
来源:互联网 发布:数据机房设计标准 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 08:05
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在看了网友 everjoe评论后,俺改进了一下该程序,其实也就是把W系列的函数用B系列去替代,然后就支持中文加密了


Function UserCode(password As String) As String
    Dim il_bit, il_x, il_y, il_z, il_len, i As Long
    Dim is_out As String
    il_len = LenB(password)
    il_x = 0
    il_y = 0
    is_out = ""
    For i = 1 To il_len
        il_bit = AscB(MidB(password, i, 1))    'b系列支持中文
        il_y = (il_bit * 13 Mod 256) + il_x
        is_out = is_out & ChrB(Fix(il_y))  '取整 int和fix区别: fix修正负数
        il_x = il_bit * 13 / 256
    is_out = is_out & ChrB(Fix(il_x))
    password = is_out
    il_len = LenB(password)
    il_x = 0
    il_y = 0
    is_out = ""
    For i = 1 To il_len
        il_bit = AscB(MidB(password, i, 1))
        il_y = il_bit / 16 + 64
        is_out = is_out & ChrB(Fix(il_y))
        il_y = (il_bit Mod 16) + 64
        is_out = is_out & ChrB(Fix(il_y))
    UserCode = is_out
End Function

Function UserDeCode(password As String) As String
    Dim is_out As String
    Dim il_x, il_y, il_len, i, il_bit As Long

    il_len = LenB(password)
    il_x = 0
    il_y = 0
    is_out = ""
    For i = 1 To il_len Step 2
        il_bit = AscB(MidB(password, i, 1))
        il_y = (il_bit - 64) * 16
        'dd = AscW(Mid(password, i + 1, 1)) - 64
        il_y = il_y + AscB(MidB(password, i + 1, 1)) - 64
        is_out = is_out & ChrB(il_y)

    il_x = 0
    il_y = 0
    password = is_out
    is_out = ""

    il_len = LenB(password)
    il_x = AscB(MidB(password, il_len, 1))
    For i = (il_len - 1) To 1 Step -1
        il_y = il_x * 256 + AscB(MidB(password, i, 1))
        il_x = il_y Mod 13
        is_out = ChrB(Fix(il_y / 13)) & is_out
    UserDeCode = is_out
End Function



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