ios swift 测试框架翻译之Quick例子和一组例子的有序测试

来源:互联网 发布:数据库优化面试题 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 19:14


Quick 例子(examples) 和组例子( example groups)提供两种目的 :

* 他们鼓励你去写测试的描述* 在你的测试"安排"步骤时他们极大地简化测试代码



接收两个参数:这个例子的名字和一个闭包函数。在下面的例子中详细说明Sea.Dolphin 类的行为,一个海豚应该是聪明的和友好的:

// Swiftimport Quickimport Nimbleimport Seaclass DolphinSpec: QuickSpec {  override func spec() {    it("is friendly") {      expect(Dolphin().isFriendly).to(beTruthy())    }    it("is smart") {      expect(Dolphin().isSmart).to(beTruthy())    }  }}
// Objective-C@import Quick;@import Nimble;QuickSpecBegin(DolphinSpec)it(@"is friendly", ^{  expect(@([[Dolphin new] isFriendly])).to(beTruthy());});it(@"is smart", ^{  expect(@([[Dolphin new] isSmart])).to(beTruthy());});QuickSpecEnd

使用描述去是你的测试用例更加整洁。描述可以是任何长度和使用任何字符,包括英语之外的其他字符,或者表情 符号:✌️

使用describe and context分组测试的例子



这个Dolphin类的click 方法指定了一种特殊的行为–换句话说;去测试方法的工作–使用describe 可以将它的的几个方法放在一个组里进行测试,讲相似的测试分组放在一起将使得测试代码更容易阅读

// Swiftimport Quickimport Nimbleclass DolphinSpec: QuickSpec {  override func spec() {    describe("a dolphin") {      describe("its click") {        it("is loud") {          let click = Dolphin().click()          expect(click.isLoud).to(beTruthy())        }        it("has a high frequency") {          let click = Dolphin().click()          expect(click.hasHighFrequency).to(beTruthy())        }      }    }  }}// Objective-C@import Quick;@import Nimble;QuickSpecBegin(DolphinSpec)describe(@"a dolphin", ^{  describe(@"its click", ^{    it(@"is loud", ^{      Click *click = [[Dolphin new] click];      expect(@(click.isLoud)).to(beTruthy());    });    it(@"has a high frequency", ^{      Click *click = [[Dolphin new] click];      expect(@(click.hasHighFrequency)).to(beTruthy());    });  });});QuickSpecEnd

1. DolphinSpec.a_dolphin_its_click_is_loud
2. DolphinSpec.a_dolphin_its_click_has_a_high_frequency


模仿 Setup/Teardown 代码 使用 beforeEachafterEach

在下面的例子中,使用beforeEach函数去创建dolphin的一个新的实例和在每个测它的clivk 方法之前;这样可以确保每一次的测试类都保持最新状态:

// Swiftimport Quickimport Nimbleclass DolphinSpec: QuickSpec {  override func spec() {    describe("a dolphin") {      var dolphin: Dolphin!      beforeEach {        dolphin = Dolphin()      }      describe("its click") {        var click: Click!        beforeEach {          click =        }        it("is loud") {          expect(click.isLoud).to(beTruthy())        }        it("has a high frequency") {          expect(click.hasHighFrequency).to(beTruthy())        }      }    }  }}// Objective-C@import Quick;@import Nimble;QuickSpecBegin(DolphinSpec)describe(@"a dolphin", ^{  __block Dolphin *dolphin = nil;  beforeEach(^{      dolphin = [Dolphin new];  });  describe(@"its click", ^{    __block Click *click = nil;    beforeEach(^{      click = [dolphin click];    });    it(@"is loud", ^{      expect(@(click.isLoud)).to(beTruthy());    });    it(@"has a high frequency", ^{      expect(@(click.hasHighFrequency)).to(beTruthy());    });  });});QuickSpecEnd



这个测试展示在不同的环境不同的习惯下的click 情景;通常下,海豚只会发出一次震动,但是当它们发现特别有趣的事情的时候,就会发出多次的震动;

// Swiftimport Quickimport Nimbleclass DolphinSpec: QuickSpec {  override func spec() {    describe("a dolphin") {      var dolphin: Dolphin!      beforeEach { dolphin = Dolphin() }      describe("its click") {        context("when the dolphin is not near anything interesting") {          it("is only emitted once") {            expect(dolphin!.click().count).to(equal(1))          }        }        context("when the dolphin is near something interesting") {          beforeEach {            let ship = SunkenShip()            Jamaica.dolphinCove.add(ship)            Jamaica.dolphinCove.add(dolphin)          }          it("is emitted three times") {            expect(          }        }      }    }  }}
// Objective-C@import Quick;@import Nimble;QuickSpecBegin(DolphinSpec)describe(@"a dolphin", ^{  __block Dolphin *dolphin = nil;  beforeEach(^{ dolphin = [Dolphin new]; });  describe(@"its click", ^{    context(@"when the dolphin is not near anything interesting", ^{      it(@"is only emitted once", ^{        expect(@([[dolphin click] count])).to(equal(@1));      });    });    context(@"when the dolphin is near something interesting", ^{      beforeEach(^{        [[Jamaica dolphinCove] add:[SunkenShip new]];        [[Jamaica dolphinCove] add:dolphin];      });      it(@"is emitted three times", ^{        expect(@([[dolphin click] count])).to(equal(@3));      });    });  });});QuickSpecEnd

严格的来说,contextdescribe 是同义词;但是严格的规范化会使你的代码更加容易理解;

易读的测试:Quick 和 XCTest

Effective Tests Using XCTest: Arrange, Act, and Assert中, 我们看到每一个测试都使用一种方式测试使得测试高效明确. 在XCTest, 使用一个很长的方法名来表示:

func testDolphin_click_whenTheDolphinIsNearSomethingInteresting_isEmittedThreeTimes() {  // ...}

使用 Quick, 这种情况是更加容易去阅读和 我们能为每一个测试组去设置:

describe("a dolphin") {  describe("its click") {    context("when the dolphin is near something interesting") {      it("is emitted three times") {        // ...      }    }  }}



// Swiftxdescribe("its click") {  // ...none of the code in this closure will be run.}xcontext("when the dolphin is not near anything interesting") {  // ...none of the code in this closure will be run.}xit("is only emitted once") {  // ...none of the code in this closure will be run.}
// Objective-Cxdescribe(@"its click", ^{  // ...none of the code in this closure will be run.});xcontext(@"when the dolphin is not near anything interesting", ^{  // ...none of the code in this closure will be run.});xit(@"is only emitted once", ^{  // ...none of the code in this closure will be run.});



//-------swifitfit("is loud") {  // ...only this focused example will be run.}it("has a high frequency") {  // ...this example is not focused, and will not be run.}fcontext("when the dolphin is near something interesting") {  // ...examples in this group are also focused, so they'll be run.}
//-----ocfit(@"is loud", {  // ...only this focused example will be run.});it(@"has a high frequency", ^{  // ...this example is not focused, and will not be run.});fcontext(@"when the dolphin is near something interesting", ^{  // ...examples in this group are also focused, so they'll be run.});

全局Setup/Teardown 使用beforeSuite / afterSuite

有些测试需要在测试之前进行一些设置或者提前执行一些操作;基于以上的原因使用beforeSuite / afterSuite

// Swiftimport Quickclass DolphinSpec: QuickSpec {  override func spec() {    beforeSuite {      OceanDatabase.createDatabase(name: "test.db")      OceanDatabase.connectToDatabase(name: "test.db")    }    afterSuite {      OceanDatabase.teardownDatabase(name: "test.db")    }    describe("a dolphin") {      // ...    }  }}
// Objective-C@import Quick;QuickSpecBegin(DolphinSpec)beforeSuite(^{  [OceanDatabase createDatabase:@"test.db"];  [OceanDatabase connectToDatabase:@"test.db"];});afterSuite(^{  [OceanDatabase teardownDatabase:@"test.db"];});describe(@"a dolphin", ^{  // ...});QuickSpecEnd


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