ExtJS5 +Spring MVC CRUD

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝卖假货怎么投诉 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 23:54

I began to write one sample application via ExtJS5 +SpringMVC+CRUD.

Compared to ExtJS4, big difference in ExtJS5 is MVVC. MVC is very traditional design pattern.

But MVVC is quite new to me so that I was starting from MVC javascript design.

My example is just to CRUD “Contact” table.

First Task is EXTJS5 (MVC) + SpringMVC +CRUD.
(1) Server Side
Below is the screenshot for server side. You can download them in the following links.

(2) Client Side
Below is the screenshot for client side.

According to ExtJS4 MVC, we define Contact model. Please specify the field name or type. If not, the data cannot be converted to JSON format correctly. If you have validations, you also can put them here.

Ext.define('BrazilJS.model.Contact', {    extend: 'Ext.data.Model',    fields: [        {name:'id', type:'int'},        {name:'name', type:'string'},        {name:'phone', type:'string'},        {name:'email', type:'string'}    ]});

Then define two views : One is for grid list; Another one is for form edit.
Moreover, store is something like to define how to communicate with Java Backend. Basically, we want to use JSON format to get/post data. In this part, we need to write down API url. Also, you need to implement read and write function. Since we want to transfer data as JSON format, we need to enable encode as “true” in write function.

Ext.define('BrazilJS.store.Contacts', {    extend: 'Ext.data.Store',    model: 'BrazilJS.model.Contact',    autoLoad: true,    pageSize: 35,    proxy: {        type: 'ajax',        actionMethods: {            create: 'POST',            read: 'GET',            update: 'POST',            destroy: 'POST'        },        api: {            read : 'contact/view.action',            create : 'contact/create.action',            update: 'contact/update.action',            destroy: 'contact/delete.action'        },        reader: {            type: 'json',            rootProperty: 'items',            successProperty: 'success'        },        writer: {            type: 'json',            writeAllFields: true,            encode: true,            rootProperty: 'items'        },        listeners: {            exception: function(proxy, response, operation){                Ext.MessageBox.show({                    title: 'REMOTE EXCEPTION',                    msg: operation.getError(),                    icon: Ext.MessageBox.ERROR,                    buttons: Ext.Msg.OK                });            }        }    }});

Code Link

Now, let’s modify it to MVVC pattern in later passages

Related Links:
MVC Code Sample

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