
来源:互联网 发布:数据方舟产品 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 09:00

////  Clist.h//  Algorithms&Data_structures////  Created by TTc on 15-2-2.//  Copyright (c) 2015年 TTc. All rights reserved.///** *  循环链表 */#ifndef __Algorithms_Data_structures__Clist__#define __Algorithms_Data_structures__Clist__#include <stdlib.h>typedef struct CListElmt_{    void *data;    struct CListElmt_ *next;}CListElmt;typedef struct  CList_{    int size;    int (*match) (const void *key1,const void *key2);    void(*destroy)(void *data);    CListElmt *head;}CList;void cprint_list(const CList *clist);/*Public Intefaces */void clist_init(CList *clist, void (*destroy)(void *data));void clist_destroy(CList *clist);int  clist_ins_next(CList *clist, CListElmt *element, const void *data);int  clist_rem_next(CList *clist, CListElmt *element, void **data);#define clist_size(clist)            ((clist) -> size)#define clist_head(clist)           ((clist) -> head)#define clist_is_head(clist, element)    ((element) == (clist) -> head ? 1:0)#define clist_data(element)          ((element) -> data)#define clist_next(element)          ((element) -> next)#endif /* defined(__Algorithms_Data_structures__Clist__) */
////  Clist.c//  Algorithms&Data_structures////  Created by TTc on 15-2-2.//  Copyright (c) 2015年 TTc. All rights reserved.//#include "clist.h"#include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>//O(1)voidclist_init(CList *clist, void (*destroy)(void *data)){    clist->size = 0;    clist->destroy = destroy;    clist->head = NULL;}//O(n)voidclist_destroy(CList *clist){    void *data;    //remove each element    while (clist_size(clist) != 0) {        if(clist_rem_next(clist, clist->head, (void**) &data) == 0 && clist->destroy != NULL){            clist->destroy(data);        }    }    //clist清除    memset(clist, 0, sizeof(CList));}/* 1: insert操作 *//* 插入成功返回0 ,反之返回 -1 *//* 将元素插入由list指针的循环链表中element之后, 当插入空链表中时,element可能指向 任何位置,为了避免混淆,element此时应该设置为NULL。 新的元素包含一个指向data的指针, 因此只要该元素仍在链表中,data所引用的内存空间就应该保持合法.由调用者负责管理data 所引用的存储空间. *//* O(1)*/intclist_ins_next(CList *clist, CListElmt *element, const void *data){    CListElmt *new_element;    if((new_element = (CListElmt*)malloc(sizeof(CListElmt))) == NULL){        return -1;    }    new_element->data = (void*)data;    //空表时候插入操作    if(clist_size(clist) == 0){        new_element->next = new_element;        clist->head = new_element;    }else{ //非空表时候的操作操作        new_element->next = element->next;        element->next = new_element;    }    //size自增    clist->size++;    return 0;}/* 1: remove操作:将移除由参数list指定的 循环表中element后面的元素 。 2: 返回时候 data指向已经 移除元素中存储的数据 3: 由调用者负责管理于data想关联的内存(存储空间) *//* 删除成功返回0 ,反之返回 -1 *//* O(1)*/intclist_rem_next(CList *clist, CListElmt *element, void **data){    CListElmt *old_element;    //不允许从一个空链表 移除节点    if(clist_size(clist) == 0){        return -1;    }    *data = element->next->data;    //自己指向自己 (链表中只有一个元素的情况)    if(element->next == element){        /* handle  removing the last element*/        old_element = element->next;        clist->head = NULL;    }    else{        /* handle  removing the last element*/        old_element = element->next;        element->next = old_element->next;        //如果要删除的 元素 是头元素 则需要 特殊处理 (指向 要删除元素的 下一个位置的元素)        if(old_element == clist_head(clist)){            clist->head = old_element->next;        }    }    free(old_element);    clist->size --;    return 0;}voidcprint_list(const CList *clist) {    CListElmt *element = clist_head(clist);    int *data;    int i = 0;    if(element != NULL){        do{            data = clist_data(element);            printf("cprint_list======>list[%d]=%d\n", i, *data);            element = element->next;            i++;        }while (element != clist_head(clist));    }}
#include <string.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <stdio.h>#include "clist.h"typedef struct Cuboid_{    int length;    int width;    int height;}Cuboid;Cuboid *cube_instance(const int length, const int width, const int height){    Cuboid *cb_ptr;    cb_ptr = (Cuboid *)malloc(sizeof(Cuboid));    if( cb_ptr == NULL )        return NULL;    cb_ptr->length = length;    cb_ptr->width = width;    cb_ptr->height = height;    return cb_ptr;}/*destroy */void destroy(void *data){    free(data);    return;}/* main */intmain(int argc, char **argv){    int i;    int ret = 0;    CList clist;    CListElmt *p = NULL;    Cuboid *cb1_ptr, *cb2_ptr, *cb3_ptr, *cb4_ptr, *cb5_ptr;    Cuboid *cb_ptr;    //cb1_ptr ~ cb5_ptr are the data of the 5 elements.    cb1_ptr = cube_instance(1,2,3);    cb2_ptr = cube_instance(6,10,8);    cb3_ptr = cube_instance(5,20,30);    cb4_ptr = cube_instance(17,100,25);    cb5_ptr = cube_instance(3,6,9);    //init the clist    clist_init(&clist, destroy);    //insert the above 5 element     /* cb1 -> cb1 */    ret = clist_ins_next(&clist, NULL, (void *)cb1_ptr);    if( ret != 0 )    {        printf("insert cb1 error\n");        return -1;    }    /* cb1 -> cb2 -> cb1 */    p = clist_head(&clist);    ret = clist_ins_next(&clist, p, (void *)cb2_ptr);    if( ret != 0 )    {        printf("insert cb2 error\n");        return -1;    }    /* cb1 -> cb2 ->cb3 ->cb1*/    p = clist_next(p);    ret = clist_ins_next(&clist, p, (void *)cb3_ptr);    if( ret != 0 )    {        printf("insert cb3 error\n");        return -1;    }    /* cb1 -> cb2 -> cb3 -> cb4 ->cb1 */    p = clist_next(p);    ret = clist_ins_next(&clist, p, (void *)cb4_ptr);    if( ret != 0 )    {        printf("insert cb4 error\n");        return -1;    }    /* cb1 -> cb2 -> cb3 -> cb4 ->cb5 -> cb1 */    p = clist_next(p);    ret = clist_ins_next(&clist, p, (void *)cb5_ptr);    if( ret != 0 )    {        printf("insert cb5 error\n");        return -1;    }    p = clist_head(&clist); //get the head element    for(i = 0; i < clist_size(&clist) + 1; i++ )    {        cb_ptr = (Cuboid *)clist_data(p); // get the element's data, every data is a Cuboid 's pointer.        printf("i = %d: ",i);        printf("length = %d, width = %d, height = %d\n",                cb_ptr->length,                cb_ptr->width,                cb_ptr->height);        p = clist_next(p); //pointer to next element.    }    //remove the head element     clist_rem_next(&clist, p, (void **)&cb_ptr);    printf("the removed element: length = %d, width = %d, height = %d\n",            cb_ptr->length,            cb_ptr->width,            cb_ptr->height);    destroy(cb_ptr); //free the memeory    //destroy the circle list     clist_destroy(&clist);    printf("after destroy the list, its size = %d\n", clist_size(&clist));    return 0;}


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