
来源:互联网 发布:小凯老师淘宝 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/01 07:02



Unity Asset Store地址:点击
百度云地址(unity project):链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1bpjvpt9 密码:yc2p
百度云(unitypackage):链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1eS7BECU 密码:necl
该插件在unity asset store里售价是35$,不过可以通过上面的Github地址下载整个unity项目,还是特别良心的。


• Xbox 360 controller
• PS3 & PS4 controllers
• PlayStation Vita PSM
• Apple MFi controller (iOS 7+)
• OUYA, Amazon Fire and many more!
• Touch controls
• Keyboard and Mouse
• XInput, with rumble! (Windows)

InControl makes it a snap to add controller support to your game with a simple, powerful API. All the heavy lifting of mappings are handled for you with dozens of controllers handled cross-platform, and more being added continually. Add virtual touch controls, or keyboard mappings to your game with just a few clicks, and have it feed right into the API you're already using as a virtual controller.


using System;using UnityEngine;using InControl;namespace BasicExample{public class CubeController : MonoBehaviour{void Update(){// Use last device which provided input.var inputDevice = InputManager.ActiveDevice;// Rotate target object with left stick.transform.Rotate( Vector3.down,  500.0f * Time.deltaTime * inputDevice.LeftStickX, Space.World );transform.Rotate( Vector3.right, 500.0f * Time.deltaTime * inputDevice.LeftStickY, Space.World );}}}





如图,Custom Profiles添加自定义配置文件,为类完整路径,如namespace.AAA。参考Examples/CustomProfile/CustomProfile.unity示例
using System;using System.Collections;using UnityEngine;using InControl;namespace CustomProfileExample{// This custom profile is enabled by adding it to the Custom Profiles list// on the InControlManager component, or you can attach it yourself like so:// InputManager.AttachDevice( new UnityInputDevice( "KeyboardAndMouseProfile" ) );// public class KeyboardAndMouseProfile : UnityInputDeviceProfile{public KeyboardAndMouseProfile(){Name = "Keyboard/Mouse";Meta = "A keyboard and mouse combination profile appropriate for FPS.";// This profile only works on desktops.SupportedPlatforms = new[]{"Windows","Mac","Linux"};Sensitivity = 1.0f;LowerDeadZone = 0.0f;UpperDeadZone = 1.0f;ButtonMappings = new[]{new InputControlMapping{Handle = "Fire - Mouse",Target = InputControlType.Action1,Source = MouseButton0},new InputControlMapping{Handle = "Fire - Keyboard",Target = InputControlType.Action1,// KeyCodeButton fires when any of the provided KeyCode params are down.Source = KeyCodeButton( KeyCode.F, KeyCode.Return )},new InputControlMapping{Handle = "AltFire",Target = InputControlType.Action2,Source = MouseButton2},new InputControlMapping{Handle = "Middle",Target = InputControlType.Action3,Source = MouseButton1},new InputControlMapping{Handle = "Jump",Target = InputControlType.Action4,Source = KeyCodeButton( KeyCode.Space )},new InputControlMapping{Handle = "Combo",Target = InputControlType.LeftBumper,// KeyCodeComboButton requires that all KeyCode params are down simultaneously.Source = KeyCodeComboButton( KeyCode.LeftAlt, KeyCode.Alpha1 )},};AnalogMappings = new[]{new InputControlMapping{Handle = "Move X",Target = InputControlType.LeftStickX,// KeyCodeAxis splits the two KeyCodes over an axis. The first is negative, the second positive.Source = KeyCodeAxis( KeyCode.A, KeyCode.D )},new InputControlMapping{Handle = "Move Y",Target = InputControlType.LeftStickY,// Notes that up is positive in Unity, therefore the order of KeyCodes is down, up.Source = KeyCodeAxis( KeyCode.S, KeyCode.W )},new InputControlMapping {Handle = "Move X Alternate",Target = InputControlType.LeftStickX,Source = KeyCodeAxis( KeyCode.LeftArrow, KeyCode.RightArrow )},new InputControlMapping {Handle = "Move Y Alternate",Target = InputControlType.LeftStickY,Source = KeyCodeAxis( KeyCode.DownArrow, KeyCode.UpArrow )},new InputControlMapping{Handle = "Look X",Target = InputControlType.RightStickX,Source = MouseXAxis,Raw    = true,Scale  = 0.1f},new InputControlMapping{Handle = "Look Y",Target = InputControlType.RightStickY,Source = MouseYAxis,Raw    = true,Scale  = 0.1f},new InputControlMapping{Handle = "Look Z",Target = InputControlType.ScrollWheel,Source = MouseScrollWheel,Raw    = true,Scale  = 0.1f}};}}}

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