来源:互联网 发布:win7网络共享无法打开 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 22:52

SAPUI5 是一个企业网页前端架构,基于jQuery. 和之伴随的还有一个开源的OpenUI5,可以在Github上获取.    除此之外,二者的区别是什么呢?

开发UI5有3种环境方法:<1> Eclipse+ SAPUI5 Tools;    <2>SAP HANA Studio + SAPUI5 Tools; <3>WebIDE.


  1. 登录HCP (没有账号的话可以先注册)

  2. 点击侧边栏的 Subscriptions

  3. 点击 webide

  4. 点击 Application URL

SAPUI5使用MVC(M - model, V - view, C - control)架构, 通过数据绑定连接数据源与实体. M指数据源, V和C指实体.


For OpenUI5 you can usesrc=""

For accessing SAPUI5 on the SAP HANA Cloud Platform, for example, usesrc="".

Model View View Controller

Data Binding


SAPUI5 is a client UI technology based on Javascript, CSS and HTML5.

To use SAPUI5 features in your HTML page, you have to load and initialize the SAPUI5 library.

XHR --- XMLHttpRequest

CDN --- Content Delivery Network

Bootstrap file: 

sap-ui-core.js is the standard bootstrap file, contains jQuery, jquery-ui-position and only the minimum required parts of the core library.


Component.js --- the component controller

manifest.json  --- a descriptor

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