sublime 安装phpcs

来源:互联网 发布:主播猝死 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 05:10

我这边是用的 sulime 2

直接ctrl+shift+p 输入 install package 敲击回车。输入phpcs 回车开始安装操作。

安装完成后需要进行 phpcs配置 

{ // Path to php on windows installation// This is needed as we cannot run phars on windows, so we run it through php"phpcs_php_prefix_path": "D:\\phpStudy\\php55n\\php.exe", // This is the path to the bat file when we installed PHP_CodeSniffer"phpcs_executable_path": "D:\\phpStudy\\php55n\\phpcs.bat", // PHP-CS-Fixer settings// Don't want to auto fix issue with php-cs-fixer"php_cs_fixer_on_save": false, // Show the quick panel"php_cs_fixer_show_quick_panel": true, // The fixer phar file is stored here:"php_cs_fixer_executable_path": "D:\\phpStudy\\php55n\\php-cs-fixer.phar", // PHP Linter settings// Yes, lets lint the files"phpcs_linter_run": true, // And execute that on each file when saved (php only as per extensions_to_execute)"phpcs_linter_command_on_save": true, // Path to php"phpcs_php_path": "D:\\phpStudy\\php55n\\php.exe", // This is the regex format of the errors"phpcs_linter_regex": "(?P<message>.*) on line (?P<line>\\d+)",  // PHP Mess Detector settings// Not turning on the mess detector here"phpmd_run": false,"phpmd_command_on_save": false,"phpmd_executable_path": "","phpmd_additional_args": {}}
配置完成后。重新打开 sublimt ide 即可。


这些文件安装 php_codesniffer 即可得到。

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