[MIT 6.824 Distributed System] Lab 1: MapReduce (2016)

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MIT分布式系统课程实验1:Lab 1: MapReduce



// Debugging enabled?const debugEnabled = true



Part I: Map/Reduce input and output



  • M:Map的数目,也就是将数据集split成M份,分配给M个 Mappers 处理。如上图(3)read。
  • R: Reduce的数目,也即有R个Reducers,最后有R个输出文件。每个 Mapper 会将读入的key/value 数据写到R份中间文件中,也就是分配给R个Reducers。

  1. common_map.go
// doMap does the job of a map worker: it reads one of the input files// (inFile), calls the user-defined map function (mapF) for that file's// contents, and partitions the output into nReduce intermediate files.func doMap(    jobName string, // the name of the MapReduce job    mapTaskNumber int, // which map task this is    inFile string,    nReduce int, // the number of reduce task that will be run ("R" in the paper)    mapF func(file string, contents string) []KeyValue,) {    // TODO:    // You will need to write this function.    // You can find the filename for this map task's input to reduce task number    // r using reduceName(jobName, mapTaskNumber, r). The ihash function (given    // below doMap) should be used to decide which file a given key belongs into.    //    // The intermediate output of a map task is stored in the file    // system as multiple files whose name indicates which map task produced    // them, as well as which reduce task they are for. Coming up with a    // scheme for how to store the key/value pairs on disk can be tricky,    // especially when taking into account that both keys and values could    // contain newlines, quotes, and any other character you can think of.    //    // One format often used for serializing data to a byte stream that the    // other end can correctly reconstruct is JSON. You are not required to    // use JSON, but as the output of the reduce tasks *must* be JSON,    // familiarizing yourself with it here may prove useful. You can write    // out a data structure as a JSON string to a file using the commented    // code below. The corresponding decoding functions can be found in    // common_reduce.go.    //    //   enc := json.NewEncoder(file)    //   for _, kv := ... {    //     err := enc.Encode(&kv)    //    // Remember to close the file after you have written all the values!    fi, err := ioutil.ReadFile(inFile)    if err != nil{        log.Fatal("doMap - inFile error: ", err)    }    keyValue := mapF(inFile, string(fi))    var encs []*json.Encoder    for r:=0; r < nReduce; r++ {        // Create intermediate file.        outfile, err := os.Create(reduceName(jobName, mapTaskNumber, r))        if err != nil {            log.Fatal("doMap - outfile cannot open: ", err)        }        defer outfile.Close()        // Create encoder.        enc := json.NewEncoder(outfile)        encs = append(encs, enc)    }    for _, kv := range keyValue {        r := ihash(kv.Key) % uint32(nReduce)        // Choose the r-th file to write encode key value.        encs[r].Encode(&kv)    }}func ihash(s string) uint32 {    h := fnv.New32a()    h.Write([]byte(s))    return h.Sum32()}

每个reducer读入M个中间文件,用一个哈希表kvMap存放(key, values[])。最后遍历kvMap,用reduceF函数生成key/value,写到mergeFile中。

// doReduce does the job of a reduce worker: it reads the intermediate// key/value pairs (produced by the map phase) for this task, sorts the// intermediate key/value pairs by key, calls the user-defined reduce function// (reduceF) for each key, and writes the output to disk.func doReduce(    jobName string, // the name of the whole MapReduce job    reduceTaskNumber int, // which reduce task this is    nMap int, // the number of map tasks that were run ("M" in the paper)    reduceF func(key string, values []string) string,) {    // TODO:    // You will need to write this function.    // You can find the intermediate file for this reduce task from map task number    // m using reduceName(jobName, m, reduceTaskNumber).    // Remember that you've encoded the values in the intermediate files, so you    // will need to decode them. If you chose to use JSON, you can read out    // multiple decoded values by creating a decoder, and then repeatedly calling    // .Decode() on it until Decode() returns an error.    //    // You should write the reduced output in as JSON encoded KeyValue    // objects to a file named mergeName(jobName, reduceTaskNumber). We require    // you to use JSON here because that is what the merger than combines the    // output from all the reduce tasks expects. There is nothing "special" about    // JSON -- it is just the marshalling format we chose to use. It will look    // something like this:    //    // enc := json.NewEncoder(mergeFile)    // for key in ... {    //  enc.Encode(KeyValue{key, reduceF(...)})    // }    // file.Close()    // Read from intermediate files and put into kvMap.    kvMap := make(map[string][]string)  // pair (Key, []Values)    for m:=0; m < nMap; m++ {        // Open intermediate file.        fi, err := os.Open(reduceName(jobName, m, reduceTaskNumber))        if err != nil {            log.Fatal("doReduce 2: ", err)        }        defer fi.Close()        // Decoder        dec := json.NewDecoder(fi)        // Decode        for {            var kv KeyValue            if err := dec.Decode(&kv); err == io.EOF {                break            } else if err != nil {                log.Fatal(err)            }            // Put into kvMap.            kvMap[kv.Key] = append(kvMap[kv.Key], kv.Value)        }    }    // Create merge file.    mergeFile, err := os.Create(mergeName(jobName, reduceTaskNumber))    if err != nil {        log.Fatal("doReduce 1: ", err)    }    defer mergeFile.Close()    // Write merge file.    enc := json.NewEncoder(mergeFile)    for key, values := range kvMap {        enc.Encode(KeyValue{key, reduceF(key, values)})    }}

Part II: Single-worker word count


package mainimport (    "fmt"    "mapreduce"    "os"    "strings"    "unicode"    "strconv")// The mapping function is called once for each piece of the input.// In this framework, the key is the name of the file that is being processed,// and the value is the file's contents. The return value should be a slice of// key/value pairs, each represented by a mapreduce.KeyValue.func mapF(document string, value string) (res []mapreduce.KeyValue) {    // TODO: you have to write this function    // Delimeter function: only pass letter and number.    f := func (c rune) bool  {        return !unicode.IsLetter(c) && !unicode.IsNumber(c)    }    // Split words.    words := strings.FieldsFunc(value, f)    for _, w := range words {        kv := mapreduce.KeyValue {w, ""}        res = append(res, kv)    }    return}// The reduce function is called once for each key generated by Map, with a// list of that key's string value (merged across all inputs). The return value// should be a single output value for that key.func reduceF(key string, values []string) string {    // TODO: you also have to write this function    // Count the values.    return strconv.Itoa(len(values))}

Part III: Distributing MapReduce tasks


package mapreduceimport "fmt"// schedule starts and waits for all tasks in the given phase (Map or Reduce).func (mr *Master) schedule(phase jobPhase) {    var ntasks int    var nios int // number of inputs (for reduce) or outputs (for map)    switch phase {    case mapPhase:        ntasks = len(mr.files)        nios = mr.nReduce    case reducePhase:        ntasks = mr.nReduce        nios = len(mr.files)    }    fmt.Printf("Schedule: %v %v tasks (%d I/Os)\n", ntasks, phase, nios)    // All ntasks tasks have to be scheduled on workers, and only once all of    // them have been completed successfully should the function return.    // Remember that workers may fail, and that any given worker may finish    // multiple tasks.    //    // TODO TODO TODO TODO TODO TODO TODO TODO TODO TODO TODO TODO TODO    //    switch phase {    case mapPhase:        for i:=0; i < ntasks; i++ {            // Get a worker from register channel.            worker := <- mr.registerChannel            // Set arguments.            args := new(DoTaskArgs)            args.Phase = phase            args.JobName = mr.jobName            args.NumOtherPhase = nios            args.File = mr.files[i]            args.TaskNumber = i            // RPC to ask worker to do task.            ok := call(worker,                     "Worker.DoTask", args, new(struct{}))            if ok {                // If success, such worker is reusable.                // So, put it back to register channel.                go func ()  {                    mr.registerChannel <- worker                }()            } else{                // RPC failed, re-allocate the i-th task.                i = i -1                fmt.Printf("Worker doMap failed.\n")            }        }    case reducePhase:        for i:=0; i < ntasks; i++ {            worker := <- mr.registerChannel            args := new(DoTaskArgs)            args.Phase = phase            args.JobName = mr.jobName            args.TaskNumber = i            args.NumOtherPhase = nios            ok := call(worker,                     "Worker.DoTask", args, new(struct{}))            if ok {                go func ()  {                    mr.registerChannel <- worker                }()            } else{                i = i - 1                fmt.Printf("Worker doReduce failed.\n")            }        }    }    fmt.Printf("Schedule: %v phase done\n", phase)}

Part IV: Handling worker failures



smtech@smtech-MacBook-Air ~/p/6/s/main> sh ./test-mr.sh==> Part Iok      mapreduce   3.715s==> Part IIPassed test==> Part IIIok      mapreduce   3.129s==> Part IVok      mapreduce   13.613s
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