
来源:互联网 发布:北京网络维护培训 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/10 12:44
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<%@ Import Namespace="System.IO" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Data" %>
<script language="VB" runat="server">

Sub Page_Load(Src As Object, E As EventArgs)
        If Not (IsPostBack)
        End If
End Sub

Sub DataLoad(parmsort as string)
         Dim ds As New DataSet
        Dim FS As New FileStream(Server.MapPath("books.xml"), FileMode.Open)
        Mydatagrid.DataSource = new DataView(ds.Tables(0))

Sub DataSort(Src As Object, E As datagridSortCommandEventArgs)
    ' Bug if we sort, then Edit Item Becomes Wrong
    IF Mydatagrid.EditItemIndex=-1 THEN
        response.write ("Can't sort until editing is done!")
    END IF
End Sub   

Sub DataDelete(Sender As Object, E As datagridCommandEventArgs)
    DIM deletekey as string
    IF Mydatagrid.EditItemIndex=-1 THEN
        response.write ("deleted " & deletekey)
        response.write ("Can't delete until editing is done!")
    END IF

Sub DataEdit(Sender As Object, E As datagridCommandEventArgs)
        DIM editkey as string
        Mydatagrid.EditItemIndex = Cint(E.Item.ItemIndex)
        'response.write ("To Be Edited" & editkey)
End Sub

Sub DataCancel(Sender As Object, E As datagridCommandEventArgs)
        Mydatagrid.EditItemIndex = -1
        response.write ("edit was cancelled")
End Sub

Sub DataUpdate(Sender As Object, E As datagridCommandEventArgs)
        DIM editkey as string
        Mydatagrid.EditItemIndex = -1
       editkey = Mydatagrid.DataKeys(CInt(E.Item.ItemIndex))
       response.write ("To Be Updated " & editkey)
       ' howmanycols = E.Item.Cells.Count
End Sub



<h3><font face="Verdana">The Best Books Ever</font>
<span runat="server" id="MySpan"/></h3>

<form runat="server">
<ASP:datagrid id="Mydatagrid" runat="server"



      <asp:ButtonColumn Text="Delete Book" CommandName="Delete"/>
      <asp:EditCommandColumn EditText="Edit" CancelText="Cancel" UpdateText="Update" ItemStyle-Wrap="false"/>


By the way, here is the xml source for this example:
Run This Code

    <author>Jack Trout, Steve Rivkin</author>
    <title>The Power of Simplicity</title>
    <comments>A Real Fun Read</comments>
    <author>Al Reiss, Jack Trout</author>
    <title>22 Immutable Laws of Marketing</title>
    <comments>This team offers more profound advice about creating world class marketing campaigns that will be viable for a hundred years.</comments>

    <author>Al Reiss, Laura Reiss</author>
    <title>22 Immutable Laws of Branding</title>
    <comments>This book is great for people who used 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing to build a brand and now want to strengthen that brand.</comments>
    <author>Tom Peters</author>
    <title>Circle of Innovation</title>
    <comments>His most recent book is his best by far!</comments>
    <author>Eli Goldthrait</author>
    <title>The Goal</title>
    <comments>Advocate of Theory of Constraints as applied to managment and optimization.</comments>

    <author>Jeff Cox, Howard Stevens</author>
    <title>Selling the Wheel</title>
    <comments>Excellent Treatise/Novel on the entire Sales Cycle</comments>

    <author>Alan Cooper</author>
    <title>The Inmates Are Running The Asylum</title>
    <comments>The father of Visual Basic and creator of the new art of Interaction Design - very valuable in designing websites. Basically the worlds most  cutting edge thinker in User Interface design aimed at simplifying software use.</comments>

给初学的朋友们datagridxml作为数据源并且有更新删除排序操作VB)';return true">
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