install sogou pinyin method on ubuntu

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝网页不能正常显示 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 09:54

Sogoupinyin is a Chinese input method very popular in China. The linux version of the software is available here: .

If you have been messing with your Ubuntu you may want to follow the installation instructions outlined in another thread on

This worked for me on a clean Ubuntu install:

  1. Install fcitx.
    Fcitx is an input method framework. Linux' sogoupinyin is based on fcitx, so we have to make sure it is installed. You can do so by firing up a terminal with SHIFT + ALT + T and typing:

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install fcitx

    This should run on its own. After installation is complete, your system uses fcitx as input method. To check if it does, go to language support and check the entry Keyboard input method system. It should now say fcitx.

  2. Install Sogoupinyin.
    Then run the installer file sogoupinyin_xxxxx.deb that you have downloaded from the Sogou website. It will open the Software Center of your Ubuntu installation and ask for your root password.

  3. Restart your machine.
    You are good to go. After the restart the fcitx-autostart should be called upon login. Alternatively, simply run fcitx-autostart from the terminal with the same effect, but give it a second or two for the startup. You will then be able to configure sogoupinyin in a way similar to the Windows or Mac versions of the software.

之后,在终端中输入:fcitx-config-gtk3出现对话框如下。点击对话框左下角的(+)按钮,弹出另一个对话框如上图所示。然后,取消Only Show Current Language(很重要,否则不能找到刚安装过的搜狗输入法!)最后,在输入框中输入sogou,选中点击OK即可。添加完后将其放置到列表的最下方,注意,是最下方!!!然后默认输入法就是搜狗输入法了。

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