
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝潮男店铺粉丝排行 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 07:09


Android RemoteController使用

RemoteController在API 19 引进,用来给音乐控制提供标准接口。长久以来,音乐播放在Android平台没有一个标准的接口,所有播放器都使用自己的方式实现对音乐的控制,最常见的方式是在Service中进行音乐播放,通过PendingIntent进行播放事件的传递及控制,因此就带来了一个问题。任何一个第三方app无法通过标准方式获取到当前正在播放的音乐的信息,更无法进行控制。RemoteController的出现恰好解决了这个问题,RemoteController需要和RemoteControlClient配合使用,从命名上能够看出,RemoteController是控制及信息获取端的接口,用来进行音乐信息的获取以及音乐播放动作的发送。RemoteControlClient是播放器端的接口,用来获取并执行播放动作,同时讲当前播放状态信息进行同步。


1.继承 NotificationListenerService 并实现RemoteController.OnClientUpdateListener接口来创建remoteController对象并获取播放进度

  @TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT)public class MusicStateListener extends NotificationListenerService    implements RemoteController.OnClientUpdateListener {}


    public void registerRemoteController() {        remoteController = new RemoteController(this, this);        boolean registered;        try {          registered = ((AudioManager) getSystemService(AUDIO_SERVICE))              .registerRemoteController(remoteController);        } catch (NullPointerException e) {          registered = false;    }    if (registered) {      try {        remoteController.setArtworkConfiguration(            getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.remote_artwork_bitmap_width),            getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.remote_artwork_bitmap_height));        remoteController.setSynchronizationMode(RemoteController.POSITION_SYNCHRONIZATION_CHECK);      } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {        e.printStackTrace();      }    }  }




/** * Interface definition for the callbacks to be invoked whenever media events, metadata * and playback status are available. */public interface OnClientUpdateListener {    /**     * Called whenever all information, previously received through the other     * methods of the listener, is no longer valid and is about to be refreshed.     * This is typically called whenever a new {@link RemoteControlClient} has been selected     * by the system to have its media information published.     * @param clearing true if there is no selected RemoteControlClient and no information     *     is available.     */    public void onClientChange(boolean clearing);    /**     * Called whenever the playback state has changed.     * It is called when no information is known about the playback progress in the media and     * the playback speed.     * @param state one of the playback states authorized     *     in {@link RemoteControlClient#setPlaybackState(int)}.     */    public void onClientPlaybackStateUpdate(int state);    /**     * Called whenever the playback state has changed, and playback position     * and speed are known.     * @param state one of the playback states authorized     *     in {@link RemoteControlClient#setPlaybackState(int)}.     * @param stateChangeTimeMs the system time at which the state change was reported,     *     expressed in ms. Based on {@link android.os.SystemClock#elapsedRealtime()}.     * @param currentPosMs a positive value for the current media playback position expressed     *     in ms, a negative value if the position is temporarily unknown.     * @param speed  a value expressed as a ratio of 1x playback: 1.0f is normal playback,     *    2.0f is 2x, 0.5f is half-speed, -2.0f is rewind at 2x speed. 0.0f means nothing is     *    playing (e.g. when state is {@link RemoteControlClient#PLAYSTATE_ERROR}).     */    public void onClientPlaybackStateUpdate(int state, long stateChangeTimeMs,            long currentPosMs, float speed);    /**     * Called whenever the transport control flags have changed.     * @param transportControlFlags one of the flags authorized     *     in {@link RemoteControlClient#setTransportControlFlags(int)}.     */    public void onClientTransportControlUpdate(int transportControlFlags);    /**     * Called whenever new metadata is available.     * See the {@link MediaMetadataEditor#putLong(int, long)},     *  {@link MediaMetadataEditor#putString(int, String)},     *  {@link MediaMetadataEditor#putBitmap(int, Bitmap)}, and     *  {@link MediaMetadataEditor#putObject(int, Object)} methods for the various keys that     *  can be queried.     * @param metadataEditor the container of the new metadata.     */    public void onClientMetadataUpdate(MetadataEditor metadataEditor);};

音乐的meta信息从onClientMetadataUpdate回调中获取,能够获取到的字段包括歌手、名称、专辑名称、专辑封面等。注意此处获取到的专辑封面bitmap的尺寸是由注册remoteController时setArtworkConfiguration (int, int)来决定的



需要注意的是音乐的控制在逻辑上是模拟按钮的点击动作来实现的,所以在send一个keyCode时需要先后send KEY_ACTION_DOWN和KEY_ACTION_UP两个event来实现,所以我的实现是这样的

  public boolean sendMusicKeyEvent(int keyCode) {    if (!clientIdLost && remoteController != null) {      // send "down" and "up" key events.      KeyEvent keyEvent = new KeyEvent(KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN, keyCode);      boolean down = remoteController.sendMediaKeyEvent(keyEvent);      keyEvent = new KeyEvent(KeyEvent.ACTION_UP, keyCode);      boolean up = remoteController.sendMediaKeyEvent(keyEvent);      return down && up;    } else {      long eventTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();      KeyEvent key = new KeyEvent(eventTime, eventTime, KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN, keyCode, 0);      dispatchMediaKeyToAudioService(key);      dispatchMediaKeyToAudioService(KeyEvent.changeAction(key, KeyEvent.ACTION_UP));    }    return false;  }  private void dispatchMediaKeyToAudioService(KeyEvent event) {    AudioManager audioManager = (AudioManager) getSystemService(AUDIO_SERVICE);    if (audioManager != null) {      try {        audioManager.dispatchMediaKeyEvent(event);      } catch (Exception e) {        e.printStackTrace();      }    }  }




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