c++ primer plus 第13章习题

来源:互联网 发布:nba2016总决赛库里数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 18:46
//第13章 13.14#ifndef STACK_H#define STACK_H#include<iostream>using std::ostream;using std::istream;class baseDMA{private:char *label;int rating;public:baseDMA(const char *l = "null", int r = 0);baseDMA(const baseDMA &rs);virtual ~baseDMA();baseDMA & operator=(const baseDMA &rs);friend ostream & operator<<(ostream &os, const baseDMA &rs);};class lacksDMA :public baseDMA{private:enum{COL_LEN=40};char color[COL_LEN];public:lacksDMA(const char *c = "blank", const char * l = "null", int r = 0);lacksDMA(const char *c, const baseDMA &rs);friend std::ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const lacksDMA &rs);};class hasDMA :public baseDMA{private:char *style;public:hasDMA(const char *s = "none", const char * l = "null", int r = 0);hasDMA(const char *s, const baseDMA &rs);hasDMA(const hasDMA &hs);~hasDMA();hasDMA & operator=(const hasDMA &rs);friend ostream & operator<<(ostream &os, const hasDMA &rs);};#endif

//第13章 13.14#include"zhan.h"#include<iostream>#include<cstring>baseDMA::baseDMA(const char *l , int r ){label = new char[std::strlen(l) + 1];std::strcpy(label, l);rating = r;}baseDMA::baseDMA(const baseDMA &rs){label = new char[std::strlen(rs.label) + 1];std::strcpy(label, rs.label);rating = rs.rating;} baseDMA::~baseDMA(){delete[]label;} baseDMA & baseDMA::operator=(const baseDMA &rs) { if (this == &rs) return *this; delete[]label; label = new char[std::strlen(rs.label) + 1]; std::strcpy(label, rs.label); rating = rs.rating; return *this; } ostream & operator<<(ostream &os, const baseDMA &rs)//此处不要加类名 { os << "Lable:" << rs.label << std::endl; os << "Rating:" << rs.rating << std::endl; return os; } lacksDMA::lacksDMA(const char *c, const char * l, int r) :baseDMA(l,r) { std::strncpy(color, c, 39);//把src所指向的字符串中以src地址开始的前n个字节复制到dest所指的数组中,并返回dest color[39] = '\0'; } lacksDMA::lacksDMA(const char *c, const baseDMA &rs) : baseDMA(rs)//? { std::strncpy(color, c, 39); color[39] = '\0'; } std::ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const lacksDMA &rs) { os << (const baseDMA&)rs;//? os << "Color: " << rs.color << std::endl; return os; } hasDMA::hasDMA(const char *s, const char * l, int r) :baseDMA(l,r) { style = new char[strlen(s) + 1]; std::strcpy(style, s); } hasDMA::hasDMA(const char *s, const baseDMA &rs) : baseDMA(rs)//? { style = new char[strlen(s) + 1]; std::strcpy(style, s); } hasDMA::hasDMA(const hasDMA &hs) : baseDMA(hs) { style = new char[strlen(hs.style) + 1]; std::strcpy(style, hs.style); } hasDMA::~hasDMA() { delete[]style; } hasDMA & hasDMA::operator=(const hasDMA &rs) { if (this == &rs) return *this; baseDMA::operator=(rs); delete[]style; style = new char[strlen(rs.style) + 1]; std::strcpy(style, rs.style); return *this; } ostream & operator<<(ostream &os, const hasDMA &rs) { os << (const baseDMA &)rs; os << "Style: " << rs.style << std::endl; return os; }

//第13章 13.14#include<iostream>#include"zhan.h"#include<stdlib.h>int main(){using std::cout;using std::endl;baseDMA shirt("Portabelly", 8);lacksDMA balloon("red", "Buffalo", 4);hasDMA map("Mercator", "Buffalo Keys", 5);cout << "Displaying baseDMA oject:\n";cout << shirt << endl;cout << "Displaying lacksDMA object:\n";cout << balloon << endl;cout << "Displaying hasDMA object:\n";cout << map << endl;lacksDMA balloon2(balloon);cout << "Result of lackdDMA copy:\n";cout << balloon2 << endl;hasDMA map2;map2 = map;cout << "Result of hasDMA assignment:\n";cout << map2 << endl;system("pause");return 0;}

//第13章第1题#ifndef CLASS_H#define CLASS_H#include<iostream>using std::cin;using std::cout;using std::endl;class Cd{private:char performers[50];char label[20];int selections;double playtime;protected:char *perfor(){ return performers; };char *lab(){ return label; };int sel(){ return selections; };double play(){ return playtime; };public:Cd(char *s1, char *s2, int n, double x){strcpy(performers, s1);//不用new了,因为performer 是数组strcpy(label, s2);selections = n;playtime = x;}Cd(const Cd &d){strcpy(performers, d.performers);strcpy(label, d.label);selections = d.selections;playtime = d.playtime;}Cd(){};virtual ~Cd(){};//构造函数应为虚函数virtual void Report()const{cout << "Perfomers:" << performers << endl;cout << "Label:" << label << endl;cout << "selection:" << selections << endl;cout << "playtime:" << playtime << endl;}Cd & Cd::operator=(const Cd &d){//return Cd(d);//这个狠啊,用的构造函数。这个下边没法赋值,局部变量if (this == &d)return *this;strcpy(performers, d.performers);strcpy(label, d.label);selections = d.selections;playtime = d.playtime;return *this;}};class Classic : public Cd{private:char mainLabel[50];public:Classic(char *s1, char *s2, char *s3, int n, double x) :Cd(s1, s2, n, x){strcpy(mainLabel, s3);//这个也狠,调用了构造函数完成基类复制。}Classic(Classic &c) :Cd(c.perfor(), c.lab(),c.sel(), c.play()){strcpy(mainLabel, c.mainLabel);}Classic(){};//必须有函数体virtual ~Classic(){};virtual void Report()const{Cd::Report();cout << "mainLabel:" << mainLabel << endl<<endl;} Classic & Classic::operator=(const Classic &c){if (this == &c)return *this;Cd::operator=(c);strcpy(mainLabel, c.mainLabel);return *this;}};#endif

//第13章第1题,第2题共用主函数#include<iostream>using namespace std;#include"zhan.h"#include<cstdlib>void Bravo(const Cd &disk);int main(){Cd c1("Beatles", "Capitol", 14, 35.5);Classic c2 = Classic("Piano Sonata int B flat, Fantasia in C","Alfred Brendel", "Philips", 2, 57.17);Cd *pcd = &c1;cout << "Using object directly:\n";c1.Report();c2.Report();cout << "Using type cd * pointer to objects:\n";pcd->Report();pcd = &c2;pcd->Report();cout << "Calling a function with a Cd reference arguement:\n";Bravo(c1);Bravo(c2);cout << "Testing assignment:";Cd copy1;copy1 = c1;copy1.Report();Classic copy;copy = c2;copy.Report();system("pause");return 0;}void Bravo(const Cd &disk){disk.Report();}

//第13章第2题#ifndef CLASS_H#define CLASS_H#include<iostream>using std::cin;using std::cout;using std::endl;class Cd{private:char *performers;char *label;int selections;double playtime;public:Cd(char *s1, char *s2, int n, double x){performers = new char[strlen(s1) + 1];strcpy(performers, s1);//用new了,因为performer 是指针label = new char[strlen(s2) + 1];strcpy(label, s2);selections = n;playtime = x;}Cd(const Cd &d){performers = new char[strlen(d.performers) + 1];strcpy(performers, d.performers);label = new char[strlen(d.label) + 1];strcpy(label, d.label);selections = d.selections;playtime = d.playtime;}Cd(){};virtual ~Cd(){ delete[]performers; delete[]label; };//构造函数应为虚函数virtual void Report()const{cout << "Perfomers:" << performers << endl;cout << "Label:" << label << endl;cout << "selection:" << selections << endl;cout << "playtime:" << playtime << endl;}Cd & Cd::operator=(const Cd &d){//return Cd(d);//这个狠啊,用的构造函数。这个下边没法赋值,局部变量if (this == &d)return *this;delete[]performers;delete[]label;//释放以前的字符串performers = new char[strlen(d.performers) + 1];strcpy(performers, d.performers);label = new char[strlen(d.label) + 1];strcpy(label, d.label);selections = d.selections;playtime = d.playtime;return *this;}};class Classic : public Cd{private:char  * mainLabel;public:Classic(char *s1, char *s2, char *s3, int n, double x) :Cd(s1, s2, n, x){mainLabel = new char[strlen(s3) + 1];strcpy(mainLabel, s3);//这个也狠,调用了构造函数完成基类复制。}Classic(Classic &c) :Cd(c){mainLabel = new char[strlen(c.mainLabel) + 1];strcpy(mainLabel, c.mainLabel);}Classic(){};//必须有函数体virtual ~Classic(){ delete[]mainLabel; };virtual void Report()const{Cd::Report();cout << "mainLabel:" << mainLabel << endl << endl;}Classic & Classic::operator=(const Classic &c){if (this == &c)return *this;Cd::operator=(c);delete[]mainLabel;mainLabel = new char[strlen(c.mainLabel) + 1];strcpy(mainLabel, c.mainLabel);return *this;}};#endif

//第13章第1题,第2题共用主函数#include<iostream>using namespace std;#include"zhan.h"#include<cstdlib>void Bravo(const Cd &disk);int main(){Cd c1("Beatles", "Capitol", 14, 35.5);Classic c2 = Classic("Piano Sonata int B flat, Fantasia in C","Alfred Brendel", "Philips", 2, 57.17);Cd *pcd = &c1;cout << "Using object directly:\n";c1.Report();c2.Report();cout << "Using type cd * pointer to objects:\n";pcd->Report();pcd = &c2;pcd->Report();cout << "Calling a function with a Cd reference arguement:\n";Bravo(c1);Bravo(c2);cout << "Testing assignment:";Cd copy1;copy1 = c1;copy1.Report();Classic copy;copy = c2;copy.Report();system("pause");return 0;}void Bravo(const Cd &disk){disk.Report();}

//第13章第3题#ifndef CLASS_H#define CLASS_H#include<iostream>#include<string>using namespace std;class DMA{private:string label;int rating;public:DMA(const string l = "NULL", int r = 0){label = l;rating = r;}DMA(const DMA &rs){label = rs.label;rating = rs.rating;}virtual void test()const = 0{};//纯虚函数。virtual void test2(){cout << "test2" << endl;}virtual ~DMA(){};friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const DMA &rs){os << "label:" << rs.label << " rating :" << rs.rating << endl;return os;}virtual void show(){cout << "label:" << label << " rating:" << rating << " " << endl;}};class baseDMA :public DMA{public:baseDMA(const string l = "NULL", int r = 0) :DMA(l, r){}baseDMA(baseDMA &bd) :DMA(bd){}virtual void test()const{};//必须实现虚基类的所有虚函数virtual ~baseDMA(){}//虚函数是为了继承接口和默认行为  纯虚函数只是继承接口,行为必须重新定义friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const baseDMA &bd){os << "This is baseDMA:";os << (DMA &)bd;//通过强制转换调用基类友元函数return os;}virtual void show(){cout << "This is baseDMA:";DMA::show();cout << endl;}};class lacksDMA :public DMA{private:string color;public:lacksDMA(const string c = "blank", const string l = "NULL", int r = 0) :DMA(l, r){color = c;}virtual ~lacksDMA(){};virtual void test()const{};friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const lacksDMA &ld){os << "This is lacksDMA:";os << (DMA &)ld << " color:" << ld.color;return os;}virtual void show(){cout << "This is lacksDMA:";DMA::show();cout << " color:" << color;cout << endl;}};class hasDMA :public DMA{private:string style;public:hasDMA(const string s = "none", const string l = "null", int r = 0) :DMA(l, r){style = s;}virtual ~hasDMA(){};virtual void test()const{};virtual void show(){cout << "This is hasDMA: ";DMA::show();cout << " style:" << style;cout << endl;}friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const hasDMA &hd){os << "This is hasDMA:";os << (DMA &)hd << " style:" << hd.style;return os;}};#endif

//第13章第3题#include<iostream>#include"zhan.h"using namespace std;void main(){DMA *pd[3];//虚基类不能创建对象,但可以创建指向其的指针for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++){cout << "\nEnter the label:";string label;getline(cin, label);cout << "\nEnter the rating:";int rat;cin >> rat;cout << "Enter the 1 for baseDMA" << endl<< "2 for lacksDMA" << endl<< "3 for hasDMA" << endl;int temp;cin >> temp;cin.get();if (temp==1)pd[i] = new baseDMA(label, rat);else if (temp == 2){cout << "Enter the color:";string color;getline(cin, color);pd[i] = new lacksDMA(color, label, rat);}else if (temp == 3){cout << "Enter the style:";string style;getline(cin, style);pd[i] = new hasDMA(style, label, rat);}else{cout <<"Please try it again!" << endl;i--;}while (cin.get() != '\n')continue;}cout << endl;for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++){pd[i]->show();}system("pause");}

//第13章第4题#ifndef CLASS_H#define CLASS_H#include<iostream>using namespace std;class Port{private:char *brand;char style[20];int bottles;public:Port(const char *br = "none", const char *st = "none", int b = 0){brand = new char[strlen(br) + 1];strcpy(brand, br);strcpy(style, st);bottles = b;}Port(const Port &p){brand = new char[strlen(p.brand) + 1];strcpy(brand, p.brand);strcpy(style, p.style);bottles = p.bottles;}virtual~Port(){ delete[]brand; }Port &operator=(const Port &p){if (this == &p)return *this;delete[]brand;//必须要有brand = new char[strlen(p.brand) + 1];strcpy(brand, p.brand);strcpy(style, p.style);bottles = p.bottles;return *this;}Port &operator+=(int b){bottles += b;return *this;}Port &operator-=(int b){bottles-= b;return *this;}int BottleCount()const { return bottles; };virtual void Show()const{cout << "Brand:" << brand<<endl;cout << "Styles:" << style << endl;cout << "Bottles:" << bottles << endl;}friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const Port &p){cout << p.brand << ", " << p.style << ", " << p.bottles << endl;return os;}};class VintagePort :public Port{private:char * nickname;int year;public:VintagePort() :Port(){nickname = NULL;year = 0;}VintagePort(const char *br, int b, const char *nn, int y) :Port(br, "Vintage", b){nickname = new char[strlen(nn) + 1];strcpy(nickname, nn);year = y;}VintagePort(const VintagePort &vp) :Port(vp){nickname = new char[strlen(vp.nickname) + 1];strcpy(nickname, vp.nickname);year = vp.year;}~VintagePort(){ delete[]nickname; };VintagePort &operator=(const VintagePort &vp){if (this == &vp)return *this;delete[]nickname;Port::operator=(vp);nickname = new char[strlen(vp.nickname) + 1];strcpy(nickname, vp.nickname);year = vp.year;return *this;}void Show()const{Port::Show();cout << "nickname:" << nickname << endl;cout << "year:" << year << endl;}friend ostream & operator<<(ostream & os, const VintagePort &vp){os << (Port &)vp;cout << ","<<vp.nickname << "," << vp.year;return os;}};#endif

//第13章第4题#include"zhan.h"int main(){Port *ptr;Port p("Gallo", "tawny", 20);ptr = &p;ptr->Show();cout << p << endl;VintagePort v("gallo", 20, "ttt", 20);ptr = &v;ptr->Show();cout << v << endl;system("pause");return 0;}

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