
来源:互联网 发布:手机号定位软件破解版 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 01:10



  1. 中国传统文化博大精深,源远流长。
    • Traditional Chinese culture, both extensive and profound, stars far back and runs a long, long course.
  2. 建设有中国特色的社会主义
    • build socialism with Chinese characteristics
  3. 小康社会
    • a well-off sociaty
  4. 诸子百家
    • the masters’ hundred school
  5. 和而不同
    • harmony without uniformity
  6. 民为邦本,民贵君轻
    • people are the foundation of the country. people are more important than monarch.
  7. 我们的成就必将承继先贤,泽被后世。
    • our success will do credit to our forebears and has benefit for our posterity.
  8. 改革开放政策
    • reform and opening-up policy
  9. 在近30年来中国创造的巨大财富不仅解决的人民的温饱问题,基本过上了小康生活,而且为世界的发展做出了贡献。
    • The tremendous wealth created by China in the last 30 years not only makes Chinese people meet their needs for food , clothing and shelters, and basically realizes a well-off standard of living, but also contributes to the development of world.


  1. 代表
    • on behalf of
  2. 表示热烈的欢迎
    • express my warm welcome to
  3. 达成共识
    • reach consensus
  4. 中美关系
    • sino-US relations(sino-做前缀使用,代表中国)
    • extend the warmest congratulations
  5. 尊贵的来宾
    • honorable guest
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