
来源:互联网 发布:mac如何获取最高权限 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 02:48












(1)    编写自定义elasticsearch-sink的flume组件(默认flume与Elasticsearch版本冲突无法使用)


public class ElasticSearchCoreSink extends AbstractSink implements Configurable{    private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ElasticSearchCoreSink.class);    private String clusterName;    //集群名称    private String indexName//索引名称    private String indexType//文档名称    private String hostName;   //主机IP    private long ttlMs=-1;    //Elasticsearch的字段TTL失效时间    private String[] fields;   //字段    private String splitStr;   //扫描文本文件字段分隔符    private int batchSize;    //缓冲提交数    private final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(TTL_REGEX,Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);    private Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher("");    private Client client=null;    //Elasticsearch客户端    @Override    public Status process() throws EventDeliveryException {        Status status = null;        Channel ch = getChannel();        Transaction txn = ch.getTransaction();        txn.begin();        try {            Event event = ch.take();            String out = new String(event.getBody(),"UTF-8");            // Send the Event to the external repository.            log.info("文本行信息>>>>"+out);            int sz=out.split(splitStr).length;            if(sz==fields.length){                String json=ElasticSearchClientFactory.generateJson(fields,out,splitStr);                IndexRequestBuilder irb=client.prepareIndex(indexName, indexType).setSource(json);                irb.setTTL(ttlMs);                //存入缓冲                ElasticsearchWriter.addDocToCache(irb,batchSize);            }            txn.commit();            status = Status.READY;        } catch (Throwable t) {            txn.rollback();            status = Status.BACKOFF;            if (t instanceof Error) {                throw (Error)t;            }        } finally {            txn.close();        }        return status;    }    @Override    public void configure(Context context) {        String cn=context.getString("clusterName", "ClusterName");        String in=context.getString("indexName", "IndexName");        String it=context.getString("indexType", "IndexType");        String hn=context.getString("hostName", "");        String tt=context.getString("ttl", "7*24*60*60*1000");        String fs=context.getString("fields", "content");        String ss=context.getString("splitStr", "\\|");        String bs=context.getString("batchSize","10");        this.clusterName=cn;        this.indexName=in;        this.indexType=it;        this.hostName=hn;        this.ttlMs=parseTTL(tt);        this.splitStr=ss;        this.fields=fs.trim().split(",");        this.batchSize=Integer.parseInt(bs);        for(String f:fields){            System.out.println("field@"+f);        }        if(client==null){            try {                this.client=ElasticSearchClientFactory.getClient(hostName,clusterName);            } catch (NoSuchClientTypeException e) {                log.info("配置文件中:集群名字与主机有误,请检查!");            }        }    }    private long parseTTL(String ttl) {        matcher = matcher.reset(ttl);        while (matcher.find()) {            if (matcher.group(2).equals("ms")) {                return Long.parseLong(matcher.group(1));            } else if (matcher.group(2).equals("s")) {                return TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(Integer.parseInt(matcher.group(1)));            } else if (matcher.group(2).equals("m")) {                return TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(Integer.parseInt(matcher.group(1)));            } else if (matcher.group(2).equals("h")) {                return TimeUnit.HOURS.toMillis(Integer.parseInt(matcher.group(1)));            } else if (matcher.group(2).equals("d")) {                return TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis(Integer.parseInt(matcher.group(1)));            } else if (matcher.group(2).equals("w")) {                return TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis(7 * Integer.parseInt(matcher.group(1)));            } else if (matcher.group(2).equals("")) {                log.info("TTL qualifier is empty. Defaulting to day qualifier.");                return TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis(Integer.parseInt(matcher.group(1)));            } else {                log.debug("Unknown TTL qualifier provided. Setting TTL to 0.");                return 0;            }        }        log.info("TTL not provided. Skipping the TTL config by returning 0.");        return 0;    }}


public class ElasticsearchWriter {    private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ElasticsearchWriter.class);    private static int maxCacheCount = 10; // 缓存大小,当达到该上限时提交    private static Vector<IndexRequestBuilder> cache = null; // 缓存    public static Lock commitLock = new ReentrantLock(); // 在添加缓存或进行提交时加锁    private static int maxCommitTime = 60; // 最大提交时间,s    public static Client client;    static {        log.info("elasticsearch init param");        try {            client=ElasticSearchClientFactory.getClient();            cache = new Vector<IndexRequestBuilder>(maxCacheCount);            // 启动定时任务,第一次延迟10执行,之后每隔指定时间执行一次            Timer timer = new Timer();            timer.schedule(new CommitTimer(), 10 * 1000, maxCommitTime * 1000);        } catch (Exception ex) {            ex.printStackTrace();        }    }    // 批量索引数据    public static boolean blukIndex(List<IndexRequestBuilder> indexRequestBuilders) {        Boolean isSucceed = true;        BulkRequestBuilder bulkBuilder = client.prepareBulk();        for (IndexRequestBuilder indexRequestBuilder : indexRequestBuilders) {            bulkBuilder.add(indexRequestBuilder);        }        BulkResponse reponse = bulkBuilder.execute().actionGet();        if (reponse.hasFailures()) {            isSucceed = false;        }        return isSucceed;    }    /**     * 添加记录到cache,如果cache达到maxCacheCount,则提交     */    public static void addDocToCache(IndexRequestBuilder irb,int bachSize) {        maxCacheCount=bachSize;        commitLock.lock();        try {            cache.add(irb);            log.info("cache commit maxCacheCount:"+maxCacheCount);            if (cache.size() >= maxCacheCount) {                log.info("cache commit count:"+cache.size());                blukIndex(cache);                cache.clear();            }        } catch (Exception ex) {            log.info(ex.getMessage());        } finally {            commitLock.unlock();        }    }    /**     * 提交定时器     */    static class CommitTimer extends TimerTask {        @Override        public void run() {            commitLock.lock();            try {                if (cache.size() > 0) { //大于0则提交                    log.info("timer commit count:"+cache.size());                    blukIndex(cache);                    cache.clear();                }            } catch (Exception ex) {                log.info(ex.getMessage());            } finally {                commitLock.unlock();            }        }    }}

ElasticsearchClientFactory提供Client创建和bulk json功能

public class ElasticSearchClientFactory {    private static Client client;    public static Client getClient(){        return client;    }    public static Client getClient(String hostName, String clusterName)            throws NoSuchClientTypeException {        if (client == null) {            // 集群模式 设置Settings            System.out.println(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>" + clusterName + ">>>>>" + hostName);            Settings settings = Settings.settingsBuilder()                    .put("cluster.name", clusterName).build();            try {                client = TransportClient                        .builder()                        .settings(settings)                        .build()                        .addTransportAddress(                                new InetSocketTransportAddress(InetAddress                                        .getByName(hostName), 9300));            } catch (UnknownHostException e) {                e.printStackTrace();            }        }        return client;    }    public static String generateJson(String[] fields,String text,String splitStr) throws ContentNoCaseFieldsException{        String[] texts=null;        if(!StringUtils.isEmpty(text)){            texts=text.split(splitStr);            if(texts.length==fields.length){                String json = "";                try {                    XContentBuilder contentBuilder = XContentFactory.jsonBuilder()                            .startObject();                    for(int i=0;i<fields.length;i++){                        contentBuilder.field(fields[i],texts[i]);                    }                    json = contentBuilder.endObject().string();                } catch (IOException e) {                    e.printStackTrace();                }                return json;            }        }        throw new ContentNoCaseFieldsException();    }}


(2)    配置Flume文件elasticsearch.conf

a1.sources =r1
a1.sinks = k1
a1.channels = c1

# Describe/configure the source
a1.sources.r1.type =spooldir
a1.sources.r1.channels =c1
a1.sources.r1.spoolDir =/home/an/log
a1.sources.r1.fileHeader =true

# Describe the sink
a1.sinks.k1.type =org.plugins.sink.ElasticSearchCoreSink
a1.sinks.k1.hostName =
a1.sinks.k1.indexName =dxmessages
a1.sinks.k1.indexType =dxmessage
a1.sinks.k1.clusterName =es_cloud
a1.sinks.k1.fields =rowkey,content,phone_no,publish_date
a1.sinks.k1.ttl =5m
a1.sinks.k1.splitStr =\\|
a1.sinks.k1.bachSize =100

# Use a channel which buffers events inmemory
a1.channels.c1.type =memory
a1.channels.c1.capacity =1000
a1.channels.c1.transactionCapacity =100

# Bind the source and sink to the channel
a1.sources.r1.channels =c1
a1.sinks.k1.channel =c1



     Jcseg 作为国内知名的开源的中文分词器,对于中文分词有其独有的特点, 对于 elasticsearch 这一不错的文档检索引擎来说 Elasticsearch + Jcseg 这个组合,在处理中文检索上,可以说是黄金搭档啊!!最重要的是:方便,简单,易用,功能强大!Elasticsearch与jcseg整合,参考https://github.com/lionsoul2014/jcseg。配置jcseg.properties文件内容如下(不待翻译了,多看几遍就看懂了):

# jcseg properties file.# Jcseg function#maximum match length. (5-7)jcseg.maxlen=5#recognized the chinese name.(1 to open and 0 to close it)jcseg.icnname=1#maximum chinese word number of english chinese mixed word. jcseg.mixcnlen=3#maximum length for pair punctuation text.jcseg.pptmaxlen=15#maximum length for chinese last name andron.jcseg.cnmaxlnadron=1#Wether to clear the stopwords.(set 1 to clear stopwords and 0 to close it)jcseg.clearstopword=0#Wether to convert the chinese numeric to arabic number. (set to 1 open it and 0 to close it)# like '\u4E09\u4E07' to 30000.jcseg.cnnumtoarabic=1#Wether to convert the chinese fraction to arabic fraction.jcseg.cnfratoarabic=1#Wether to keep the unrecognized word. (set 1 to keep unrecognized word and 0 to clear it)jcseg.keepunregword=1#Wether to start the secondary segmentation for the complex english words.jcseg.ensencondseg = 1#min length of the secondary simple token. (better larger than 1)jcseg.stokenminlen = 2#thrshold for chinese name recognize.# better not change it before you know what you are doing.jcseg.nsthreshold=1000000#The punctuations that will be keep in an token.(Not the end of the token).jcseg.keeppunctuations=@#%.&+####about the lexicon#prefix of lexicon file.lexicon.prefix=lex#suffix of lexicon file.lexicon.suffix=lex#abusolte path of the lexicon file.#Multiple path support from jcseg 1.9.2, use ';' to split different path.#example: lexicon.path = /home/chenxin/lex1;/home/chenxin/lex2 (Linux)#     : lexicon.path = D:/jcseg/lexicon/1;D:/jcseg/lexicon/2 (WinNT)#lexicon.path=/java/JavaSE/jcseg/lexiconlexicon.path={jar.dir}/lexicon#Wether to load the modified lexicon file auto.lexicon.autoload=0#Poll time for auto load. (seconds)lexicon.polltime=120####lexicon load#Wether to load the part of speech of the entry.jcseg.loadpos=1#Wether to load the pinyin of the entry.jcseg.loadpinyin=0#Wether to load the synoyms words of the entry.jcseg.loadsyn=0

curl -XPOST '' -d '{   "mappings": {    "dxmessage": {      "_ttl": {        "enabled": true      },      "properties" : {            "rowkey" : {"type" : "string","index" : "not_analyzed"},            "content" :{"type" : "string","analyzer" : "jcseg_simple","searchAnalyzer": "jcseg"},            "phone_no" : {"type" : "string","index" : "not_analyzed"},            "publish_date" :{"type" : "string","index" : "not_analyzed"}      }    }  }}'






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