
来源:互联网 发布:浙江省网络图书馆 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 03:11
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Option Explicit
'第二级:12=壹拾贰 + “万”
'第一级:3456 =叁千肆百伍拾陆 + “”

Private Const PrvStrNum = "壹贰叁肆伍陆柒捌玖零"
Private Const PrvStrUnit = "万千百拾个"
Private Const PrvStrGradeUnit = "千万亿兆" '"兆亿万千"
Private Const PrvGrade = 4

Public Function getChangedVal(ByVal StrVal As String) As String
    Dim StrDotUnit As String
    Dim StrIntUnit As String
    StrDotUnit = getDotUnit(StrVal) '取小数位
    StrIntUnit = getIntUnit(StrVal) '取整数位
    StrIntUnit = getIntUpper(StrIntUnit) '整数位转换大写
    StrDotUnit = getDotUpper(StrIntUnit) '小数位转换大写
    getChangedVal = StrIntUnit & StrDotUnit
End Function

Private Function getDotUnit(ByVal StrVal As String) As String
    Dim StrRet As String
    Dim IntBegin As Integer
    Dim IntLen As Integer
    IntBegin = InStr(1, StrVal, ".") + 1
    IntLen = Len(StrVal) + 1
    StrRet = Mid(StrVal, IntBegin, IntLen - IntBegin)
    If IntBegin > 1 Then
        getDotUnit = StrRet
    End If
End Function
Private Function getIntUnit(ByVal StrVal As String) As String
    Dim StrRet As String
    Dim IntBegin As Integer
    Dim IntLen As Integer
    IntBegin = Len(getDotUnit(StrVal))
    IntLen = Len(StrVal)
    StrRet = Mid(StrVal, 1, IntLen - IntBegin) '总字串长度-小数数位长度=整数数位长度
    If Mid(StrRet, Len(StrRet), 1) = "." Then '去除末位小数点
        StrRet = Mid(StrRet, 1, Len(StrRet) - 1)
    End If
    getIntUnit = StrRet
End Function

Private Function getIntUpper(ByVal StrVal As String) As String
    Dim IntGrade As Integer '级次
    Dim StrRet As String
    Dim StrTmp As String
    IntGrade = Fix(Len(StrVal) / PrvGrade)
    If (Len(StrVal) Mod PrvGrade) <> 0 Then
        IntGrade = IntGrade + 1
    End If
    'MsgBox Mid(PrvStrGradeUnit, IntGrade, 1)
    Dim i As Integer
    For i = IntGrade To 1 Step -1
        StrTmp = getNowGradeVal(StrVal, i) '取得当前级次数字
        StrRet = StrRet & getSubUnit(StrTmp) '转换大写
        StrRet = dropZero(StrRet) '除零
        If i > 1 Then '末位不加单位
            StrRet = StrRet & Mid(PrvStrGradeUnit, i, 1)
        End If
    getIntUpper = StrRet
End Function

Private Function getDotUpper(ByVal StrVal As String) As String
End Function
Private Function dropZero(ByVal StrVal As String) As String
    Dim StrRet As String
    Dim StrBefore As String '前一位置字符
    Dim StrNow As String    '现在位置字符
    Dim i As Integer
    StrBefore = Mid(StrVal, 1, 1)
    StrRet = StrBefore
    For i = 2 To Len(StrVal)
        StrNow = Mid(StrVal, i, 1)
        If StrNow = "零" And StrBefore = "零" Then
            StrRet = StrRet & StrNow
        End If
        StrBefore = StrNow
    Dim IntLocate As Integer
    IntLocate = Len(StrRet)
    'IntLocate = IIf(IntLocate = 0, 1, IntLocate)
    If Mid(StrRet, IntLocate, 1) = "零" Then
        StrRet = Left(StrRet, Len(StrRet) - 1)
    End If
    dropZero = StrRet
End Function
Private Function getSubUnit(ByVal StrVal As String) As String
    Debug.Print StrVal
    Dim IntLen As Integer
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim StrKey As String
    Dim StrRet As String
    Dim IntKey As Integer
    IntLen = Len(StrVal)
    For i = 1 To IntLen
        StrKey = Mid(StrVal, i, 1)
        IntKey = Val(StrKey)
        If IntKey = 0 Then
            If i <> IntLen Then '转换后数末位不能为零
                StrRet = StrRet & "零"
            End If
            'If IntKey = 1 And i = 2 Then
                StrRet = StrRet & Mid(PrvStrNum, Val(StrKey), 1)
            'End If
            If i <> IntLen Then '个位不加单位
                StrRet = StrRet & Mid(PrvStrUnit, Len(PrvStrUnit) - IntLen + i, 1)
            End If
        End If
    getSubUnit = StrRet
End Function
Private Function getNowGradeVal(ByVal StrVal As String, ByVal IntGrade As Integer) As String
    Dim IntGradeLen As Integer
    Dim IntLen As Integer
    Dim StrRet As String
    IntGradeLen = IntGrade * PrvGrade
    IntLen = Len(StrVal)
    If IntLen >= IntGradeLen Then
        StrRet = Mid(StrVal, IntLen - IntGradeLen + 1, PrvGrade)
        StrRet = Mid(StrVal, 1, IntLen - (IntGrade - 1) * PrvGrade)
    End If
    'MsgBox StrRet
    getNowGradeVal = StrRet
End Function

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