
来源:互联网 发布:讲文明知礼仪手抄报 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/15 15:46



当我们需要获取当前正在运行的Java进程时,我们可以通过操作系统自带的工具来筛选,如ps和netstat等。不过Java也提供了通用的工具来实现该功能,而且能够提供更加详细的信息。jps是Java Virtual Machine Process Status Too的简称,可以用来获取当前用户系统中的Java进程。


jps的命令格式为 jps [ options ] [ hostid ],具体形式如下:

usage: jps [-help]       jps [-q] [-mlvV] [<hostid>]Definitions:    <hostid>:      <hostname>[:<port>]


  • q:只显示Java进程的lvmid,不显示class名称、jar文件名和传递给main 方法的参数等
  • m:输出传递给main方法的参数
  • l:输出应用程序入口函数的完整package名或者应用程序的jar文件完整路径名
  • v:输出传递给JVM的参数
  • V:通过标识文件来输出传递给JVM的参数(即.hotspotrc文件或者由参数-XX:Flags=确定的文件)
  • hostid:需要查看Java进程的系统,由主机名和端口号来确定


jps的输出结果格式为 lvmid [ [ classname | JARfilename | "Unknown"] [ arg* ] [ jvmarg* ] ],下面是在Ubuntu系统中进行的测试实例:

shenjie@ubuntu:~$ jps3540 org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.3.0.v20140415-2008.jar3669 Main4535 Jpsshenjie@ubuntu:~$ jps -m4548 Jps -m3540 org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.3.0.v20140415-2008.jar -os linux -ws gtk -arch x86_64 -showsplash /usr/share/eclipse//plugins/org.eclipse.platform_4.4.2.v20150204-1700/splash.bmp -launcher /usr/share/eclipse/eclipse -name Eclipse --launcher.library /usr/share/eclipse//plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.gtk.linux.x86_64_1.1.200.v20150204-1316/ -startup /usr/share/eclipse//plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.3.0.v20140415-2008.jar --launcher.appendVmargs -exitdata 220011 -product -vm /usr/bin/java -vmargs -Dosgi.requiredJavaVersion=1.6 -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Xms40m -Xmx512m -jar /usr/share/eclipse//plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.3.0.v20140415-2008.jar3669 Mainshenjie@ubuntu:~$ jps -l4738 /usr/share/eclipse//plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.3.0.v20140415-2008.jar3669 local.Mainshenjie@ubuntu:~$ jps -v3540 org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.3.0.v20140415-2008.jar -Dosgi.requiredJavaVersion=1.6 -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Xms40m -Xmx512m3669 Main -Dfile.encoding=UTF-84907 Jps -Dapplication.home=/usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.8.0_45 -Xms8m



            HostIdentifier hostId = arguments.hostId();            MonitoredHost monitoredHost =                    MonitoredHost.getMonitoredHost(hostId);            // 从特定主机上获取Java进程            Set jvms = monitoredHost.activeVms();            for (Iterator j = jvms.iterator(); j.hasNext(); /* empty */ ) {                StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder();                Throwable lastError = null;                int lvmid = ((Integer);                output.append(String.valueOf(lvmid));                if (arguments.isQuiet()) {                    System.out.println(output);                    continue;                }                MonitoredVm vm = null;                String vmidString = "//" + lvmid + "?mode=r";                String errorString = null;                // 处理其他参数            }


public synchronized Set<Integer> activeVms() {        /*         * This method is synchronized because the Matcher object used by         * fileFilter is not safe for concurrent use, and this method is         * called by multiple threads. Before this method was synchronized,         * we'd see strange file names being matched by the matcher.         */        Set<Integer> jvmSet = new HashSet<Integer>();        if (! tmpdir.isDirectory()) {            return jvmSet;        }        if (userName == null) {            /*             * get a list of all of the user temporary directories and             * iterate over the list to find any files within those directories.             */            File[] dirs = tmpdir.listFiles(userFilter);            for (int i = 0 ; i < dirs.length; i ++) {                if (!dirs[i].isDirectory()) {                    continue;                }                // get a list of files from the directory                File[] files = dirs[i].listFiles(fileFilter);                if (files != null) {                    for (int j = 0; j < files.length; j++) {                        if (files[j].isFile() && files[j].canRead()) {                            jvmSet.add(new Integer(                                    PerfDataFile.getLocalVmId(files[j])));                        }                    }                }            }        } else {            /*             * Check if the user directory can be accessed. Any of these             * conditions may have asynchronously changed between subsequent             * calls to this method.             */            // get the list of files from the specified user directory            File[] files = tmpdir.listFiles(fileFilter);            if (files != null) {                for (int j = 0; j < files.length; j++) {                    if (files[j].isFile() && files[j].canRead()) {                        jvmSet.add(new Integer(                                PerfDataFile.getLocalVmId(files[j])));                    }                }            }        }        // look for any 1.4.1 files        File[] files = tmpdir.listFiles(tmpFileFilter);        if (files != null) {            for (int j = 0; j < files.length; j++) {                if (files[j].isFile() && files[j].canRead()) {                    jvmSet.add(new Integer(                            PerfDataFile.getLocalVmId(files[j])));                }            }        }        return jvmSet;    }}

类PerfDataFile提供了Java进程与文件相互转换的方法。从该类中可以找到各系统下这些文件的对应位置,如方法getTempDirectory所示,该临时目录的路径如下: tmpDirName + dirNamePrefix + user + File.separator,其中tmpDirName为Java io对应的临时文件,dirNamePrefix固定为”hsperfdata_”,user是系统用户名,File.separator是文件分隔符。在Windows系统下,默认路径为 C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\hsperfdata_username,而在Linux系统下,默认路径为/tmp/hsperfdata_username。在这些文件夹下的文件会在对应的Java进程结束被清除。方法getLocalVmId是用来从进程文件得到lvmid,可以看出1.4.2版本及以后的HotSpot虚拟机直接以lvmid为名字,之前的版本中拥有分隔符。


    public static String getTempDirectory(String user) {        return tmpDirName + dirNamePrefix + user + File.separator;    }    public static int getLocalVmId(File file) {        int lvmid = 0;        try {            // try 1.4.2 and later format first            return Integer.parseInt(file.getName());        } catch (NumberFormatException e) { }        // now try the 1.4.1 format        String name = file.getName();        if (name.startsWith(dirNamePrefix)) {            int first = name.indexOf('_');            int last = name.lastIndexOf('_');            try {                if (first == last) {                    return Integer.parseInt(name.substring(first + 1));                } else {                    return Integer.parseInt(name.substring(first + 1, last));                }            } catch (NumberFormatException e) { }        }        throw new IllegalArgumentException("file name does not match pattern");    }



  1. 这些进程对应的文件是什么时候写入对应文件夹中的?
  2. jps的参数是如何解析文件中的内容的?


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