
来源:互联网 发布:js unix时间戳转换 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 19:41

        最近遇到一个问题,就是我们在exec的命令行中输入 “tail -f  /export/home/tomcat/logs/*/*.log” ,没有任何数据录入,为了解决这个问题,我们自己开发了一个flume数据接收端,主要实现的功能是通过检测一个问价夹下所有文件,通过多线程将每个文件通过tail 命令读取到channel中。




自定义flume source结构

public class SourceName extends AbstractSource implements EventDrivenSource,        Configurable {// 获取配置    @Override    public void configure(Context context) {     } //开始收集数据    @Override    public synchronized void start() {     } //结束收集数据    @Override    public synchronized void stop() {     }}


public class SourceName extends AbstractSource implements Configurable,                                 PollableSource {// 获取配置    @Override    public void configure(Context context)throws EventDeliveryException {return null;    } //开始收集数据    @Override    public synchronized void start() {     } //结束收集数据    @Override    public synchronized void stop() {     }}

自定义fluem sink结构

public class SinkName extends AbstractSink implements Configurable {  private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AbstractSink.class);  Context c;    @Override  public void configure(Context arg0) {    this.c = arg0;  }    //循环调用输出数据  @Override  public Status process() throws EventDeliveryException {    return Status.READY;  }    //输出流开始(调用一次)  @Override  public synchronized void start() {    super.start();  }    //输出流结束(调用一次)  @Override  public synchronized void stop() {    super.stop();  }}



/* * 作者:许恕 * 时间:2016年5月3日 * 功能:实现tail 某目录下的所有符合正则条件的文件 * Email:xvshu1@163.com * To detect all files in a folder */package org.apache.flume.source;import com.google.common.base.Preconditions;import com.google.common.util.concurrent.ThreadFactoryBuilder;import org.apache.flume.Context;import org.apache.flume.Event;import org.apache.flume.EventDrivenSource;import org.apache.flume.SystemClock;import org.apache.flume.channel.ChannelProcessor;import org.apache.flume.conf.Configurable;import org.apache.flume.event.EventBuilder;import org.apache.flume.instrumentation.SourceCounter;import org.apache.flume.tools.HostUtils;import org.mortbay.util.ajax.JSON;import org.slf4j.Logger;import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;import java.io.BufferedReader;import java.io.File;import java.io.IOException;import java.io.InputStreamReader;import java.nio.charset.Charset;import java.util.*;import java.util.concurrent.*;import java.util.regex.Matcher;import java.util.regex.Pattern;/** *  step: *    1,config one path *    2,find all file with RegExp *    3,tail one children file *    4,batch to channal * *  demo: *    demo.sources.s1.type = org.apache.flume.source.ExecTailSource *    demo.sources.s1.filepath=/export/home/tomcat/logs/ *    demo.sources.s1.filenameRegExp=(.log{1})$ */public class ExecTailSource extends AbstractSource implements EventDrivenSource,Configurable {  private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory      .getLogger(ExecTailSource.class);  private SourceCounter sourceCounter;  private ExecutorService executor;  private List<ExecRunnable> listRuners;  private List<Future<?>> listFuture;  private long restartThrottle;  private boolean restart;  private boolean logStderr;  private Integer bufferCount;  private long batchTimeout;  private Charset charset;  private String filepath;  private String filenameRegExp;  @Override  public void start() {    logger.info("ExecTail source starting with filepath:{}", filepath);    List<String> listFiles = getFileList(filepath);    if(listFiles==null || listFiles.isEmpty()){      Preconditions.checkState(listFiles != null && !listFiles.isEmpty(),              "The filepath's file not have fiels with filenameRegExp");    }    executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(listFiles.size());    listRuners = new ArrayList<ExecRunnable>();    listFuture = new ArrayList<Future<?>>();    logger.info("files size is {} ", listFiles.size());    // FIXME: Use a callback-like executor / future to signal us upon failure.    for(String oneFilePath : listFiles){      ExecRunnable runner = new ExecRunnable(getChannelProcessor(), sourceCounter,              restart, restartThrottle, logStderr, bufferCount, batchTimeout, charset,oneFilePath);      listRuners.add(runner);      Future<?> runnerFuture = executor.submit(runner);      listFuture.add(runnerFuture);      logger.info("{} is begin running",oneFilePath);    }    /*     * NB: This comes at the end rather than the beginning of the method because     * it sets our state to running. We want to make sure the executor is alive     * and well first.     */    sourceCounter.start();    super.start();    logger.debug("ExecTail source started");  }  @Override  public void stop() {    if(listRuners !=null && !listRuners.isEmpty()){      for(ExecRunnable oneRunner : listRuners){        if(oneRunner != null) {          oneRunner.setRestart(false);          oneRunner.kill();        }      }    }    if(listFuture !=null && !listFuture.isEmpty()){      for(Future<?> oneFuture : listFuture){        if (oneFuture != null) {          logger.debug("Stopping ExecTail runner");          oneFuture.cancel(true);          logger.debug("ExecTail runner stopped");        }      }    }    executor.shutdown();    while (!executor.isTerminated()) {      logger.debug("Waiting for ExecTail executor service to stop");      try {        executor.awaitTermination(500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);      } catch (InterruptedException e) {        logger.debug("Interrupted while waiting for ExecTail executor service "            + "to stop. Just exiting.");        Thread.currentThread().interrupt();      }    }    sourceCounter.stop();    super.stop();  }  @Override  public void configure(Context context) {    filepath = context.getString("filepath");    Preconditions.checkState(filepath != null,        "The parameter filepath must be specified");    logger.info("The parameter filepath is {}" ,filepath);    filenameRegExp = context.getString("filenameRegExp");    Preconditions.checkState(filenameRegExp != null,            "The parameter filenameRegExp must be specified");    logger.info("The parameter filenameRegExp is {}" ,filenameRegExp);    restartThrottle = context.getLong(ExecSourceConfigurationConstants.CONFIG_RESTART_THROTTLE,        ExecSourceConfigurationConstants.DEFAULT_RESTART_THROTTLE);    restart = context.getBoolean(ExecSourceConfigurationConstants.CONFIG_RESTART,        ExecSourceConfigurationConstants.DEFAULT_RESTART);    logStderr = context.getBoolean(ExecSourceConfigurationConstants.CONFIG_LOG_STDERR,        ExecSourceConfigurationConstants.DEFAULT_LOG_STDERR);    bufferCount = context.getInteger(ExecSourceConfigurationConstants.CONFIG_BATCH_SIZE,        ExecSourceConfigurationConstants.DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE);    batchTimeout = context.getLong(ExecSourceConfigurationConstants.CONFIG_BATCH_TIME_OUT,        ExecSourceConfigurationConstants.DEFAULT_BATCH_TIME_OUT);    charset = Charset.forName(context.getString(ExecSourceConfigurationConstants.CHARSET,        ExecSourceConfigurationConstants.DEFAULT_CHARSET));    if (sourceCounter == null) {      sourceCounter = new SourceCounter(getName());    }  }  /**   * 获取指定路径下的所有文件列表   *   * @param dir 要查找的目录   * @return   */  public  List<String> getFileList(String dir) {    List<String> listFile = new ArrayList<String>();    File dirFile = new File(dir);    //如果不是目录文件,则直接返回    if (dirFile.isDirectory()) {      //获得文件夹下的文件列表,然后根据文件类型分别处理      File[] files = dirFile.listFiles();      if (null != files && files.length > 0) {        //根据时间排序        Arrays.sort(files, new Comparator<File>() {          public int compare(File f1, File f2) {            return (int) (f1.lastModified() - f2.lastModified());          }          public boolean equals(Object obj) {            return true;          }        });        for (File file : files) {          //如果不是目录,直接添加          if (!file.isDirectory()) {            String oneFileName = file.getName();            if(match(filenameRegExp,oneFileName)){              listFile.add(file.getAbsolutePath());              logger.info("filename:{} is pass",oneFileName);            }          } else {            //对于目录文件,递归调用            listFile.addAll(getFileList(file.getAbsolutePath()));          }        }      }    }else{      logger.info("FilePath:{} is not Directory",dir);    }    return listFile;  }  /**   * @param regex   * 正则表达式字符串   * @param str   * 要匹配的字符串   * @return 如果str 符合 regex的正则表达式格式,返回true, 否则返回 false;   */  private boolean match(String regex, String str) {    Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex);    Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(str);   return matcher.find();  }  private static class ExecRunnable implements Runnable {    public ExecRunnable( ChannelProcessor channelProcessor,        SourceCounter sourceCounter, boolean restart, long restartThrottle,        boolean logStderr, int bufferCount, long batchTimeout, Charset charset,String filepath) {      this.channelProcessor = channelProcessor;      this.sourceCounter = sourceCounter;      this.restartThrottle = restartThrottle;      this.bufferCount = bufferCount;      this.batchTimeout = batchTimeout;      this.restart = restart;      this.logStderr = logStderr;      this.charset = charset;      this.filepath=filepath;      this.command = command+filepath;    }    private  String command="tail -f ";    private final ChannelProcessor channelProcessor;    private final SourceCounter sourceCounter;    private volatile boolean restart;    private final long restartThrottle;    private final int bufferCount;    private long batchTimeout;    private final boolean logStderr;    private final Charset charset;    private Process process = null;    private SystemClock systemClock = new SystemClock();    private Long lastPushToChannel = systemClock.currentTimeMillis();    ScheduledExecutorService timedFlushService;    ScheduledFuture<?> future;    private String filepath;    private static String getDomain(String filePath){      String[] strs = filePath.split("/");      String domain ;      domain=strs[strs.length-2];      if(domain==null || domain.isEmpty()){        domain=filePath;      }      return domain;    }    @Override    public void run() {      do {        String exitCode = "unknown";        BufferedReader reader = null;        String line = null;        final List<Event> eventList = new ArrayList<Event>();        timedFlushService = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor(                new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setNameFormat(                "timedFlushExecService" +                Thread.currentThread().getId() + "-%d").build());        try {          String[] commandArgs = command.split("\\s+");          process = new ProcessBuilder(commandArgs).start();          reader = new BufferedReader(              new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream(), charset));          // StderrLogger dies as soon as the input stream is invalid          StderrReader stderrReader = new StderrReader(new BufferedReader(              new InputStreamReader(process.getErrorStream(), charset)), logStderr);          stderrReader.setName("StderrReader-[" + command + "]");          stderrReader.setDaemon(true);          stderrReader.start();          future = timedFlushService.scheduleWithFixedDelay(new Runnable() {              @Override              public void run() {                try {                  synchronized (eventList) {                    if(!eventList.isEmpty() && timeout()) {                      flushEventBatch(eventList);                    }                  }                } catch (Exception e) {                  logger.error("Exception occured when processing event batch", e);                  if(e instanceof InterruptedException) {                      Thread.currentThread().interrupt();                  }                }              }          },          batchTimeout, batchTimeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);          while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {            synchronized (eventList) {              sourceCounter.incrementEventReceivedCount();              HashMap body = new HashMap();              body.put("context",line.toString());              body.put("filepath", filepath);              body.put("created", System.currentTimeMillis());              body.put("localHostIp", HostUtils.getLocalHostIp());              body.put("localHostName", HostUtils.getLocalHostName());              body.put("domain", getDomain(filepath));              body.put("command", command);              String context = line.toString();              String bodyjson = JSON.toString(body);              Event oneEvent = EventBuilder.withBody(bodyjson.getBytes(charset));              eventList.add(oneEvent);              if(eventList.size() >= bufferCount || timeout()) {                flushEventBatch(eventList);              }            }          }          synchronized (eventList) {              if(!eventList.isEmpty()) {                flushEventBatch(eventList);              }          }        } catch (Exception e) {          logger.error("Failed while running command: " + command, e);          if(e instanceof InterruptedException) {            Thread.currentThread().interrupt();          }        } finally {          if (reader != null) {            try {              reader.close();            } catch (IOException ex) {              logger.error("Failed to close reader for ExecTail source", ex);            }          }          exitCode = String.valueOf(kill());        }        if(restart) {          logger.info("Restarting in {}ms, exit code {}", restartThrottle,              exitCode);          try {            Thread.sleep(restartThrottle);          } catch (InterruptedException e) {            Thread.currentThread().interrupt();          }        } else {          logger.info("Command [" + command + "] exited with " + exitCode);        }      } while(restart);    }    private void flushEventBatch(List<Event> eventList){      channelProcessor.processEventBatch(eventList);      sourceCounter.addToEventAcceptedCount(eventList.size());      eventList.clear();      lastPushToChannel = systemClock.currentTimeMillis();    }    private boolean timeout(){      return (systemClock.currentTimeMillis() - lastPushToChannel) >= batchTimeout;    }    private static String[] formulateShellCommand(String shell, String command) {      String[] shellArgs = shell.split("\\s+");      String[] result = new String[shellArgs.length + 1];      System.arraycopy(shellArgs, 0, result, 0, shellArgs.length);      result[shellArgs.length] = command;      return result;    }    public int kill() {      if(process != null) {        synchronized (process) {          process.destroy();          try {            int exitValue = process.waitFor();            // Stop the Thread that flushes periodically            if (future != null) {                future.cancel(true);            }            if (timedFlushService != null) {              timedFlushService.shutdown();              while (!timedFlushService.isTerminated()) {                try {                  timedFlushService.awaitTermination(500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);                } catch (InterruptedException e) {                  logger.debug("Interrupted while waiting for ExecTail executor service "                    + "to stop. Just exiting.");                  Thread.currentThread().interrupt();                }              }            }            return exitValue;          } catch (InterruptedException ex) {            Thread.currentThread().interrupt();          }        }        return Integer.MIN_VALUE;      }      return Integer.MIN_VALUE / 2;    }    public void setRestart(boolean restart) {      this.restart = restart;    }  }  private static class StderrReader extends Thread {    private BufferedReader input;    private boolean logStderr;    protected StderrReader(BufferedReader input, boolean logStderr) {      this.input = input;      this.logStderr = logStderr;    }    @Override    public void run() {      try {        int i = 0;        String line = null;        while((line = input.readLine()) != null) {          if(logStderr) {            // There is no need to read 'line' with a charset            // as we do not to propagate it.            // It is in UTF-16 and would be printed in UTF-8 format.            logger.info("StderrLogger[{}] = '{}'", ++i, line);          }        }      } catch (IOException e) {        logger.info("StderrLogger exiting", e);      } finally {        try {          if(input != null) {            input.close();          }        } catch (IOException ex) {          logger.error("Failed to close stderr reader for ExecTail source", ex);        }      }    }  }}



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