hdu4587TWO NODES【割点】

来源:互联网 发布:编码器编程程序接线图 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 01:47


Suppose that G is an undirected graph, and the value ofstab is defined as follows:

Among the expression,G -i, -j is the remainder after removing node i, node j and all edges that are directly relevant to the previous two nodes.cntCompent is the number of connected components of X independently.
Thus, given a certain undirected graph G, you are supposed to calculating the value ofstab.


The input will contain the description of several graphs. For each graph, the description consist of an integer N for the number of nodes, an integer M for the number of edges, and M pairs of integers for edges (3<=N,M<=5000).
Please note that the endpoints of edge is marked in the range of [0,N-1], and input cases ends with EOF.


For each graph in the input, you should output the value ofstab.

Sample Input

4 50 11 22 33 00 2

Sample Output




那么对于非根节点,删去后剩余个数为iscut[i] + 1(子树个数加上父节点),根节点为iscut[i] (没有父节点)

那么全题答案便是 max(iscut[i] + 1) + left - 1

#pragma comment(linker, "/STACK:102400000000,102400000000")#include <iostream>#include<cstdio>#include<cstring>#include<vector>#include<algorithm>using namespace std;#define maxn 5009vector<int>G[maxn];int pre[maxn],dfs_cnt,iscut[maxn];int n,m,none;void init(){    for(int i=0;i<n;i++)G[i].clear();    none=n;}int dfs(int u,int fa){    int lowu=pre[u]=++dfs_cnt;    int child=0;    for(int i=0;i<G[u].size();i++)    {        int v=G[u][i];        if(v==none) continue;        if(!pre[v])        {            child++;            int lowv=dfs(v,u);            lowu=min(lowu,lowv);            if(lowv>=pre[u])                iscut[u]++;        }        else if(pre[v]<pre[u]&&v!=fa)            lowu=min(lowu,pre[v]);    }    if(fa<0&&child==1)iscut[u]=0;    return lowu;}int solve(int x){    int ans=0,left=0;    memset(iscut,0,sizeof(iscut));    dfs_cnt=0;    memset(pre,0,sizeof(pre));    none=x;    for(int i=0;i<n;i++)        if(i!=x&&!pre[i])            iscut[i]--,left++,dfs(i,-1);    for(int i=0;i<n;i++)        if(i!=x)        ans=max(ans,iscut[i]+1);    ans+=left-1;    return ans;}int main(){  //  freopen("cin.txt","r",stdin);    while(~scanf("%d%d",&n,&m))    {        init();        while(m--)        {            int u,v;            scanf("%d%d",&u,&v);            G[u].push_back(v);            G[v].push_back(u);        }        int ans=0;        for(int i=0;i<n;i++)            ans=max(ans,solve(i));        printf("%d\n",ans);    }    return 0;}

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