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<dependency>    <groupId>redis.clients</groupId>    <artifactId>jedis</artifactId>    <version>2.8.0</version>    <type>jar</type>    <scope>compile</scope></dependency>

Jedis 线程安全问题

首先,需要注意的是单个的Jedis 实例不是线程安全,在多线程环境下你应该使用JedisPool。

using Jedis in a multithreaded environment

You shouldn’t use the same instance from different threads because you’ll have strange errors. And sometimes creating lots of Jedis instances is not good enough because it means lots of sockets and connections, which leads to strange errors as well. A single Jedis instance is not threadsafe! To avoid these problems, you should use JedisPool, which is a threadsafe pool of network connections. You can use the pool to reliably create several Jedis instances, given you return the Jedis instance to the pool when done. This way you can overcome those strange errors and achieve great performance.


JedisPool pool = new JedisPool(new JedisPoolConfig(), "localhost");

JedisPool 是线程安全的,你可以将它作为一个静态变量保存起来。

为了保证Jedis 一定会被关闭,我们可以使用try-finally语句,如下:

Jedis jedis = null;try {  jedis = pool.getResource();  /// ... do stuff here ... for example  jedis.set("foo", "bar");  String foobar = jedis.get("foo");  jedis.zadd("sose", 0, "car"); jedis.zadd("sose", 0, "bike");   Set<String> sose = jedis.zrange("sose", 0, -1);} finally {  if (jedis != null) {    jedis.close();  }}/// ... when closing your application:pool.destroy();

在介绍Jedis API使用之前,我们先使用单例模式对JedisPool 做一个封装,代码如下:

package com.ricky.codelab.redis.sample.pool;import;import java.util.Properties;import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;import com.ricky.codelab.redis.sample.util.PropertyUtils;import redis.clients.jedis.Jedis;import redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool;import redis.clients.jedis.JedisPoolConfig;public class JedisPoolManager {    private volatile static JedisPoolManager manager;    private final JedisPool pool;    private JedisPoolManager() {        try {            //加载redis配置            Properties props = PropertyUtils.load("");            // 创建jedis池配置实例            JedisPoolConfig config = new JedisPoolConfig();            // 设置池配置项值            String maxTotal = props.getProperty("redis.pool.maxTotal", "4");            config.setMaxTotal(Integer.parseInt(maxTotal));            String maxIdle = props.getProperty("redis.pool.maxIdle", "4");            config.setMaxIdle(Integer.parseInt(maxIdle));            String minIdle = props.getProperty("redis.pool.minIdle", "1");            config.setMinIdle(Integer.parseInt(minIdle));            String maxWaitMillis = props.getProperty("redis.pool.maxWaitMillis", "1024");            config.setMaxWaitMillis(Long.parseLong(maxWaitMillis));            String testOnBorrow = props.getProperty("redis.pool.testOnBorrow", "true");            config.setTestOnBorrow("true".equals(testOnBorrow));            String testOnReturn = props.getProperty("redis.pool.testOnReturn", "true");            config.setTestOnReturn("true".equals(testOnReturn));            String server = props.getProperty("redis.server");            if(StringUtils.isEmpty(server)){                throw new IllegalArgumentException("JedisPool redis.server is empty!");            }            String[] host_arr = server.split(",");            if(host_arr.length>1){                throw new IllegalArgumentException("JedisPool redis.server length > 1");            }            String[] arr = host_arr[0].split(":");            // 根据配置实例化jedis池            System.out.println("***********init JedisPool***********");            System.out.println("host->"+arr[0]+",port->"+arr[1]);            pool = new JedisPool(config, arr[0], Integer.parseInt(arr[1]));        } catch (IOException e) {            throw new IllegalArgumentException("init JedisPool error", e);        }    }    public static JedisPoolManager getMgr() {        if (manager == null) {            synchronized (JedisPoolManager.class) {                if (manager == null) {                    manager = new JedisPoolManager();                }            }        }        return manager;    }    public Jedis getResource() {        return pool.getResource();    }    public void destroy() {        // when closing your application:        pool.destroy();    }    public void close() {        pool.close();    }} 如下:

# Redis server ip and portredis.server= Redis poolredis.pool.maxTotal=20redis.pool.maxIdle=10redis.pool.minIdle=1redis.pool.maxWaitMillis=60000redis.pool.testOnBorrow=trueredis.pool.testOnReturn=true


Jedis jedis = null;try {      jedis = JedisPoolManager.getMgr().getResource();//    jedis.auth("hello");} finally {      if (jedis != null) {        jedis.close();      }}/// ... when closing your application:JedisPoolManager.getMgr().destroy();


package com.ricky.codelab.redis.sample;import java.util.HashMap;import java.util.List;import java.util.Map;import java.util.Set;import com.ricky.codelab.redis.sample.pool.JedisPoolManager;import redis.clients.jedis.Jedis;public class RedisDemo {    public static void main(String[] args) {        Jedis jedis = null;        try {          jedis = JedisPoolManager.getMgr().getResource();//        jedis.auth("hello");          //simple key-value          jedis.set("redis", "myredis");          System.out.println(jedis.get("redis"));          jedis.append("redis", "yourredis");             jedis.append("mq", "RabbitMQ");          //incr          String pv = jedis.set("pv", "0");          System.out.println("pv:"+pv);          jedis.incr("pv");          jedis.incrBy("pv", 10);          System.out.println("pv:"+pv);          //mset          jedis.mset("firstName", "ricky", "lastName", "Fung");          System.out.println(jedis.mget("firstName", "lastName"));          //map          Map<String,String> cityMap =  new HashMap<String,String>();          cityMap.put("beijing", "1");          cityMap.put("shanghai", "2");          jedis.hmset("city", cityMap);          System.out.println(jedis.hget("city", "beijing"));          System.out.println(jedis.hlen("city"));          System.out.println(jedis.hmget("city", "beijing","shanghai"));          //list          jedis.lpush("hobbies", "reading");          jedis.lpush("hobbies", "basketball");          jedis.lpush("hobbies", "shopping");          List<String> hobbies = jedis.lrange("hobbies", 0, -1);          System.out.println("hobbies:"+hobbies);          jedis.del("hobbies");          //set          jedis.sadd("name", "ricky");          jedis.sadd("name", "kings");          jedis.sadd("name", "demon");          System.out.println("size:"+jedis.scard("name"));          System.out.println("exists:"+jedis.sismember("name", "ricky"));          System.out.println(String.format("all members: %s", jedis.smembers("name")));          System.out.println(String.format("rand member: %s", jedis.srandmember("name")));          //remove          jedis.srem("name", "demon");          //hset          jedis.hset("address", "country", "CN");          jedis.hset("address", "province", "BJ");          jedis.hset("address", "city", "Beijing");          jedis.hset("address", "district", "Chaoyang");          System.out.println("city:"+jedis.hget("address", "city"));          System.out.println("keys:"+jedis.hkeys("address"));          System.out.println("values:"+jedis.hvals("address"));          //zadd          jedis.zadd("gift", 0, "car");           jedis.zadd("gift", 0, "bike");           Set<String> gift = jedis.zrange("gift", 0, -1);          System.out.println("gift:"+gift);        } finally {          if (jedis != null) {            jedis.close();          }        }        /// ... when closing your application:        JedisPoolManager.getMgr().destroy();    }}

另外,我们除了可以使用redis.clients.jedis.Jedis.set(String key, String value) insert string之外,还可以使用redis.clients.jedis.BinaryJedis.set(byte[] key, byte[] value) 保存我们自定义的POJO类,代码如下:

package com.ricky.codelab.redis.sample;import;import;import;import;import;import;import com.ricky.codelab.redis.sample.pool.JedisPoolManager;import redis.clients.jedis.Jedis;public class RedisPojoDemo {    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {        Jedis jedis = null;        try {            jedis = JedisPoolManager.getMgr().getResource();            Person person =  new Person("Ricky", 27);            //序列化            byte[] byteArray = serialize(person);            //set            jedis.set("Ricky".getBytes(), byteArray);            //get            byteArray = jedis.get("Ricky".getBytes());            //反序列化            person = deserialize(byteArray);            System.out.println(person);        } finally {            if (jedis != null) {                jedis.close();            }        }        /// ... when closing your application:        JedisPoolManager.getMgr().destroy();    }    public static Person deserialize(byte[] byteArray) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException{        ObjectInputStream ois = null;        try {            ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(byteArray);            ois = new ObjectInputStream(bais);            return (Person) ois.readObject();        } finally {            ois.close();        }    }    public static byte[] serialize(Person person) throws IOException{        ByteArrayOutputStream baos = null;        ObjectOutputStream oos = null;        try {            baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();            oos = new ObjectOutputStream(baos);            oos.writeObject(person);            oos.flush();            return baos.toByteArray();        } finally {            oos.close();            baos.close();        }    }}class Person implements Serializable {    /**     *      */    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;    private String name;    private int age;    public Person() {    }    public Person(String name, int age) { = name;        this.age = age;    }    public String getName() {        return name;    }    public void setName(String name) { = name;    }    public int getAge() {        return age;    }    public void setAge(int age) {        this.age = age;    }    @Override    public String toString() {        return "Person [name=" + name + ", age=" + age + "]";    }}




Jedis jedis = null;        try {            jedis = JedisPoolManager.getMgr().getResource();            jedis.auth("password");            Transaction t = jedis.multi();            t.set("foo", "bar");            t.exec();        } finally {            if (jedis != null) {                jedis.close();            }        }        /// ... when closing your application:        JedisPoolManager.getMgr().destroy();


Transaction t = jedis.multi();t.set("fool", "bar"); Response<String> result1 = t.get("fool");t.zadd("foo", 1, "barowitch"); t.zadd("foo", 0, "barinsky"); t.zadd("foo", 0, "barikoviev");Response<Set<String>> sose = t.zrange("foo", 0, -1);   // get the entire sortedsett.exec();                                              // dont forget itString foolbar = result1.get();                       // use Response.get() to retrieve things from a Responseint soseSize = sose.get().size();                      // on sose.get() you can directly call Set methods!// List<Object> allResults = t.exec();                 // you could still get all results at once, as before


Sometimes you need to send a bunch of different commands. A very cool way to do that, and have better performance than doing it the naive way, is to use pipelining. This way you send commands without waiting for response, and you actually read the responses at the end, which is faster.

Pipeline p = jedis.pipelined();p.set("fool", "bar"); p.zadd("foo", 1, "barowitch");  p.zadd("foo", 0, "barinsky"); p.zadd("foo", 0, "barikoviev");Response<String> pipeString = p.get("fool");Response<Set<String>> sose = p.zrange("foo", 0, -1);p.sync(); int soseSize = sose.get().size();Set<String> setBack = sose.get();


To subscribe to a channel in Redis, create an instance of JedisPubSub and call subscribe on the Jedis instance:

class MyListener extends JedisPubSub {        public void onMessage(String channel, String message) {        }        public void onSubscribe(String channel, int subscribedChannels) {        }        public void onUnsubscribe(String channel, int subscribedChannels) {        }        public void onPSubscribe(String pattern, int subscribedChannels) {        }        public void onPUnsubscribe(String pattern, int subscribedChannels) {        }        public void onPMessage(String pattern, String channel,            String message) {        }}MyListener l = new MyListener();jedis.subscribe(l, "foo");

1.Define your shards:

List<JedisShardInfo> shards = new ArrayList<JedisShardInfo>();JedisShardInfo si = new JedisShardInfo("localhost", 6379);si.setPassword("foobared");shards.add(si);si = new JedisShardInfo("localhost", 6380);si.setPassword("foobared");shards.add(si);

2.a) Direct connection:

ShardedJedis jedis = new ShardedJedis(shards);jedis.set("a", "foo");jedis.disconnect();

2.b) Pooled connection:

ShardedJedisPool pool = new ShardedJedisPool(new Config(), shards);ShardedJedis jedis = pool.getResource();jedis.set("a", "foo");.... // do your work herepool.returnResource(jedis);.... // a few moments laterShardedJedis jedis2 = pool.getResource();jedis.set("z", "bar");pool.returnResource(jedis);pool.destroy();

最后,我对ShardedJedisPool 也做了一个简单封装,从 文件中获取配置信息并做初始化,代码如下:

package com.ricky.codelab.redis.sample.pool;import;import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.List;import java.util.Properties;import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;import com.ricky.codelab.redis.sample.util.PropertyUtils;import redis.clients.jedis.JedisPoolConfig;import redis.clients.jedis.JedisShardInfo;import redis.clients.jedis.ShardedJedis;import redis.clients.jedis.ShardedJedisPool;public class ShardedJedisPoolManager {    private volatile static ShardedJedisPoolManager manager;    private final ShardedJedisPool shardedJedisPool;    private ShardedJedisPoolManager() {        try {            Properties props = PropertyUtils.load("");            // 创建jedis池配置实例            JedisPoolConfig config = new JedisPoolConfig();            // 设置池配置项值            String maxTotal = props.getProperty("redis.pool.maxTotal", "4");            config.setMaxTotal(Integer.parseInt(maxTotal));            String maxIdle = props.getProperty("redis.pool.maxIdle", "4");            config.setMaxIdle(Integer.parseInt(maxIdle));            String minIdle = props.getProperty("redis.pool.minIdle", "1");            config.setMinIdle(Integer.parseInt(minIdle));            String maxWaitMillis = props.getProperty("redis.pool.maxWaitMillis", "1024");            config.setMaxWaitMillis(Long.parseLong(maxWaitMillis));            String testOnBorrow = props.getProperty("redis.pool.testOnBorrow", "true");            config.setTestOnBorrow("true".equals(testOnBorrow));            String testOnReturn = props.getProperty("redis.pool.testOnReturn", "true");            config.setTestOnReturn("true".equals(testOnReturn));            String server = props.getProperty("redis.server");            if(StringUtils.isEmpty(server)){                throw new IllegalArgumentException("ShardedJedisPool redis.server is empty!");            }            String[] host_arr = server.split(",");            List<JedisShardInfo> list = new ArrayList<JedisShardInfo>(host_arr.length);                for(String host : host_arr){                String[] arr = host.split(":");                System.out.println("init ShardedJedisPool host->"+arr[0]+",port->"+arr[1]);                JedisShardInfo jedisShardInfo = new JedisShardInfo(                            arr[0], Integer.parseInt(arr[1]));                jedisShardInfo.setPassword("password");                list.add(jedisShardInfo);               }            //根据配置文件,创建shared池实例            System.out.println("***********init ShardedJedisPool***********");            shardedJedisPool = new ShardedJedisPool(config, list);          } catch (IOException e) {            throw new IllegalArgumentException("init ShardedJedisPool error", e);        }    }    public static ShardedJedisPoolManager getMgr() {        if (manager == null) {            synchronized (ShardedJedisPoolManager.class) {                if (manager == null) {                    manager = new ShardedJedisPoolManager();                }            }        }        return manager;    }    public ShardedJedis getResource() {        return shardedJedisPool.getResource();    }    public void destroy() {        // when closing your application:        shardedJedisPool.destroy();    }    public void close() {        shardedJedisPool.close();    }}

# Redis server ip and portredis.server=,, Redis poolredis.pool.maxTotal=20redis.pool.maxIdle=10redis.pool.minIdle=1redis.pool.maxWaitMillis=60000redis.pool.testOnBorrow=trueredis.pool.testOnReturn=true



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