
来源:互联网 发布:与大数据相关的技术 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 11:31


      <aebiz:file property="bigPicData" fileType="<%=FileConst.FILE_TYPE_PICTURE%>" maxSize="1" width="115px" height="115px" value="<%=bean.getBigPicture()%>"/>


// 获取页面输出的方法
 public String getFileStr() {

  // HttpSession session = this.pageContext.getSession();
  HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) this.pageContext

  // 解析图片宽度,将"px"去掉,只去数字部分
  if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(width)) {
   width = getNumbers(width);
   if (StringUtil.isEmpty(width)) {
    width = "100";

  // 解析图片高度,将"px"去掉,只去数字部分
  if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(height)) {
   height = getNumbers(height);
   if (StringUtil.isEmpty(height)) {
    height = "100";

  // 拼写文件全路径
  if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(value)) {
   ActionRequest arequest = (ActionRequest) request
   if (arequest != null) {
    urlPath = arequest.getImage(value);
   } else {
    // 如果文件路径不包含 http之类的,则拼写
    if (value.indexOf("http") == -1 && value.indexOf("HTTP") == -1
      && value.indexOf("https") == -1
      && value.indexOf("HTTPS") == -1) {
     String serverName = "http://" + request.getServerName();
     if (80 != request.getServerPort()) {
      serverName = serverName + ":" + request.getServerPort();

     String contextPath = request.getContextPath();
     if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(contextPath)) {
      if (!contextPath.startsWith("/")) {
       contextPath = "/" + contextPath + "/";
      } else {
       contextPath = contextPath + "/";
     } else {
      contextPath = "/";
//     urlPath = serverName + contextPath + value;
     if (StringUtil.isEmpty(FileUtil.IMAGEROOT)) {
      FileUtil.IMAGEROOT = ShopApplicationResource.shopResource

     String returnImage = FileUtil.IMAGEROOT;
     urlPath = returnImage +"/" + value;

     // urlPath = serverName + "/" + request.getContextPath() +
     // "/" + value;

    } else {

  // 设置最大尺寸,如果没有传过来,则默认为1T
  if (StringUtil.isEmpty(this.maxSize)) {
   maxSize = (1024 * 1024) + "";
  } else {
   maxSize = getNumbers(maxSize);

  // HttpSession session = this.pageContext.getSession();
  StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer("");

  // 上传的文件类型为图片
  if (FileConst.FILE_TYPE_PICTURE.equals(this.fileType)) {
   str.append("<div class='pic-updiv' style='width:").append(
     .append("px;'  id='").append(this.property).append(
       "Preview' ></div> \r\n");
   str.append("<div style='width:").append(this.width).append(
     "px;' align=center> \r\n");
   str.append("<a class='pic-upload' id='").append(this.property)
     .append("a'> \r\n");
   str.append("<input type='file' name='").append(this.property)
     .append("InputFile' id='").append(this.property).append(
       "InputFile'> \r\n");
   str.append("</a> \r\n");
   str.append("<div class='pic-upwait' id='").append(this.property)
     .append("adiv'></div> \r\n");
   str.append("</div> \r\n");

  } else {
   // 上传的文件类型为除图片之外的所有类型
   str.append("<div class='file-updiv'> \r\n");
   str.append("<a class='file-upload' id='").append(this.property)
     .append("a'> \r\n");
   str.append("<input type='file' name='").append(this.property)
     .append("InputFile' id='").append(this.property).append(
       "InputFile'> \r\n");
   str.append("</a> \r\n");
   str.append("<div class='file-upwait' id='").append(this.property)
     .append("adiv'></div> \r\n");

   if (FileConst.FILE_TYPE_EXCEL.equals(this.fileType)) {
    str.append("<span id='").append(this.property).append(
      "Span' class='file-span'>请选择EXCEL文件</span> \r\n");
   } else if (FileConst.FILE_TYPE_WORD.equals(this.fileType)) {
    str.append("<span id='").append(this.property).append(
      "Span' class='file-span'>请选择WORD文件</span> \r\n");
   } else if (FileConst.FILE_TYPE_ZIP.equals(this.fileType)) {
    str.append("<span id='").append(this.property).append(
      "Span' class='file-span'>请选择压缩文件</span> \r\n");
   } else {
    str.append("<span id='").append(this.property).append(
      "Span' class='file-span'></span> \r\n");
   str.append("</div> \r\n");

  // 拼写隐藏域,用来传递值
  str.append("<input type='hidden' name='").append(this.property).append(
    "remove' id='").append(this.property).append(
    "remove' value='false'/> \r\n");
  str.append("<input type='hidden' name='").append(this.property).append(
    "OldUrlPath' id='").append(this.property).append(
    "OldUrlPath' value='").append(this.value).append("'/> \r\n");
  str.append("<input type='hidden' name='").append(this.property).append(
    "OldRealPath' id='").append(this.property).append(
    "OldRealPath' value='").append(this.urlPath).append("'/> \r\n");
  str.append("<input type='hidden' name='").append(this.property).append(
    "FileUrl' id='").append(this.property).append(
    "FileUrl' value=''/> \r\n");
  if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(value)) {
   str.append("<input type='hidden' name='").append(this.property)
     .append("editUrl' id='").append(this.property).append(
       "editUrl' value='true'/> \r\n");
  } else {
   str.append("<input type='hidden' name='").append(this.property)
     .append("editUrl' id='").append(this.property).append(
       "editUrl' value='false'/> \r\n");

  if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(this.urlPath)) {
   try {
    // URL url = new URL(this.urlPath);
    // BufferedImage image = ImageIO.read(url);
    BufferedImage image = ImageIO.read(new File(this.urlPath));
    int width = image.getWidth();
    int height = image.getHeight();

    str.append("<input type='hidden' name='").append(this.property)
      .append("wh' id='").append(this.property).append(
        "wh' value='").append(width).append(",")
      .append(height).append("'/> \r\n");
   } catch (IOException e) {
    str.append("<input type='hidden' name='").append(this.property)
      .append("wh' id='").append(this.property).append(
        "wh' value=''/> \r\n");
  } else {
   str.append("<input type='hidden' name='").append(this.property)
     .append("wh' id='").append(this.property).append(
       "wh' value=''/> \r\n");

  // 调用各个类型的JS
  if (FileConst.FILE_TYPE_PICTURE.equals(this.fileType)) {
   str.append("<script> ajaxChosePic('").append(this.property).append(
     "','").append(maxSize).append("'); </script> \r\n");
  } else if (FileConst.FILE_TYPE_EXCEL.equals(this.fileType)) {
   str.append("<script> ajaxChoseExcel('").append(this.property)
     .append("','").append(maxSize).append("'); </script> \r\n");
  } else if (FileConst.FILE_TYPE_WORD.equals(this.fileType)) {
   str.append("<script> ajaxChoseWord('").append(this.property)
     .append("','").append(maxSize).append("'); </script> \r\n");
  } else if (FileConst.FILE_TYPE_ZIP.equals(this.fileType)) {
   str.append("<script> ajaxChoseZip('").append(this.property).append(
     "','").append(maxSize).append("'); </script> \r\n");

  return str.toString();


var ajaxChosePic = function(inputName,widthStr,heightStr,fileSize){
 var oldPicPath = document.getElementsByName(inputName+"OldRealPath")[0].value;
 var picwh = document.getElementsByName(inputName+"wh")[0].value;
 var isEdit = document.getElementsByName(inputName+"editUrl")[0].value;
 if(oldPicPath != '' && oldPicPath != ' ' && oldPicPath != null && oldPicPath != 'null' && "true" == isEdit){
  var picWidth = "0";
  var picHeight = "0";
  if(picwh != '' && picwh != ' ') {
   var wh = picwh.split(','); 
   if(wh != null && wh.length >0){
    picWidth = wh[0];
    picHeight = wh[1];
 new AjaxUpload(inputName+"InputFile",{
  onSubmit:function(file, extension){
   if (extension && /^(pdf|jpg|png|jpeg|gif|PDF|JPG|PNG|JPEG|GIF)$/.test(extension)){
    document.getElementById(inputName+"Preview").style.background = "url("+contentPath + "/img/fileUpload/tpwait.gif)  center center no-repeat";
   } else {
    return false;
  onComplete: function(file, response){
   var dataobj=eval("(" + response + ")");
   var errorMessage = dataobj.rsp.errorMessage;
   if(errorMessage != '' &&  errorMessage != ' '){
    showFileUp(inputName + "a");
    hideFileUp(inputName + "adiv");
    alert("文件上传失败,文件大小最大可传"+fileSize + "M");
    document.getElementById(inputName+"Preview").style.background = "url("+contentPath + "/img/fileUpload/zwtp.png)  center center no-repeat";
    var fileUrl = dataobj.rsp.fileUrl;
    var realPath = dataobj.rsp.realPath;
    var img = new Image();//构造JS的Image对象
    img.src = fileUrl;//将本地图片赋给image对象






  * 上传
 public ActionForward performUpload(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
  try {
   String jsonStr = FileUploadUtil.picUpload(request);

  } catch (IOException e) {
   // TODO Auto-generated catch block
  return null;

public static String picUpload(HttpServletRequest request) throws IOException {
  String path = SystemManager.getValueByKey("file.temp.directory");

  String date = DateUtil.getSysDateString();
  // 获取文件大小
  String fileSize = request.getParameter("fileSize");
  // 存相对路径
  String filePath = "";
  if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(path)) {
   if (path.endsWith("/")) {
    filePath = path + "fileTemp/" + date;
   } else {
    filePath = path + "/" + "fileTemp/" + date;
  } else {
   filePath = request.getRealPath("/") + "fileTemp/" + date;

  File uploadPath = new File(filePath);
  // 检查文件夹是否存在 不存在 创建一个
  if (!uploadPath.exists()) {

  // 文件最大容量
  double size = 1.0;
  if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(fileSize)) {
   try {
    size = Double.parseDouble(fileSize);
   } catch (Exception e) {
    // TODO: handle exception
  int fileMaxSize = (int) (size * 1024 * 1024);
  // 文件名
  String fileName = null;
  // 上传文件数
  int fileCount = 0;
  // 上传文件
  MultipartRequest mulit = null;

  try {
   // 重命名策略
   RandomFileRenamePolicy rfrp = new RandomFileRenamePolicy();
   mulit = new MultipartRequest(request, filePath, fileMaxSize, "UTF-8", rfrp);

   String userName = mulit.getParameter("userName");

  } catch (Exception e) {
   // TODO: handle exception
   HashMap localHashMap1 = new HashMap();
   HashMap localHashMap2 = new HashMap();

   localHashMap2.put("errorMessage", e.getMessage());

   localHashMap1.put("rsp", localHashMap2);

   return JsonUtil.toString(localHashMap1);

  Enumeration filesname = mulit.getFileNames();
  while (filesname.hasMoreElements()) {
   String name = (String) filesname.nextElement();
   fileName = mulit.getFilesystemName(name);
   String contentType = mulit.getContentType(name);
   if (fileName != null) {
   System.out.println("文件名:" + fileName);
   System.out.println("文件类型: " + contentType);

  System.out.println("共上传" + fileCount + "个文件!");

  String fileUrl = SystemManager.getValueByKey("file.temp.weburl");

  if (StringUtil.isEmpty(fileUrl)) {
   if (StringUtil.isEmpty(FileUtil.IMAGEROOT)) {
    FileUtil.IMAGEROOT = ShopApplicationResource.shopResource
   String returnImage = FileUtil.IMAGEROOT;
   fileUrl = returnImage;
//   fileUrl = "http://" + request.getServerName();
//   if (!"80".equals(request.getServerPort())) {
//    fileUrl = fileUrl + ":" + request.getServerPort();
//   }
   fileUrl = fileUrl + request.getContextPath();

  if (fileUrl.endsWith("/")) {
   fileUrl = fileUrl + "fileTemp/" + date + "/" + fileName;
  } else {
   fileUrl = fileUrl + "/" + "fileTemp/" + date + "/" + fileName;

  HashMap localHashMap1 = new HashMap();
  HashMap localHashMap2 = new HashMap();

  localHashMap2.put("fileUrl", fileUrl);
  localHashMap2.put("realPath", filePath + "/" + fileName);
  localHashMap2.put("errorMessage", "");
  localHashMap1.put("rsp", localHashMap2);

  return JsonUtil.toString(localHashMap1);


     * Easy styling and uploading
     * @constructor
     * @param button An element you want convert to
     * upload button. Tested dimentions up to 500x500px
     * @param {Object} options See defaults below.
    window.AjaxUpload = function(button, options){
        this._settings = {
            // Location of the server-side upload script
            action: 'upload.php',
            // File upload name
            name: 'userfile',
            // Additional data to send
            data: {},
            // Submit file as soon as it's selected
            autoSubmit: true,
            // The type of data that you're expecting back from the server.
            // html and xml are detected automatically.
            // Only useful when you are using json data as a response.
            // Set to "json" in that case.
            responseType: false,
            // Class applied to button when mouse is hovered
            hoverClass: 'hover',
            // Class applied to button when AU is disabled
            disabledClass: 'disabled',           
            // When user selects a file, useful with autoSubmit disabled
            // You can return false to cancel upload   
            onChange: function(file, extension){
            // Callback to fire before file is uploaded
            // You can return false to cancel upload
            onSubmit: function(file, extension){
            // Fired when file upload is completed
            onComplete: function(file, response){
        // Merge the users options with our defaults
        for (var i in options) {
            if (options.hasOwnProperty(i)){
                this._settings[i] = options[i];
        // button isn't necessary a dom element
        if (button.jquery){
            // jQuery object was passed
            button = button[0];
        } else if (typeof button == "string") {
            if (/^#.*/.test(button)){
                // If jQuery user passes #elementId don't break it     
                button = button.slice(1);               
            button = document.getElementById(button);
        if ( ! button || button.nodeType !== 1){
            throw new Error("Please make sure that you're passing a valid element");
        if ( button.nodeName.toUpperCase() == 'A'){
            // disable link                      
            addEvent(button, 'click', function(e){
                if (e && e.preventDefault){
                } else if (window.event){
                    window.event.returnValue = false;
        // DOM element
        this._button = button;       
        // DOM element                
        this._input = null;
        // If disabled clicking on button won't do anything
        this._disabled = false;
        // if the button was disabled before refresh if will remain
        // disabled in FireFox, let's fix it

         * Creates form, that will be submitted to iframe
         * @param {Element} iframe Where to submit
         * @return {Element} form
        _createForm: function(iframe){
            var settings = this._settings;
            // We can't use the following code in IE6
            // var form = document.createElement('form');
            // form.setAttribute('method', 'post');
            // form.setAttribute('enctype', 'multipart/form-data');
            // Because in this case file won't be attached to request                   
            var form = toElement('<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"></form>');
            form.setAttribute('action', settings.action);
            form.setAttribute('target', iframe.name);                                  
            form.style.display = 'none';
            // Create hidden input element for each data key
            for (var prop in settings.data) {
                if (settings.data.hasOwnProperty(prop)){
                    var el = document.createElement("input");
                    el.setAttribute('type', 'hidden');
                    el.setAttribute('name', prop);
                    el.setAttribute('value', settings.data[prop]);
            return form;

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