[SQL SERVER系列]存储过程,游标和触发器实例[原创]

来源:互联网 发布:怎么加入摄影协会 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 02:10

--使用游标循环处理,删除重复的记录    declare @UserID int    declare @UserName varchar(32)    declare @RealName varchar(32)    declare @UnitFlag int    declare @Email2 varchar(64)    declare @Mobile varchar(64)    declare @Start int    declare @End int    declare @Type varchar(16)    declare @IsSubscribe bit    declare curEmailTotalLib cursor    for (select UserID,UserName,RealName,UnitFlag,Email,Mobile,IsSubscribe from Task_IntermediateData)    open curEmailTotalLib                --打开游标    fetch next from curEmailTotalLib into @UserID, @UserName, @RealName, @UnitFlag, @Email2, @Mobile, @IsSubscribe    while @@fetch_status = 0   --获取成功    begin        --在邮件系统总库中不存在此用户ID,不存在此邮箱,并且用户订阅过        if not exists(select * from Task_EmailTotalLib where UserID = @UserID)            and not exists(select * from Task_EmailTotalLib where Email = @Email2)            and @IsSubscribe = 1        begin            set    @Start = charindex('@', @Email2, 0)            set @End = charindex('.', @Email2, @Start)            if  @Start != 0 and @End != 0                begin                    --不是垃圾邮件                    if @Email2 is not null and ltrim(rtrim(@Email2)) <> ''                    begin                        if not exists(select * from Task_JunkEmail where Email = @Email2)                        begin                            begin try                                set    @Type = substring(@Email2, @Start + 1, @End - @Start - 1)                                if @Type != 'qq' and @Type!='126' and @Type != '163' and @Type!='sina'                                    and @Type !='sohu' and @Type != 'gmail' and @Type!='hotmail' and                                    @Type != 'yahoo' and @Type != '139' and @Type != '263' and                                     @Type !='yeah' and @Type != 'cnki'                                begin                                    set    @Type = 'extra'                                end                                insert into Task_EmailTotalLib(UserID, UserName, RealName, Email, Mobile,                                Priority, MailType, LibType, FpIsSend, CpIsSend, UpIsSend, VpIsSend, WpIsSend,                                XpIsSend, YpIsSend, ZpIsSend, SendCount, SucCount, FailCount, CreditRate, IsJunkEmail,                                IsSubscribe, IsUsed, Memo) values(@UserID, @UserName, @RealName, @Email2, @Mobile,                                2, @Type, @UnitFlag, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, @IsSubscribe, 0, '')                            end try                            begin catch                                print '@Email2:'+@Email2+'charindex(''@'', @Email2, 0)'+charindex('@', @Email2, 0)+'  @Start'+@Start+'  @End'+@End+'  @End - @Start - 1:'+@End - @Start - 1                            end catch                        end                    end                end        end        fetch next from curEmailTotalLib into @UserID, @UserName, @RealName, @UnitFlag, @Email2, @Mobile, @IsSubscribe    end    close curEmailTotalLib            --关闭游标    deallocate curEmailTotalLib        --释放游标


  Create trigger tg_url_update  on [dbo].UrlTotal for insert as
    declare @getid int; 
    declare @url varchar(128);
    set @getid=(select id from inserted);
    set @url='Test.aspx?id='+cast(@getid as varchar(50)) 
    update UrlTotal set url=@url where id=@getid



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