
来源:互联网 发布:php考勤系统源码免费 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/01 02:07

package excel;

import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;

public class Calculator {
 private StringTokenizer T;

 private static final int MC_SYMB = 1;
 private static final int MC_NUM = 2;
 private static final int MC_NONE = 0;
 private static final int MC_EOT = -1;

 private int MCode; //Tokencode
 private char MSymb; //token value
 private double MNum; //token value

 private double Result;

  * Konstruktor Constructor

 public Calculator(String input) throws SyntaxErrorException {
  T = new StringTokenizer(input, "+-*/() /t", true);
  MCode = MC_NONE;
  Result = expr();
  if (MCode != MC_EOT)
   throw new SyntaxErrorException();

  * returns the calculated value of the expression

 public double getResult() {
  return Result;

  * the lexer to prduce a token when MCode is MC_NONE

 private boolean lex() throws SyntaxErrorException {
  String Token;
  if (MCode == MC_NONE) {
   MCode = MC_EOT;
   MSymb = '/0';
   MNum = 0.0;
   try {
     Token = T.nextToken();
    while (Token.equals(" ") || Token.equals("/t"));
   } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
    return false;
   // numeral
   if (Character.isDigit(Token.charAt(0))) {
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < Token.length()
      && (Character.isDigit(Token.charAt(i)) || Token
        .charAt(i) == '.'); i++);
    if (i != Token.length())
     throw new SyntaxErrorException();
    try {
     MNum = (Double.valueOf(Token)).doubleValue();
    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
     throw new SyntaxErrorException();
    MCode = MC_NUM;
   // symbol
   else {
    MSymb = Token.charAt(0);
    MCode = MC_SYMB;
  return true;

  * expr implements the rule <expr>-><term>{ '+' <term>} | <term>{ '-'
  * <term>} .

 private double expr() throws SyntaxErrorException {
  double tmp = term();
  while (lex() && MCode == MC_SYMB && (MSymb == '+' || MSymb == '-')) {
   MCode = MC_NONE;
   if (MSymb == '+')
    tmp += term();
    tmp -= term();
  if (MCode == MC_SYMB && MSymb == '(' || MCode == MC_SYMB
    && MSymb == ')' || MCode == MC_EOT)
   throw new SyntaxErrorException();
  return tmp;

  * term implements the rule <term>-><fact>{ '*' <fact>} | <fact>{ '/'
  * <fact>} .

 private double term() throws SyntaxErrorException {
  double tmp = fac();
  while (lex() && MCode == MC_SYMB && (MSymb == '*' || MSymb == '/')) {
   MCode = MC_NONE;
   if (MSymb == '*')
    tmp *= fac();
    tmp /= fac();
  return tmp;

  * fac implements the rule <fact>-><nmeral>| '(' <expr>')' .

 private double fac() throws SyntaxErrorException {
  double tmp;
  boolean minus = false;

  if (lex() && MCode == MC_SYMB && MSymb == '-') {
   MCode = MC_NONE;
   minus = true;
  if (lex() && MCode == MC_SYMB && MSymb == '(') {
   MCode = MC_NONE;
   tmp = expr();
   if (lex() && MCode != MC_SYMB || MSymb != ')')
    throw new SyntaxErrorException();
   MCode = MC_NONE;
  } else if (MCode == MC_NUM) {
   MCode = MC_NONE;
   tmp = MNum;
  } else
   throw new SyntaxErrorException();
  if (minus)
   tmp = -tmp;
  return tmp;

