
来源:互联网 发布:电路图设计软件下载 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/11 05:36


#include "AssetsManagerEx.h"#include "CCEventListenerAssetsManagerEx.h"#include "deprecated/CCString.h"#include "base/CCDirector.h"#include <curl/curl.h>#include <curl/easy.h>#include <stdio.h>#ifdef MINIZIP_FROM_SYSTEM#include <minizip/unzip.h>#else // from our embedded sources#include "unzip.h"#endifusing namespace cocos2d;using namespace std;NS_CC_EXT_BEGIN#define VERSION_FILENAME        "version.manifest"#define TEMP_MANIFEST_FILENAME  "project.manifest.temp"#define MANIFEST_FILENAME       "project.manifest"#define BUFFER_SIZE    8192#define MAX_FILENAME   512#define DEFAULT_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT 8const std::string AssetsManagerEx::VERSION_ID = "@version";const std::string AssetsManagerEx::MANIFEST_ID = "@manifest";const std::string AssetsManagerEx::BATCH_UPDATE_ID = "@batch_update";// Implementation of AssetsManagerEx//read AssetsManagerEx 顺序/**    initManifests    loadLocalManifest    checkUpdate    downloadVersion  下载服务器版本文件    onSuccess--VERSION_ID  ( 解析服务器版本配置文件, 如果服务器版本和本地版本不一样,给出通知需要更新:_updateState = State::NEED_UPDATE; 否则通知不需要更新  _updateState = State::UP_TO_DATE; )--如果需要更新,客户端需要主动调update方法    update 由于_remoteManifest没有解析详细配置文件,所以需要去下载详细配置文件    downloadManifest  (下载到_tempManifestPath)    parseManifest  _remoteMaifest解析服务器详细配置文件     startUpdate*//** params:    manifestUrl:apk中的配置文件    storagePath:热更新下载到的文件目录content:    _cacheVersionPath:本地缓存的版本配置文件    _cacheManifestPath:本地下载的详细配置文件(详细是指包括了需要下载的文件,而不仅仅是版本配置文件)    _tempManifestPath:下载热更新包时的临时配置文件*/AssetsManagerEx::AssetsManagerEx(const std::string& manifestUrl, const std::string& storagePath): _updateState(State::UNCHECKED), _assets(nullptr), _storagePath(""), _cacheVersionPath(""), _cacheManifestPath(""), _tempManifestPath(""), _manifestUrl(manifestUrl), _localManifest(nullptr), _tempManifest(nullptr), _remoteManifest(nullptr), _waitToUpdate(false), _percent(0), _percentByFile(0), _totalToDownload(0), _totalWaitToDownload(0), _inited(false){    // Init variables    _eventDispatcher = Director::getInstance()->getEventDispatcher();    std::string pointer = StringUtils::format("%p", this);    _eventName = EventListenerAssetsManagerEx::LISTENER_ID + pointer;    _fileUtils = FileUtils::getInstance();    _updateState = State::UNCHECKED;    _downloader = std::make_shared<Downloader>();    _downloader->setConnectionTimeout(DEFAULT_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT);    _downloader->_onError = std::bind(&AssetsManagerEx::onError, this, std::placeholders::_1);    _downloader->_onProgress = std::bind(&AssetsManagerEx::onProgress,                                         this,                                         std::placeholders::_1,                                         std::placeholders::_2,                                         std::placeholders::_3,                                         std::placeholders::_4);    _downloader->_onSuccess = std::bind(&AssetsManagerEx::onSuccess, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3);    setStoragePath(storagePath);    _cacheVersionPath = _storagePath + VERSION_FILENAME;      _cacheManifestPath = _storagePath + MANIFEST_FILENAME;    _tempManifestPath = _storagePath + TEMP_MANIFEST_FILENAME;    initManifests(manifestUrl);}AssetsManagerEx::~AssetsManagerEx(){    _downloader->_onError = nullptr;    _downloader->_onSuccess = nullptr;    _downloader->_onProgress = nullptr;    CC_SAFE_RELEASE(_localManifest);    // _tempManifest could share a ptr with _remoteManifest or _localManifest    if (_tempManifest != _localManifest && _tempManifest != _remoteManifest)        CC_SAFE_RELEASE(_tempManifest);    CC_SAFE_RELEASE(_remoteManifest);}AssetsManagerEx* AssetsManagerEx::create(const std::string& manifestUrl, const std::string& storagePath){    AssetsManagerEx* ret = new (std::nothrow) AssetsManagerEx(manifestUrl, storagePath);    if (ret)    {        ret->autorelease();    }    else    {        CC_SAFE_DELETE(ret);    }    return ret;}void AssetsManagerEx::initManifests(const std::string& manifestUrl){    _inited = true;    // Init and load local manifest    _localManifest = new (std::nothrow) Manifest();    if (_localManifest)    {        loadLocalManifest(manifestUrl);          // Init and load temporary manifest        _tempManifest = new (std::nothrow) Manifest();        if (_tempManifest)        {            _tempManifest->parse(_tempManifestPath);  //获取临时下载热更新的配置文件            if (!_tempManifest->isLoaded())                _fileUtils->removeFile(_tempManifestPath);        }        else        {            _inited = false;        }        // Init remote manifest for future usage        _remoteManifest = new (std::nothrow) Manifest();        if (!_remoteManifest)        {            _inited = false;        }    }    else    {        _inited = false;    }    if (!_inited)    {        CC_SAFE_DELETE(_localManifest);        CC_SAFE_DELETE(_tempManifest);        CC_SAFE_DELETE(_remoteManifest);    }}void AssetsManagerEx::prepareLocalManifest(){    // An alias to assets    _assets = &(_localManifest->getAssets());    // Add search paths    _localManifest->prependSearchPaths();}void AssetsManagerEx::loadLocalManifest(const std::string& manifestUrl){    Manifest *cachedManifest = nullptr;    // Find the cached manifest file    if (_fileUtils->isFileExist(_cacheManifestPath))    {        cachedManifest = new (std::nothrow) Manifest();        if (cachedManifest) {            cachedManifest->parse(_cacheManifestPath);            if (!cachedManifest->isLoaded())            {                _fileUtils->removeFile(_cacheManifestPath);                CC_SAFE_RELEASE(cachedManifest);                cachedManifest = nullptr;            }        }    }    //首先获取apk中的配置文件    // Load local manifest in app package    _localManifest->parse(_manifestUrl);    if (_localManifest->isLoaded())    {        // Compare with cached manifest to determine which one to use        if (cachedManifest) {             if (strcmp(_localManifest->getVersion().c_str(), cachedManifest->getVersion().c_str()) > 0)  //如果apk中的版本比本地缓存的版本还大,说明需要更新apk包            {                //如果需要更新apk包,移除 配置文件放置的目录                // Recreate storage, to empty the content                _fileUtils->removeDirectory(_storagePath);                _fileUtils->createDirectory(_storagePath);                CC_SAFE_RELEASE(cachedManifest);            }            else            {                CC_SAFE_RELEASE(_localManifest);                _localManifest = cachedManifest; //本地有配置文件就用本地的,否则就用apk中自带的配置文件            }        }        prepareLocalManifest();    }    // Fail to load local manifest    if (!_localManifest->isLoaded())    {        CCLOG("AssetsManagerEx : No local manifest file found error.\n");        dispatchUpdateEvent(EventAssetsManagerEx::EventCode::ERROR_NO_LOCAL_MANIFEST);    }}std::string AssetsManagerEx::basename(const std::string& path) const{    size_t found = path.find_last_of("/\\");    if (std::string::npos != found)    {        return path.substr(0, found);    }    else    {        return path;    }}std::string AssetsManagerEx::get(const std::string& key) const{    auto it = _assets->find(key);    if (it != _assets->cend()) {        return _storagePath + it->second.path;    }    else return "";}const Manifest* AssetsManagerEx::getLocalManifest() const{    return _localManifest;}const Manifest* AssetsManagerEx::getRemoteManifest() const{    return _remoteManifest;}const std::string& AssetsManagerEx::getStoragePath() const{    return _storagePath;}void AssetsManagerEx::setStoragePath(const std::string& storagePath){    _storagePath = storagePath;    adjustPath(_storagePath);    _fileUtils->createDirectory(_storagePath);}void AssetsManagerEx::adjustPath(std::string &path){    if (path.size() > 0 && path[path.size() - 1] != '/')    {        path.append("/");    }}bool AssetsManagerEx::decompress(const std::string &zip){    // Find root path for zip file    size_t pos = zip.find_last_of("/\\");    if (pos == std::string::npos)    {        CCLOG("AssetsManagerEx : no root path specified for zip file %s\n", zip.c_str());        return false;    }    const std::string rootPath = zip.substr(0, pos+1);    // Open the zip file    unzFile zipfile = unzOpen(zip.c_str());    if (! zipfile)    {        CCLOG("AssetsManagerEx : can not open downloaded zip file %s\n", zip.c_str());        return false;    }    // Get info about the zip file    unz_global_info global_info;    if (unzGetGlobalInfo(zipfile, &global_info) != UNZ_OK)    {        CCLOG("AssetsManagerEx : can not read file global info of %s\n", zip.c_str());        unzClose(zipfile);        return false;    }    // Buffer to hold data read from the zip file    char readBuffer[BUFFER_SIZE];    // Loop to extract all files.    uLong i;    for (i = 0; i < global_info.number_entry; ++i)    {        // Get info about current file.        unz_file_info fileInfo;        char fileName[MAX_FILENAME];        if (unzGetCurrentFileInfo(zipfile,                                  &fileInfo,                                  fileName,                                  MAX_FILENAME,                                  NULL,                                  0,                                  NULL,                                  0) != UNZ_OK)        {            CCLOG("AssetsManagerEx : can not read compressed file info\n");            unzClose(zipfile);            return false;        }        const std::string fullPath = rootPath + fileName;        // Check if this entry is a directory or a file.        const size_t filenameLength = strlen(fileName);        if (fileName[filenameLength-1] == '/')        {            //There are not directory entry in some case.            //So we need to create directory when decompressing file entry            if ( !_fileUtils->createDirectory(basename(fullPath)) )            {                // Failed to create directory                CCLOG("AssetsManagerEx : can not create directory %s\n", fullPath.c_str());                unzClose(zipfile);                return false;            }        }        else        {            // Entry is a file, so extract it.            // Open current file.            if (unzOpenCurrentFile(zipfile) != UNZ_OK)            {                CCLOG("AssetsManagerEx : can not extract file %s\n", fileName);                unzClose(zipfile);                return false;            }            // Create a file to store current file.            FILE *out = fopen(fullPath.c_str(), "wb");            if (!out)            {                CCLOG("AssetsManagerEx : can not create decompress destination file %s\n", fullPath.c_str());                unzCloseCurrentFile(zipfile);                unzClose(zipfile);                return false;            }            // Write current file content to destinate file.            int error = UNZ_OK;            do            {                error = unzReadCurrentFile(zipfile, readBuffer, BUFFER_SIZE);                if (error < 0)                {                    CCLOG("AssetsManagerEx : can not read zip file %s, error code is %d\n", fileName, error);                    fclose(out);                    unzCloseCurrentFile(zipfile);                    unzClose(zipfile);                    return false;                }                if (error > 0)                {                    fwrite(readBuffer, error, 1, out);                }            } while(error > 0);            fclose(out);        }        unzCloseCurrentFile(zipfile);        // Goto next entry listed in the zip file.        if ((i+1) < global_info.number_entry)        {            if (unzGoToNextFile(zipfile) != UNZ_OK)            {                CCLOG("AssetsManagerEx : can not read next file for decompressing\n");                unzClose(zipfile);                return false;            }        }    }    unzClose(zipfile);    return true;}void AssetsManagerEx::decompressDownloadedZip(){    // Decompress all compressed files    for (auto it = _compressedFiles.begin(); it != _compressedFiles.end(); ++it) {        std::string zipfile = *it;        if (!decompress(zipfile))        {            dispatchUpdateEvent(EventAssetsManagerEx::EventCode::ERROR_DECOMPRESS, "", "Unable to decompress file " + zipfile);        }        _fileUtils->removeFile(zipfile);    }    _compressedFiles.clear();}void AssetsManagerEx::dispatchUpdateEvent(EventAssetsManagerEx::EventCode code, const std::string &assetId/* = ""*/, const std::string &message/* = ""*/, int curle_code/* = CURLE_OK*/, int curlm_code/* = CURLM_OK*/){    EventAssetsManagerEx event(_eventName, this, code, _percent, _percentByFile, assetId, message, curle_code, curlm_code);    _eventDispatcher->dispatchEvent(&event);}AssetsManagerEx::State AssetsManagerEx::getState() const{    return _updateState;}void AssetsManagerEx::downloadVersion(){    if (_updateState > State::PREDOWNLOAD_VERSION)        return;    std::string versionUrl = _localManifest->getVersionFileUrl();    if (versionUrl.size() > 0)    {        _updateState = State::DOWNLOADING_VERSION;        // Download version file asynchronously        _downloader->downloadAsync(versionUrl, _cacheVersionPath, VERSION_ID);    }    // No version file found    else    {        CCLOG("AssetsManagerEx : No version file found, step skipped\n");        _updateState = State::PREDOWNLOAD_MANIFEST;        downloadManifest();    }}void AssetsManagerEx::parseVersion(){    if (_updateState != State::VERSION_LOADED)        return;    _remoteManifest->parseVersion(_cacheVersionPath);  //解析下载到本地的服务器版本文件    if (!_remoteManifest->isVersionLoaded())    {        CCLOG("AssetsManagerEx : Fail to parse version file, step skipped\n");        _updateState = State::PREDOWNLOAD_MANIFEST;        downloadManifest();    }    else    {        if (_localManifest->versionEquals(_remoteManifest))          {            _updateState = State::UP_TO_DATE;            dispatchUpdateEvent(EventAssetsManagerEx::EventCode::ALREADY_UP_TO_DATE);        }        else        {            _updateState = State::NEED_UPDATE;            dispatchUpdateEvent(EventAssetsManagerEx::EventCode::NEW_VERSION_FOUND);            // Wait to update so continue the process            if (_waitToUpdate)            {                _updateState = State::PREDOWNLOAD_MANIFEST;                downloadManifest();            }        }    }}void AssetsManagerEx::downloadManifest(){    if (_updateState != State::PREDOWNLOAD_MANIFEST)        return;    std::string manifestUrl = _localManifest->getManifestFileUrl();    if (manifestUrl.size() > 0)    {        _updateState = State::DOWNLOADING_MANIFEST;        // Download version file asynchronously        _downloader->downloadAsync(manifestUrl, _tempManifestPath, MANIFEST_ID);    }    // No manifest file found    else    {        CCLOG("AssetsManagerEx : No manifest file found, check update failed\n");        dispatchUpdateEvent(EventAssetsManagerEx::EventCode::ERROR_DOWNLOAD_MANIFEST);        _updateState = State::UNCHECKED;    }}void AssetsManagerEx::parseManifest(){    if (_updateState != State::MANIFEST_LOADED)        return;    _remoteManifest->parse(_tempManifestPath);    if (!_remoteManifest->isLoaded())    {        CCLOG("AssetsManagerEx : Error parsing manifest file\n");        dispatchUpdateEvent(EventAssetsManagerEx::EventCode::ERROR_PARSE_MANIFEST);        _updateState = State::UNCHECKED;    }    else    {        if (_localManifest->versionEquals(_remoteManifest))        {            _updateState = State::UP_TO_DATE;            dispatchUpdateEvent(EventAssetsManagerEx::EventCode::ALREADY_UP_TO_DATE);        }        else        {            _updateState = State::NEED_UPDATE;            dispatchUpdateEvent(EventAssetsManagerEx::EventCode::NEW_VERSION_FOUND);            if (_waitToUpdate)            {                startUpdate();            }        }    }}void AssetsManagerEx::startUpdate(){    if (_updateState != State::NEED_UPDATE)        return;    _updateState = State::UPDATING;    // Clean up before update    _failedUnits.clear();    _downloadUnits.clear();    _compressedFiles.clear();    _totalWaitToDownload = _totalToDownload = 0;    _percent = _percentByFile = _sizeCollected = _totalSize = 0;    _downloadedSize.clear();    _totalEnabled = false;    // Temporary manifest exists, resuming previous download    if (_tempManifest->isLoaded() && _tempManifest->versionEquals(_remoteManifest))  //下载中退出,下次回去重新开始下载    {        _tempManifest->genResumeAssetsList(&_downloadUnits);        _totalWaitToDownload = _totalToDownload = (int)_downloadUnits.size();        _downloader->batchDownloadAsync(_downloadUnits, BATCH_UPDATE_ID);        std::string msg = StringUtils::format("Resuming from previous unfinished update, %d files remains to be finished.", _totalToDownload);        dispatchUpdateEvent(EventAssetsManagerEx::EventCode::UPDATE_PROGRESSION, "", msg);    }    // Check difference    else    {        // Temporary manifest not exists or out of date,        // it will be used to register the download states of each asset,        // in this case, it equals remote manifest.        _tempManifest->release();        _tempManifest = _remoteManifest;  //说明是本次下载完的配置文件,tempManifest还未解析,但是remoteManifest已经解析了        std::unordered_map<std::string, Manifest::AssetDiff> diff_map = _localManifest->genDiff(_remoteManifest);  //拿到需要更新的所有资源        if (diff_map.size() == 0)        {            updateSucceed();        }        else        {            // Generate download units for all assets that need to be updated or added            std::string packageUrl = _remoteManifest->getPackageUrl();  //去下载需要更新的资源            for (auto it = diff_map.begin(); it != diff_map.end(); ++it)            {                Manifest::AssetDiff diff = it->second;                if (diff.type == Manifest::DiffType::DELETED)                {                    _fileUtils->removeFile(_storagePath + diff.asset.path);                }                else                {                    std::string path = diff.asset.path;                    // Create path                    _fileUtils->createDirectory(basename(_storagePath + path));                    Downloader::DownloadUnit unit;                    unit.customId = it->first;                    unit.srcUrl = packageUrl + path;                    unit.storagePath = _storagePath + path;                    unit.resumeDownload = false;                    _downloadUnits.emplace(unit.customId, unit);                }            }            // Set other assets' downloadState to SUCCESSED            auto assets = _remoteManifest->getAssets();  //这里的资源已经在以前的版本中更新过了。            for (auto it = assets.cbegin(); it != assets.cend(); ++it)            {                const std::string &key = it->first;                auto diffIt = diff_map.find(key);                if (diffIt == diff_map.end())                {                    _tempManifest->setAssetDownloadState(key, Manifest::DownloadState::SUCCESSED);                }            }            _totalWaitToDownload = _totalToDownload = (int)_downloadUnits.size();            _downloader->batchDownloadAsync(_downloadUnits, BATCH_UPDATE_ID);            std::string msg = StringUtils::format("Start to update %d files from remote package.", _totalToDownload);            dispatchUpdateEvent(EventAssetsManagerEx::EventCode::UPDATE_PROGRESSION, "", msg);        }    }    _waitToUpdate = false;}void AssetsManagerEx::updateSucceed(){    // Every thing is correctly downloaded, do the following    // 1. rename temporary manifest to valid manifest    _fileUtils->renameFile(_storagePath, TEMP_MANIFEST_FILENAME, MANIFEST_FILENAME);  //将临时配置文件改成本地详细配置文件(详细是指:包括了详细文件信息)    // 2. swap the localManifest    if (_localManifest != nullptr)        _localManifest->release();    _localManifest = _remoteManifest;    _remoteManifest = nullptr;    // 3. make local manifest take effect    prepareLocalManifest();    // 4. decompress all compressed files    decompressDownloadedZip();    // 5. Set update state    _updateState = State::UP_TO_DATE;    // 6. Notify finished event    dispatchUpdateEvent(EventAssetsManagerEx::EventCode::UPDATE_FINISHED);  //给出通知结束热更新}void AssetsManagerEx::checkUpdate(){    if (!_inited){        CCLOG("AssetsManagerEx : Manifests uninited.\n");        dispatchUpdateEvent(EventAssetsManagerEx::EventCode::ERROR_NO_LOCAL_MANIFEST);        return;    }    if (!_localManifest->isLoaded())    {        CCLOG("AssetsManagerEx : No local manifest file found error.\n");        dispatchUpdateEvent(EventAssetsManagerEx::EventCode::ERROR_NO_LOCAL_MANIFEST);        return;    }    switch (_updateState) {        case State::UNCHECKED:        case State::PREDOWNLOAD_VERSION:        {            downloadVersion();        }            break;        case State::UP_TO_DATE:        {            dispatchUpdateEvent(EventAssetsManagerEx::EventCode::ALREADY_UP_TO_DATE);        }            break;        case State::FAIL_TO_UPDATE:        case State::NEED_UPDATE:        {            dispatchUpdateEvent(EventAssetsManagerEx::EventCode::NEW_VERSION_FOUND);        }            break;        default:            break;    }}void AssetsManagerEx::update(){    if (!_inited){        CCLOG("AssetsManagerEx : Manifests uninited.\n");        dispatchUpdateEvent(EventAssetsManagerEx::EventCode::ERROR_NO_LOCAL_MANIFEST);        return;    }    if (!_localManifest->isLoaded())    {        CCLOG("AssetsManagerEx : No local manifest file found error.\n");        dispatchUpdateEvent(EventAssetsManagerEx::EventCode::ERROR_NO_LOCAL_MANIFEST);        return;    }    _waitToUpdate = true;    switch (_updateState) {        case State::UNCHECKED:        {            _updateState = State::PREDOWNLOAD_VERSION;        }        case State::PREDOWNLOAD_VERSION:        {            downloadVersion();        }            break;        case State::VERSION_LOADED:        {            parseVersion();        }            break;        case State::PREDOWNLOAD_MANIFEST:        {            downloadManifest();        }            break;        case State::MANIFEST_LOADED:        {            parseManifest();        }            break;        case State::FAIL_TO_UPDATE:        case State::NEED_UPDATE:        {            // Manifest not loaded yet            if (!_remoteManifest->isLoaded())            {                _waitToUpdate = true;                _updateState = State::PREDOWNLOAD_MANIFEST;                downloadManifest();            }            else            {                startUpdate();            }        }            break;        case State::UP_TO_DATE:        case State::UPDATING:            _waitToUpdate = false;            break;        default:            break;    }}void AssetsManagerEx::updateAssets(const Downloader::DownloadUnits& assets){    if (!_inited){        CCLOG("AssetsManagerEx : Manifests uninited.\n");        dispatchUpdateEvent(EventAssetsManagerEx::EventCode::ERROR_NO_LOCAL_MANIFEST);        return;    }    if (_updateState != State::UPDATING && _localManifest->isLoaded() && _remoteManifest->isLoaded())    {        int size = (int)(assets.size());        if (size > 0)        {            _updateState = State::UPDATING;            _downloadUnits.clear();            _downloadUnits = assets;            _downloader->batchDownloadAsync(_downloadUnits, BATCH_UPDATE_ID);        }        else if (size == 0 && _totalWaitToDownload == 0)        {            updateSucceed();        }    }}const Downloader::DownloadUnits& AssetsManagerEx::getFailedAssets() const{    return _failedUnits;}void AssetsManagerEx::downloadFailedAssets(){    CCLOG("AssetsManagerEx : Start update %lu failed assets.\n", _failedUnits.size());    updateAssets(_failedUnits);}void AssetsManagerEx::onError(const Downloader::Error &error){    // Skip version error occured    if (error.customId == VERSION_ID)    {        CCLOG("AssetsManagerEx : Fail to download version file, step skipped\n");        _updateState = State::PREDOWNLOAD_MANIFEST;        downloadManifest();    }    else if (error.customId == MANIFEST_ID)    {        dispatchUpdateEvent(EventAssetsManagerEx::EventCode::ERROR_DOWNLOAD_MANIFEST, error.customId, error.message, error.curle_code, error.curlm_code);    }    else    {        auto unitIt = _downloadUnits.find(error.customId);        // Found unit and add it to failed units        if (unitIt != _downloadUnits.end())        {            Downloader::DownloadUnit unit = unitIt->second;            _failedUnits.emplace(unit.customId, unit);        }        dispatchUpdateEvent(EventAssetsManagerEx::EventCode::ERROR_UPDATING, error.customId, error.message, error.curle_code, error.curlm_code);    }}void AssetsManagerEx::onProgress(double total, double downloaded, const std::string &url, const std::string &customId){    if (customId == VERSION_ID || customId == MANIFEST_ID)    {        _percent = 100 * downloaded / total;        // Notify progression event        dispatchUpdateEvent(EventAssetsManagerEx::EventCode::UPDATE_PROGRESSION, customId);        return;    }    else    {        // Calcul total downloaded        bool found = false;        double totalDownloaded = 0;        for (auto it = _downloadedSize.begin(); it != _downloadedSize.end(); ++it)        {            if (it->first == customId)            {                it->second = downloaded;                found = true;            }            totalDownloaded += it->second;        }        // Collect information if not registed        if (!found)        {            // Set download state to DOWNLOADING, this will run only once in the download process            _tempManifest->setAssetDownloadState(customId, Manifest::DownloadState::DOWNLOADING);            // Register the download size information            _downloadedSize.emplace(customId, downloaded);            _totalSize += total;            _sizeCollected++;            // All collected, enable total size            if (_sizeCollected == _totalToDownload)            {                _totalEnabled = true;  //当需要下载的每个文件都有下载(不管有没有下载完全 才通知显示大小的进度)            }        }        if (_totalEnabled && _updateState == State::UPDATING)        {            float currentPercent = 100 * totalDownloaded / _totalSize;            // Notify at integer level change            if ((int)currentPercent != (int)_percent) {                _percent = currentPercent;                // Notify progression event                dispatchUpdateEvent(EventAssetsManagerEx::EventCode::UPDATE_PROGRESSION, customId);            }        }    }}void AssetsManagerEx::onSuccess(const std::string &srcUrl, const std::string &storagePath, const std::string &customId){    if (customId == VERSION_ID)    {        _updateState = State::VERSION_LOADED;        parseVersion();    }    else if (customId == MANIFEST_ID)    {        _updateState = State::MANIFEST_LOADED;        parseManifest();    }    else if (customId == BATCH_UPDATE_ID)    {        // Finished with error check        if (_failedUnits.size() > 0 || _totalWaitToDownload > 0)  //还有未下载成功的        {            // Save current download manifest information for resuming            _tempManifest->saveToFile(_tempManifestPath);//保存到临时文件中去,下次再去下载            decompressDownloadedZip();            _updateState = State::FAIL_TO_UPDATE;             dispatchUpdateEvent(EventAssetsManagerEx::EventCode::UPDATE_FAILED);  //通知未更新成功        }        else        {            updateSucceed();        }    }    else    {        auto assets = _remoteManifest->getAssets();        auto assetIt = assets.find(customId);        if (assetIt != assets.end())        {            // Set download state to SUCCESSED            _tempManifest->setAssetDownloadState(customId, Manifest::DownloadState::SUCCESSED);            // Add file to need decompress list            if (assetIt->second.compressed) {                _compressedFiles.push_back(storagePath);            }        }        auto unitIt = _downloadUnits.find(customId);        if (unitIt != _downloadUnits.end())        {            // Reduce count only when unit found in _downloadUnits            _totalWaitToDownload--;            _percentByFile = 100 * (float)(_totalToDownload - _totalWaitToDownload) / _totalToDownload;            // Notify progression event            dispatchUpdateEvent(EventAssetsManagerEx::EventCode::UPDATE_PROGRESSION, "");        }        // Notify asset updated event        dispatchUpdateEvent(EventAssetsManagerEx::EventCode::ASSET_UPDATED, customId);        unitIt = _failedUnits.find(customId);        // Found unit and delete it        if (unitIt != _failedUnits.end())        {            // Remove from failed units list            _failedUnits.erase(unitIt);        }    }}void AssetsManagerEx::destroyDownloadedVersion(){    _fileUtils->removeFile(_cacheVersionPath);    _fileUtils->removeFile(_cacheManifestPath);}NS_CC_EXT_END
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