DOJ - 1002 Least Subsequence

来源:互联网 发布:手机怎么添加wifi网络 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 02:21


Giving a set of keywords like (key1,key2,…,keym)(key1,key2,…,keym) and a paragraph like (word1,word2,…,wordn)(word1,word2,…,wordn), please find the least subsequence of the paragraph which includes all keywords (ignoring the order). The least subsequence means that its number of words is the least.

There are several test cases and each case takes up three lines.

The first line contains two integers nn and mm, representing the number of words in the paragraph and the number of keywords respectively.

The second line contains mm keywords, separated by spaces.

The third line contains nn words, separated by spaces.

The input is terminated by EOF.

Note: The lengths of both keywords and words are less than 100. Any two keywords are different.

For each test case X, if the least subsequence exists, then print out a string like “Case X: XX”, otherwise, just print out “Case X: -1”. X is the test case number starting from I and XX is the length of the least subsequence.

5 2hello worldhell everyone this is good10 3sun apple treewhat is the sun tell apple tree sun call apple


Case 1: -1Case 2: 3




#include <cstdio>#include <iostream>#include <cstring>#include <unordered_map>using namespace std;string a;int n,m,NUM,b[100005],now[100005],F[100005],New[100005];int main(){    cin.sync_with_stdio(false);    while(cin>>n>>m)    {        unordered_map <string,int> f;        memset(now,0,sizeof(now));        memset(F,0,sizeof(F));        memset(New,0,sizeof(New));        memset(b,0,sizeof(b));        int tot = 0;        for(int i = 1;i <= m;i++)         {            cin>>a;            f[a] = ++tot;        }        for(int i = 1;i <= n;i++)        {            cin>>a;            if(f.count(a)) F[i] = New[f[a]],b[i] = f[a],New[f[a]] = i;        }        int i = n,pre = 0,num = 0;        for(;i;i--)        {            if(b[i] == 0) continue;            if(now[b[i]] == 0) now[b[i]] = 1,num++,pre = pre == 0 ? i:pre;            if(num == m) break;        }        if(num != m)        {            cout<<"Case "<<++NUM<<": "<<-1<<endl;            continue;        }        int l = i;        int ans = pre - l + 1;        for(i = pre-1;i;i--)        {            if(b[i] == 0) continue;            if(F[pre] == 0) break;            if(F[pre] < l) l = F[pre];            pre = i;            ans = min(ans,i - l + 1);         }        cout<<"Case "<<++NUM<<": "<<ans<<endl;    }}
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