则调用wait方法就会报错!即只有在同步方法或者同步代码块中才可以调用wait方法,notify同理}catch (Exception e){}}this.notify();  //如果注释掉了本语句,可能会导致消费线程陷入阻塞(如果消费线程本身执行很慢的话,则消费线程永远不会wait,即永远不会阻塞),因为消费线程陷入阻塞, 所以生产线程因此不停生产产品达到6个后也陷入阻塞,最后显示的肯定是“容器中现在共有6个字符!”//this.notify();叫醒一个现在正在wait  this对象的一个线程,如果有多个线程正在wait this对象,通常是叫醒最先wait this对象的线程,但具体是叫醒哪一个,这是由系统调度器控制,程序员无法控制 // nority 和 notifyAll 都是Object 类中的方法data[cnt] = ch;cnt++;System.out.printf("生产了: %c\n", ch);System.out.printf("容器中现在共有%d个字符!\n\n", cnt);}public synchronized char pop(){char ch;while (0 == cnt){try{this.wait();}catch (Exception e){}}this.notify();  //如果注释掉了本语句,可能会导致生产线程陷入阻塞(如果生产线程本身执行很慢的话,则生产线程永远不会wait,即永远不会阻塞),因为生产线程陷入阻塞,消费线程因此不停取出产品,当容器中再也没有产品时消费线程也陷入阻塞,最后显示的肯定是“容器中现在共有0个字符!”ch = data[cnt-1];--cnt;System.out.printf("取出:  %c\n", ch);System.out.printf("容器中现在共有%d个字符!\n\n", cnt);return ch;}}class Producer implements Runnable{SyncStack ss = null;public Producer(SyncStack ss){this.ss = ss;}public void run(){char ch;//总共生产20个产品for (int i=0; i<20; ++i){ch = (char)('a'+i);ss.push(ch);//try//{//Thread.sleep(500);//}//catch (Exception e)//{//}}}}class Consumer implements Runnable{SyncStack ss = null;public Consumer(SyncStack ss){this.ss = ss;}//总共消费20个产品public void run(){for (int i=0; i<20; ++i){ss.pop();try{Thread.sleep(500);}catch (Exception e){}}}}


1  如果调用某个对象的wait()方法,当前线程必须拥有这个对象的monitor(即锁),因此调用wait()方法必须在同步块或者同步方法中进行(synchronized块或者synchronized方法)。


3 notify()方法能够唤醒一个正在等待该对象的monitor的线程,当有多个线程都在等待该对象的monitor的话,则只能唤醒其中一个线程,具体唤醒哪个线程则不得而知。


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