
来源:互联网 发布:ubuntu grub2引导win7 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/09 22:27








/** * 两个工厂方法,通常使用第一个 * forParent 表示所在的ViewGroup * sensitivity 表示拖动的灵敏度 * cb 表示我们需要实现的拖动的各种监听 * */public static ViewDragHelper create(ViewGroup forParent, Callback cb) {    return new ViewDragHelper(forParent.getContext(), forParent, cb);}public static ViewDragHelper create(ViewGroup forParent, float sensitivity, Callback cb) {    final ViewDragHelper helper = create(forParent, cb);    helper.mTouchSlop = (int) (helper.mTouchSlop * (1 / sensitivity));    return helper;}//这个是在父View的构造方法中进行实例化。public MyLinearLayout(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {    super(context, attrs, defStyle);    initView();}private void initView() {    mHelper=ViewDragHelper.create(this, new myCallBack());}


 /** * Check if this event as provided to the parent view's onInterceptTouchEvent should * cause the parent to intercept the touch event stream. *检测这个作为被提供给父view的onInterceptTouchEvent的事件是否令父view拦截到当前的触摸事件流. * @param ev MotionEvent provided to onInterceptTouchEvent * 如果父View在onInterceptTouchEvent方法中应该返回true的话, 则返回true * 意思就是如果父控件决定拦截,就返回true。 * @return true if the parent view should return true from onInterceptTouchEvent */public boolean shouldInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) {}


   /** * Process a touch event received by the parent view. This method will dispatch callback events * as needed before returning. The parent view's onTouchEvent implementation should call this. *  处理从父view中获取的触摸事件.这个方法将分发callback回调事件.父view的onTouchEvent方法中应该调用该方法. * @param ev The touch event received by the parent view */public void processTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) {}


/** * Move the captured settling view by the appropriate amount for the current time. * If <code>continueSettling</code> returns true, the caller should call it again * on the next frame to continue. * * @param deferCallbacks true if state callbacks should be deferred via posted message. *                       Set this to true if you are calling this method from *                       {@link android.view.View#computeScroll()} or similar methods *                       invoked as part of layout or drawing. * @return true if settle is still in progress */public boolean continueSettling(boolean deferCallbacks) {}//在父View中的使用@Overridepublic void computeScroll() {    if(mHelper.continueSettling(true)){        ViewCompat.postInvalidateOnAnimation(this);    }}



      * <p>If this method returns true, a call to {@link #onViewCaptured(android.view.View, int)}     * will follow if the capture is successful.</p>     *  决定是否捕获传进来的View     * @param child Child the user is attempting to capture     * @param pointerId ID of the pointer attempting the capture     * @return true if capture should be allowed, false otherwise     */    public abstract boolean tryCaptureView(View child, int pointerId);    /**     *  决定横向能够拖动的距离     * @param child Child view being dragged     * @param left Attempted motion along the X axis     * @param dx Proposed change in position for left     * @return The new clamped position for left     */    public int clampViewPositionHorizontal(View child, int left, int dx) {        return 0;    }    /**     *  决定纵向能够拖动的距离     * @param child Child view being dragged     * @param top Attempted motion along the Y axis     * @param dy Proposed change in position for top     * @return The new clamped position for top     */    public int clampViewPositionVertical(View child, int top, int dy) {        return 0;    }

三个最常用的方法,在实现拖动的时候基本上都要重写的(第一个是实现),注释已经很明确了,通常在第二,三个方法中直接返回 left,top就可以。


   //手指释放的时候回调        @Override        public void onViewReleased(View releasedChild, float xvel, float yvel)        {            //mAutoBackView手指释放时可以自动回去            if (releasedChild == mAutoBackView)            {                mDragger.settleCapturedViewAt(mAutoBackOriginPos.x, mAutoBackOriginPos.y);                invalidate();            }        }




public boolean smoothSlideViewTo(View child, int finalLeft, int finalTop) {
mCapturedView = child;
mActivePointerId = INVALID_POINTER;

    boolean continueSliding = forceSettleCapturedViewAt(finalLeft, finalTop, 0, 0);    if (!continueSliding && mDragState == STATE_IDLE && mCapturedView != null) {        // If we're in an IDLE state to begin with and aren't moving anywhere, we        // end up having a non-null capturedView with an IDLE dragState        mCapturedView = null;    }    return continueSliding;}//直接恢复到初始位置的复位方法,速度会影响复位的过程public boolean settleCapturedViewAt(int finalLeft, int finalTop) {    if (!mReleaseInProgress) {        throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot settleCapturedViewAt outside of a call to " +                "Callback#onViewReleased");    }    return forceSettleCapturedViewAt(finalLeft, finalTop,            (int) VelocityTrackerCompat.getXVelocity(mVelocityTracker, mActivePointerId),            (int) VelocityTrackerCompat.getYVelocity(mVelocityTracker, mActivePointerId));}//两种复位方法的实现。底层的实现是用Scrollerprivate boolean forceSettleCapturedViewAt(int finalLeft, int finalTop, int xvel, int yvel) {    final int startLeft = mCapturedView.getLeft();    final int startTop = mCapturedView.getTop();    final int dx = finalLeft - startLeft;    final int dy = finalTop - startTop;    if (dx == 0 && dy == 0) {        // Nothing to do. Send callbacks, be done.        mScroller.abortAnimation();        setDragState(STATE_IDLE);        return false;    }    final int duration = computeSettleDuration(mCapturedView, dx, dy, xvel, yvel);    mScroller.startScroll(startLeft, startTop, dx, dy, duration);    setDragState(STATE_SETTLING);    return true;}//在forceSettleCapturedViewAt中被调用,用于计算复位的时间private int computeSettleDuration(View child, int dx, int dy, int xvel, int yvel) {    xvel = clampMag(xvel, (int) mMinVelocity, (int) mMaxVelocity);    yvel = clampMag(yvel, (int) mMinVelocity, (int) mMaxVelocity);    final int absDx = Math.abs(dx);    final int absDy = Math.abs(dy);    final int absXVel = Math.abs(xvel);    final int absYVel = Math.abs(yvel);    final int addedVel = absXVel + absYVel;    final int addedDistance = absDx + absDy;    final float xweight = xvel != 0 ? (float) absXVel / addedVel :            (float) absDx / addedDistance;    final float yweight = yvel != 0 ? (float) absYVel / addedVel :            (float) absDy / addedDistance;    int xduration = computeAxisDuration(dx, xvel, mCallback.getViewHorizontalDragRange(child));    int yduration = computeAxisDuration(dy, yvel, mCallback.getViewVerticalDragRange(child));    return (int) (xduration * xweight + yduration * yweight);}//用于计算复位动画的执行时间(单一轴方向上的)private int computeAxisDuration(int delta, int velocity, int motionRange) {    if (delta == 0) {        return 0;    }    final int width = mParentView.getWidth();    final int halfWidth = width / 2;    final float distanceRatio = Math.min(1f, (float) Math.abs(delta) / width);    final float distance = halfWidth + halfWidth *            distanceInfluenceForSnapDuration(distanceRatio);    int duration;    velocity = Math.abs(velocity);    if (velocity > 0) {        duration = 4 * Math.round(1000 * Math.abs(distance / velocity));    } else {        final float range = (float) Math.abs(delta) / motionRange;        duration = (int) ((range + 1) * BASE_SETTLE_DURATION);    }    return Math.min(duration, MAX_SETTLE_DURATION);}//计算区间值()private int clampMag(int value, int absMin, int absMax) {    final int absValue = Math.abs(value);    if (absValue < absMin) return 0;    if (absValue > absMax) return value > 0 ? absMax : -absMax;    return value;}private float clampMag(float value, float absMin, float absMax) {    final float absValue = Math.abs(value);    if (absValue < absMin) return 0;    if (absValue > absMax) return value > 0 ? absMax : -absMax;    return value;}//用于在复位之后释放被捕获的View对象private float distanceInfluenceForSnapDuration(float f) {    f -= 0.5f; // center the values about 0.    f *= 0.3f * Math.PI / 2.0f;    return (float) Math.sin(f);}


    //设置可以拖动的边缘    public void setEdgeTrackingEnabled(int edgeFlags) {        mTrackingEdges = edgeFlags;    }    //当父View中一个被设置为可拖动的边界被点击时,并且子view中没有被捕获是调用    //就是说如果点的位置是可拖动的边缘而且没有在点的位置没有控件被捕获的话会调用此方法。    public void onEdgeTouched(int edgeFlags, int pointerId) {}    //该方法当原来可以拖曳的边缘被锁定不可拖曳时回调.如果边缘在初始化开始拖曳前被拒绝拖曳,就会发生前面说的这种情况.    //但这个方法会在{@link #onEdgeTouched(int, int)}之后才会被回调.这个方法会返回true来锁定该边缘.或者    //返回false来释放解锁该屏幕.默认的行为是后者(返回false来释放解锁该屏幕)    //(不是很理解什么时候回被调用,返回值就是值是否锁住当前的边缘,使其变得不可用)    public boolean onEdgeLock(int edgeFlags) {        return false;    }    //在拖动开始的时候调用,通常用于在此方法中对要施加边缘拖动的View就行确定    public void onEdgeDragStarted(int edgeFlags, int pointerId) {}    //在onEdgeDragStarted方法中显示的调用,用来确定要施加边缘拖动的View    //不受tryCaptureView方法中的返回值限制    public void captureChildView(View childView, int activePointerId) {        if (childView.getParent() != mParentView) {            throw new IllegalArgumentException("captureChildView: parameter must be a descendant " +                    "of the ViewDragHelper's tracked parent view (" + mParentView + ")");        }        mCapturedView = childView;        mActivePointerId = activePointerId;        mCallback.onViewCaptured(childView, activePointerId);        setDragState(STATE_DRAGGING);    }











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