
来源:互联网 发布:迈普1800抹除数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 06:23



In case of error:
39 * the input plugin “input_uvc.so” depends on libjpeg, make sure it is installed.
41 Dependencies for the input plugin “input_uvc.so”:
42 * libjpeg
43 * recent Linux-UVC driver (newer then revision #170)
45 Dependencies for the output plugin “output_autofocus.so”:
46 * libmath


1. 下载libjpeg源码包

2. 解压配置编译及安装:

anzyelay@ubuntu:arm$tar xvf jpegsrc.v8b.tar.gzanzyelay@ubuntu:arm$cd jpeg-8banzyelay@ubuntu:jpeg-8b$./configure --prefix=(安装目录) --host=arm-none-linux-gnueabianzyelay@ubuntu:jpeg-8b$makeanzyelay@ubuntu:jpeg-8b$make install

安装完后在安装目录下有4个目录 ./lib ./include ./bin ./share


anzyelay@ubuntu:libjpeg_install$ cp lib/*.so* ../myrootfs/lib/ -av`lib/libjpeg.so' -> `../myrootfs/lib/libjpeg.so'`lib/libjpeg.so.8' -> `../myrootfs/lib/libjpeg.so.8'`lib/libjpeg.so.8.0.2' -> `../myrootfs/lib/libjpeg.so.8.0.2'




  • 解压

    anzyelay@ubuntu:arm$ unzip mjpg-streamer-code-182.zipanzyelay@ubuntu:arm$ cd mjpg-streamer-code-182/anzyelay@ubuntu:mjpg-streamer-code-182$ lsdoc           mjpg-streamer               udp_clientmjpeg-client  mjpg-streamer-experimental  uvc-streamer
  • 我们用的是mjpg-streamer,所以只编译这个就好,进入目录

    anzyelay@ubuntu:mjpg-streamer-code-182$ cd mjpg-streameranzyelay@ubuntu:mjpg-streamer$ lsCHANGELOG  Makefile         mjpg_streamer.h  README   start.sh  utils.c  wwwLICENSE    mjpg_streamer.c  plugins          scripts  TODO      utils.h
  • 这里以经有Makefile文件了,所以只需要我们更改编译工具 CC就OK,将所有Makefile中的CC替换成arm-linux-gcc

    anzyelay@ubuntu:mjpg-streamer$ grep 'CC = gcc' -rl . | xargs sed -i "s/CC = gcc/CC=arm-linux-gcc/g"
  • 由于“input_uvc.so” depends on libjpeg,所以需要更改./plugin/input_uvc/Makefile文件中的库链接和头文件路径,增加两点:
    1.CFLAGS += -I /Libjpeg安装目录/include
    2.LFLAGS += -L /(Libjpeg安装目录)/lib

    anzyelay@ubuntu:mjpg-streamer$ cd plugins/input_uvc/anzyelay@ubuntu:input_uvc$ vi Makefile 

    cat Makefile增加的语句如下:

    CFLAGS += -I /home/anzyelay/Desktop/arm/libjpeg_install/include#anzyelay add
    LFLAGS += -L /home/anzyelay/Desktop/arm/libjpeg_install/lib#anzyelay add

  • 如果要用到make install命令.则需要指明安装路径,修改顶层的Makefile中的DESTDIR变量即可,否则默认安装在/usr/local下。如下:

    # specifies where to install the binaries after compilation
    # to use another directory you can specify it with:
    # $ sudo make DESTDIR=/some/path install
    DESTDIR =/home/anzyelay/Desktop/arm/myrootfs/usr/local

  • 回到mjpg-streamer执行编译命令

    anzyelay@ubuntu:mjpg-streamer$ make clean all 

    当我用make install时会出现is not a directory: No such file or directory的错误,查看了下安装目录发现连./bin都是可执行文件而不是目录,自己手动mkdir bin lib后再安装就OK了。

    anzyelay@ubuntu:local$ mkdir bin libanzyelay@ubuntu:mjpg-streamer$ make install install --mode=755 mjpg_streamer /home/anzyelay/Desktop/arm/myrootfs/usr/local/bininstall --mode=644 input_uvc.so output_file.so output_udp.so output_http.so input_testpicture.so input_file.so /home/anzyelay/Desktop/arm/myrootfs/usr/local/lib/install --mode=755 -d /home/anzyelay/Desktop/arm/myrootfs/usr/local/wwwinstall --mode=644 -D www/* /home/anzyelay/Desktop/arm/myrootfs/usr/local/wwwanzyelay@ubuntu:local$ lsbin  lib  www


  • 前期实验推荐拷贝到/usr/local/下,并修改环境配置,在/etc/profile加入下面两句:
    export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

  • 将所有动态库文件*.so传到开发板的库目录下,将执行文件mjpg_streamer也传到开发板上。如果是make install了则直接将 bin/,lib/和www/拷到开发板对应目录就行,要移动的文件如下:

    [root@bst:/]# ls usr/local/ -Rusr/local/:bin  lib  wwwusr/local/bin:mjpg_streamerusr/local/lib:input_file.so         input_uvc.so          output_http.soinput_testpicture.so  output_file.so        output_udp.so


4. 测试:

  • 插入摄像头检查:

    [root@bst:/]# ls dev/video*dev/video0
  • 执行mjpg_streamer 命令:

    [root@bst:/]# mjpg_streamer -i "input_uvc.so" -o "output_http.so"


    [root@bst:/]# mjpg_streamer -i "input_uvc.so" -o "output_http.so"MJPG-streamer [1125]: starting applicationMJPG Streamer Version: svn rev: exportedMJPG-streamer [1125]: MJPG Streamer Version: svn rev: exported i: Using V4L2 device.: /dev/video0MJPG-streamer [1125]: Using V4L2 device.: /dev/video0 i: Desired Resolution: 640 x 480MJPG-streamer [1125]: Desired Resolution: 640 x 480 i: Frames Per Second.: 5MJPG-streamer [1125]: Frames Per Second.: 5 i: Format............: MJPEGMJPG-streamer [1125]: Format............: MJPEGAdding control for Pan (relative)Control exists: File existsAdding control for Tilt (relative)Control exists: File existsAdding control for Pan ResetControl exists: File existsAdding control for Tilt ResetControl exists: File existsAdding control for Pan/tilt ResetControl exists: File existsAdding control for Focus (absolute)Control exists: File existsmapping control for Pan (relative)Mapping exists: File existsmapping control for Tilt (relative)Mapping exists: File existsmapping control for Pan ResetMapping exists: File existsmapping control for Tilt ResetMapping exists: File existsmapping control for Pan/tilt ResetMapping exists: File existsmapping control for Focus (absolute)Mapping exists: File existsmapping control for LED1 ModeMapping exists: File existsmapping control for LED1 FrequencyMapping exists: File existsmapping control for Disable video processingMapping exists: File existsmapping control for Raw bits per pixelMapping exists: File exists o: www-folder-path...: disabledMJPG-streamer [1125]: www-folder-path...: disabled o: HTTP TCP port.....: 8080MJPG-streamer [1125]: HTTP TCP port.....: 8080 o: username:password.: disabledMJPG-streamer [1125]: username:password.: disabled o: commands..........: enabledMJPG-streamer [1125]: commands..........: enabledMJPG-streamer [1125]: starting input plugin input_uvc.soMJPG-streamer [1125]: starting output plugin: output_http.so (ID: 00)
  • 在IE地址栏输入如下命令:



    • 我的uvc摄像头输出格式是MJPEG的,所以用上面的命令可以出图,但如果输出格式是YUV不支持MJPEG则要在input_uvc.so插件里加入-y的选项,否则出错如下:

      i: Format............: MJPEGMJPG-streamer [1013]: Format............: MJPEGUnable to set format: 1196444237 res: 176x144 Init v4L2 failed !! exit fatal  i: init_VideoIn failedMJPG-streamer [1013]: init_VideoIn failed
    • 没有插入UVC摄像头时出错如下:

      ERROR opening V4L interface: No such file or directory Init v4L2 failed !! exit fatal  i: init_VideoIn failedMJPG-streamer [1192]: init_VideoIn failed
    • 但我找了个只支持yuv输出的摄像头时,使用

      [root@bst:/]# mjpg_streamer -i "input_uvc.so -y" -o "output_http.so"


      MJPG-streamer [1014]: starting input plugin input_uvc.soMJPG-streamer [1014]: starting output plugin: output_http.so (ID: 00)

      但以IE中查看时一直是显示transferring data,不能显示图片,goolge了下找到这篇文章:点我查看

      [root@bst:/]# mjpg_streamer -i "input_uvc.so -r 176x144 --fps 10 -q 80" -o "output_http.so -w /usr/local/www"


使用命令查看帮助信息:mjpg_streamer -h
mjpg_streamer -i “< input-plugin.so > [-opt] ” -o “< output-plugin.so > [-opt]” [ -h/v/b ]

  • -i的opt参数说明:设置输入捕获的参数
    • -d:(device)uvc设备节点
    • -r :(resolutions)视频捕获的分辨率,可以是:QSIF QCIF CGA QVGA CIF VGA SVGA XGA SXGA
      或者直接写如: 640x480
    • -f :frames per second
    • -y :enable YUYV format and disable MJPEG mode
    • -q :图像压缩质量百分比,选中了此,则默认开启-y。
    • -m:drop frames smaller then this limit, useful
      if the webcam produces small-sized garbage frames
      may happen under low light conditions
    • -n :do not initalize dynctrls of Linux-UVC driver
    • -l :switch the LED “on”, “off”, let it “blink” or leave
      it up to the driver using the value “auto”
  • -o的opt参数说明:设置HTTP输出参数
    • -w : 指定www目录
    • -p:http服务的tcp port
    • -c:ie访问时需要用户名和密码 “-c username:password”
    • -n:disable execution of commands
  • input-plugin.so,output-plugin.so插件如果找不到,则可通过 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=plugins路径设定摸索目录,也可以使用完整路径如下
    mjpg_streamer -i "/path/to/modules/input_uvc.so"
1 0