《Java 8函数式编程》 读书记录

来源:互联网 发布:网络直播的看法与态度 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 03:20

chapter 2: lambda表达式

2.1 lambda表达式不同形式

//实现Runnable接口 Runnable noArguments = ()->System.out.println("hello girl");// 一个参数省略括号ActionListener oneArgument = event -> System.out.println("button clicked");Runnable multiStatement = () -> {    System.out.println("hello");    System.out.println(" girl");        };// 不是两个数的相加, 而是创建了一个函数,用了计算两数相加的结果// 参数类型可以由编译推断出来BinaryOperator<Long> add = (x + y) -> x + y;BinaryOperator<Long> addExplict = (Long x, Long y) -> x + y;


2.2 函数接口



2.3 类型推断


 Predicate<Integer> atLeast = x -> x > 5;     System.out.println(atLeast.test(6));  // true 


public interface Predicate<T> {    boolean test(T t);}


public interface function<T, R> {    R apply(T t);}


/** * 指定参数和返回值都是Long类型的 */BinaryOperator<Long> addLongs = (x, y) -> x + y;System.out.println(addLongs.apply(4l, 5l));   // 9 

chapter3: 流

3.1 小demo


int count = 0;for (Artist artist : allArtists) {    if (artist.isFrom("London")) {        count++;    }}//流式的写法long count = allArtists.stream().filter(artists -> artist.isFrom("London")).count();

filter只描述stream, 最终不产生新集合的方法叫做 惰性求值方法,而像count这样最终会从stream产生值得方法叫做 及早求值方法。返回值是stream的就是惰性求值,返回值是另一个值或为空就是及早求值的情况。


3.2 collect(toList())


List<String> collected = Stream.of("a", "b", "c").collect(Collectors.toList());


3.3 map


/**                                                                                                                             * map                                                                                                                          */                                                                                                                            List<String> collected1 = Stream.of("a", "b", "hello").map(stringArg -> stringArg.toUpperCase()).collect(Collectors.toList()); System.out.println(collected1);                                                                                                

map()中的参数是一个Funcion的函数式的接口, 这个接口就是将一个数转换成另一个数。

3.4 filter

/**                                                                                                                       * filter                                                                                                                 */                                                                                                                      List<String> beginWithNumbers = Stream.of("a", "1hello", "dd2").filter(value -> Character.isDigit(value.charAt(0))).             collect(Collectors.toList());                                                                                    


3.5 flatMap


/**                                                                                                                                             * flatMap                                                                                                                                      */                                                                                                                                            List<Integer> together = Stream.of(Arrays.asList(1, 3), Arrays.asList(3, 4)).flatMap(numbers -> numbers.stream()).collect(Collectors.toList());System.out.println(together);      //[1, 3, 3, 4]                                                                                              


3.6 max和min

/**                                                                                                * max min                                                                                         */                                                                                               List<Track> tracks = Arrays.asList(new Track("Bakai", 524),                                               new Track("Violets for your Furs", 378), new Track("Time Was", 451));                     Track shortTrack = tracks.stream().min(Comparator.comparing(track -> track.getLength())).get();   assertEquals(tracks.get(1), shortTrack);                                                          


3.7 reduce

reduce 操作可以实现从一组值中生成一个值。上述中用到的count、min和max方法因为常用而被纳入标准库中,实际上这些方法都是reduce操作。

/**                                                                           * reduce                                                                     */                                                                          int count = Stream.of(1, 2, 3).reduce(0, (acc, element) -> acc + element);   System.out.println(count);             // 6                                      


BinaryOperator<Integer> accumulator = (acc, element) -> acc + element;  int sum = accumulator.apply(                                                    accumulator.apply(                                                              accumulator.apply(0, 1), 2                                      ), 3                                                            );                                                                      

3.8 整合例子

1. Album类有个getMusicians方法,该方法返回一个Stream对象,包含整张专辑中所有的表演者;
2. 使用filter过滤只保留乐队;
3. 使用map方法将乐队隐射为其所属国家;
4. 使用collect(Collectors.toList())方法将国籍放入一个列表。

Set<String> origins = album.getMusicians().filter(artist -> artist.getName().startWith("The")).map(artist -> artist.getNationality()).collect(toSet());


3.9 重构遗留代码



    public Set<String> findLongTracks(List<Album> albums) {        Set<String> trackNames = new HashSet<>();        for (Album album : albums) {            for (Track track : album.getTrackList()) {                if (track.getLength() > 60) {                    String name = track.getName();                    trackNames.add(name);                }            }        }        return trackNames;    }

重构第一步,修改for 循环,使用Stream的forEach方法替换掉for循环。

   /**     * 重构第一步  forEach替换掉for循环     * getTracks()方法本身就返回一个Stream     */    public Set<String> findLongTracks1(List<Album> albums) {        Set<String> trackNames = new HashSet<>();        albums.stream().forEach(album -> {            album.getTracks().forEach(track -> {                if (track.getLength() > 60) {                    String name = track.getName();                    trackNames.add(name);                }             });        });        return trackNames;    }


 /**     * 重构第二步, 加入filter 和 map      * @param albums     * @return     */    public Set<String> findLongTracks2(List<Album> albums) {        Set<String> trackNames = new HashSet<>();        albums.stream().forEach(album -> {            album.getTracks().filter(track -> track.getLength() > 60)                    .map(track -> track.getName())                    .forEach(name -> trackNames.add(name));        });        return trackNames;    }

使用filter过滤集合元素后返回过滤后的集合Stream,然后map重组元素生成一个新的Stream,然后再次调用forEach将曲目名添加入集合。其中trackNames 这个变量是既成事实上必须是final的。


   /**     * 重构第三步, flatMap将多个Stream合成一个Stream返回     * @param albums     * @return     */    public Set<String> findLongTracks3(List<Album> albums) {        Set<String> trackNames = new HashSet<>();        albums.stream().flatMap(album -> album.getTracks())                    .filter(track -> track.getLength() > 60)                    .map(track -> track.getName())                    .forEach(name -> trackNames.add(name));        return trackNames;    }


    /**     * 重构第四步, flatMap将多个Stream合成一个Stream返回     * @param albums     * @return     */    public Set<String> findLongTracks4(List<Album> albums) {        return albums.stream().flatMap(album -> album.getTracks())                .filter(track -> track.getLength() > 60)                .map(track -> track.getName())                .collect(Collectors.toSet());    }

map重构一个Stream后调用及时求值方法collect即可生成一个Set集合。map中是一个Function函数式接口,map(track -> track.getName()) 这样的传一个track, 返回一个String类型的数据,最后map将这些Sting类型的数据组装成一个Stream返回。

3.10 高阶函数



3.11 正确使用Lambda


Chapter 4 类库

4. 1 使用lambda表达式

Logger logger = new Logger();if (logger.isDebugEnabled())  {    logger.debug("Look at this: " + expensiveOperation());}// 使用lambda表达式简化代码Logger logger = new Logger();logger.debug(() -> "Look at this: " + expensiveOperation());// 上面使用的lambda表达式实现的日志记录器public void debug(Supplier<String> message) {    if (logger.isDebugEnabled())  {    logger.debug("Look at this: " + expensiveOperation());    }}

4.2 基本类型

    public static void printTrackLengthStatistics(Album album) {        IntSummaryStatistics trackLengthStats = album.getTracks()                .mapToInt(track -> track.getLength()).summaryStatistics();        System.out.printf("Max: %d, min: %d, Ave: %f, Sum: %d",                 trackLengthStats.getMax(),                 trackLengthStats.getMin(),                trackLengthStats.getAverage(),                 trackLengthStats.getSum());    }

mapToInt可以从一个基本类型的Stream得到一个装箱后的Stream,Stream< Integer>。
Lambda expressions have the types of their functional interfaces,the same rules apply when passing them as arguments.

4. 3 Lambda表达式作为函数参数类型推导

In summary, Lambda表达式作为参数时,其类型由它的目标类型推导得出,推导过程遵循如下规则:

  • If there is a single possible target type, the lambda expression infers the type from the corresponding argument on the functional interface.
  • If there are several possible target types, the most specific type is inferred.
  • If there are several possible target types and there is no most specific type, you must manually provide a type.


interface IntegerBiFunction extends BinaryOperator<Integer> {}public class Chapter4 {    private void overLoadedMethod(BinaryOperator<Integer> lambda) {        System.out.println("ones ");    }    private void overloadedMethod(IntegerBiFunction lambda) {        System.out.println("other ");    }    public static void main(String[] args) {        new Chapter4().overLoadedMethod((x, y) -> x + y); // 对应最具体的类型,打印出ones     }}

4.4 @FunctionalInterface

This is an annotation that should be applied to any interface that is intended to be used as a functional interface.
Using the annotation compels javac to actually check whether the interface meets the criteria for being a functional interface.

Chapter 5 Advanced Collections and Collectors

5.1 集合排序

    Set<Integer> numbers = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(4, 3, 2, 1, 10));        List<Integer> sameOrder = numbers.stream().sorted().collect(Collectors.toList());   //sorted()排序        /**         * 对集合中的每个元素 +1         */        Set<Integer> unsorted = numbers.stream().map(x -> x + 1).collect(Collectors.toSet()); //

Some operation are more expensive on ordered streams. This problem can be solved by eliminating ordering.To do so, call the stream’s unordered method. Most operations, however, such as filter, map, and reduce, can operate very efficiently on ordered streams.

This can cause unexpected behavior, for example, forEach provides no guarantees as to encounter order if you’re using parallel streams. If you require an ordering guarantee in these situations, then forEachOrdered is your friend!



5.2 To Values

    /*    @FunctionalInterface    public interface Function<T, R> {        R apply(T t);    }    Finding the band with the most members     */    public Optional<Artist> biggestGroup(Stream<Artist> artists) {        Function<Artist, Long> getCount = artist -> artist.getMembers().count();        return artists.collect(Collectors.maxBy(Comparator.comparing(getCount)));    }

It’s also possible to collect into a single value using a collector. There are maxBy and minBy collectors that let you obtain a single value according to some ordering.

minBy, which does what is says on the tin.

找出一组专辑的平均曲目数(Finding the average number of tracks for a list of albums)

    public double averageNumber(List<Album> albums) {        return albums.stream().collect(Collectors.averagingInt(album -> album.getTrackList().size()));    }

the averagingInt method, which take a lambda expression in order to convert each element in the stream into an int before averaging the values.
There are also overloaded operations for the double and long types, which let you convert your element into these type of values. The collectors offer other similar functionality, such as summingInt and friends.

IntStream, had additional functionality for numerical operation, and other SummaryStatistics.

5.3 partitioningBy

将流分成两部分,partitioningBy接受一个流,并将其分成两部分。It users a Predicate to determine whether an element should be part of the true group or the false group and returns a Map from Boolean to a List of values. So, the Predicate returns true for all the values in the true List and false for the other List.

// Partitioning a stream of artist into bands and solo artistspublic Map<Boolean, List<Artist>> bandsAndSolo(Stream<Artist> artists) {    return artists.collect(partitioningBy(artist -> artist.isSolo()));}// method referencespublic Map<Boolean, List<Artist>> bandsAndSoloRef(Stream<Artist> artists) {    return artists.collect(partitioningBy(Artist::isSolo));}/*  public boolean isSolo() {        return members.isEmpty();    }*/

5.4 groupingBy


// Grouping albums by their main artist(主唱)public Map<Artist, List<Album>> albumsByArtist(Stream<Album> albums) {    return albums.collect(groupingBy(album -> album.getMainMusician()));}/*    public Artist getMainMusician() {        return musicians.get(0);    }*/

Calling collect on the Stream and passing in a Collector.
The groupingBy collector takes a classifier function in order to partition the data, just like the partitioningBy collector took a Predicate to split it up into true and false values. Here classifier is a Function- the same type that we use for the common map operation.

就想SQL中的group by 一样

5.5 To Strings

   // Formatting artist names using a for loop    // Look like "[Jack Chou, John Lennon, George Harrison]"    public static String formatArtistsForLoop(List<Artist> artists) {        // BEGIN for_loopStringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("[");for (Artist  artist : artists) {    if (builder.length() > 1)        builder.append(", ");    String name = artist.getName();    builder.append(name);}builder.append("]");String result = builder.toString();        // END for_loop        return result;    }

Formatting artist names using streams and collectors .

    public static String formatArtists(List<Artist> artists) {        // BEGIN collectors_joiningString result =    artists.stream()              .map(Artist::getName)              .collect(Collectors.joining(", ", "[", "]"));        // END collectors_joining        return result;    }

Using map to extract artists’ names then collect the Stream using Collectors.joining.This method is convenience for building up strings from streams.It lets us provide a delimiter(which goes between elements[分割元素]), a prefix for our result, and a suffix(后缀) for the result.

5.6 Composing Collectors (组合收集器)

如下,计算一个艺术家的专辑数量, 每张专辑对应一个艺术家:

// A naive approach to counting the number of albums for each artist.public Map<Artist, Integer> numberOfAlbumsDumb(Stream<Album> albums) {        // BEGIN NUMBER_OF_ALBUMS_DUMB        Map<Artist, List<Album>> albumsByArtist            = albums.collect(groupingBy(album -> album.getMainMusician()));        Map<Artist, Integer>  numberOfAlbums = new HashMap<>();        for(Entry<Artist, List<Album>> entry : albumsByArtist.entrySet()) {            numberOfAlbums.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().size());        }        // END NUMBER_OF_ALBUMS_DUMB        return numberOfAlbums;    }/*    public Artist getMainMusician() {        return musicians.get(0);    }*/

We could use forEach, it takes a BiConsumer (two values enter, return empty). Such as:

public Map<Artist, Integer> numberOfAlbumsDumb(Stream<Album> albums) {    Map<Artist, List<Album>> albumsByArtist            = albums.collect(groupingBy(album -> album.getMainMusician()));    Map<Artist, Integer>  numberOfAlbums = new HashMap<>();    albumsByArtist.forEach((artist, albums) -> {        numberOfAlbums.put(artist, albums.size());    });    return numberOfAlbums;}

Luckily, there is actually another collector that tells groupingBy that instead of building up a List of albums for each artist, it should just count them.

public Map<Artist, Long> numberOfAlbums(Stream<Album> albums) {    return albums.collect(groupingBy(album -> album.getMainMusician(), counting()));}

This form of groupingBy divides elements into buckets.Each bucket gets associated with the key provided by the classifier function:getMainMusician.The groupingBy operation then uses the downstream collector to collect each bucket and makes a map of the results.

求每个艺术家的专辑名, 简单的方式:

public Map<Artist, List<String>> nameOfAlbumsDumb(Stream<Album> albums) {    Map<Artist, List<Album>> albumsByArtist = albums.collect(groupingBy(album ->album.getMainMusician()));    Map<Artist, List<String>>  nameOfAlbums = new HashMap<>();    for(Entry<Artist, List<Album>> entry : albumsByArtist.entrySet()) {        nameOfAlbums.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().stream()                                              .map(Album::getName)                                              .collect(toList()));    }    return nameOfAlbums;}

Using Collectors to find the names of every album that an artist has produced.

public Map<Artist, List<String>> nameOfAlbums(Stream<Album> albums) {    return albums.collect(groupingBy(Album::getMainMusician, mapping(Album::getName, toList())));}/* public String getName() {        return name;    }*/

列表由groupingBy生成,需要有一个方法告诉groupingBy将它的值做映射,生成最终结果。Each collector is a recipe for building a final value.What we really want is a recipe to give to our recipe - another collector. That is mapping.

The mapping collector allows you to perform a map-like operation over your collector’s container.这里需要指明使用什么样的Collection to store the results in, which you can do with the toList collector.

Just like map, mapping takes an implementation of Function.

In total:
In both of these cases, we’ve used a second collector in order to collect a subpart of the final result. These collectors are called downstream collectors(下游收集器).

In the same way that a collector is a recipe for building a final value, a downstream collector is a recipe for building a part of that value, which is then used by the main collector.

5.7 Refactoring and Custom Collectors


 // Formatting artist names using a for loop  // Look like "[Jack Chou, John Lennon, George Harrison]"    public static String formatArtistsForLoop(List<Artist> artists) {StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("[");for (Artist  artist : artists) {    if (builder.length() > 1)        builder.append(", ");    String name = artist.getName();    builder.append(name);}builder.append("]");String result = builder.toString();        // END for_loop        return result;    }

Using a forEach and a StringBuilder to pretty-print the names of artists

public static String formatArtistsRefactor1(List<Artist> artists) {        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("[");        artists.stream()               .map(Artist::getName)               .forEach(name -> {                   if (builder.length() > 1)                       builder.append(", ");                   builder.append(name);               });        builder.append("]");        String result = builder.toString();        return result;    }

Unfortunately, there’s still this very large forEach block that doesn’t fit into our goal of writing code that is easy to understand by composing high-level operations.

3) Using a reduce and a StringBuilder to pretty-print the names of artists.

Starting with an empty StringBuilder – the identity of the reduce. Next lambda expression combines a name with a builder. The third argument to reduce takes two StringBuilder instances and combine them.Final step is to add the prefix at the beginning and the suffix at the end.

public static String formatArtistsRefactor2(List<Artist> artists) {        StringBuilder reduced =            artists.stream()                   .map(Artist::getName)                   .reduce(new StringBuilder(), (builder, name) -> {                           if (builder.length() > 0)                               builder.append(", ");                           builder.append(name);                           return builder;                       }, (left, right) -> left.append(right));        reduced.insert(0, "[");        reduced.append("]");        String result = reduced.toString();       return result;    }

4) Using a reduce and a custom StringCombiner to pretty-print the names of artists.

// StringCombiner public class StringCombiner {    private final String delim;    private final String prefix;    private final String suffix;    private final StringBuilder builder;    public StringCombiner(String delim, String prefix, String suffix) {        this.delim = delim;        this.prefix = prefix;        this.suffix = suffix;        builder = new StringBuilder();    }public StringCombiner add(String element) {    if (areAtStart()) {        builder.append(prefix);    } else {        builder.append(delim);    }    builder.append(element);    return this;}    private boolean areAtStart() {        return builder.length() == 0;    }public StringCombiner merge(StringCombiner other) {    if (other.builder.length() > 0) {        if (areAtStart()) {            builder.append(prefix);        } else {            builder.append(delim);        }        builder.append(other.builder, prefix.length(), other.builder.length());    }    return this;}    @Override    public String toString() {        if (areAtStart()) {            builder.append(prefix);        }        builder.append(suffix);        return builder.toString();    }}

Using reduce in order to combine names and delimiters into a StringBuilder.This time, though, the logic of adding elements is being delegated to the StringCombiner.add() method and the logic of combining two different combiners is delegated to StringCombiner.merge().


public static String formatArtistsRefactor3(List<Artist> artists) {        StringCombiner combined =                artists.stream()                       .map(Artist::getName)                       .reduce(new StringCombiner(", ", "[", "]"),                               StringCombiner::add,                               StringCombiner::merge);        String result = combined.toString();        return result;    }

5) refactor reduce operation into a Collector, which we can use anywhere in our application. Let’s create our StringCollector.

import java.util.Collections;import java.util.Set;import java.util.function.BiConsumer;import java.util.function.BinaryOperator;import java.util.function.Function;import java.util.function.Supplier;import java.util.stream.Collector;/**A collector is composed of four different components.First we have a supplier, which is a factory for making our container--in this case, a StringCombiner. */public class StringCollector implements Collector<String, StringCombiner, String> {    private static final Set<Characteristics> characteristics = Collections.emptySet();    private final String delim;    private final String prefix;    private final String suffix;    public StringCollector(String delim, String prefix, String suffix) {        this.delim = delim;        this.prefix = prefix;        this.suffix = suffix;    }    @Overridepublic Supplier<StringCombiner> supplier() {    return () -> new StringCombiner(delim, prefix, suffix);}    @Override    public BiConsumer<StringCombiner, String> accumulator() {        return StringCombiner::add;    }    @Override    public BinaryOperator<StringCombiner> combiner() {        return StringCombiner::merge;    }    @Override    public Function<StringCombiner, String> finisher() {        return StringCombiner::toString;    }    @Override    public Set<Characteristics> characteristics() {        return characteristics;    }}
// Collecting strings using a custom StringCollectorpublic static String formatArtistsRefactor5(List<Artist> artists) {    String result = artists.stream()           .map(Artist::getName)           .collect(new StringCollector(", ", "[", "]"));        return result;    }

Collector is generic, so we need to determine a few types to interact with:

  • The type of the element that we’ll be collecting, a String
  • Our accumulator type, StringCombiner, which you’ve already seen
  • The result type, also a String


public Supplier<StringCombiner> supplier() {    return () -> new StringCombiner(delim, prefix, suffix);}

Collectors can be collected in parallel, we will show a collecting operation where two container objects are used in parallel.

Each of the four components of our Collector are functions, so we’ll represent the as arrows. The values in our Stream are circles, and the final value we’re producing will be an oval.At the start of the collect operation our supplier is used to create new container objects.
Figure: Supplier


// An accumulator is a function to fold the current element into the collector    public BiConsumer<StringCombiner, String> accumulator() {        return StringCombiner::add;    }

Collector’s accumulator performs the same job as the second argument to reduce.It takes the current element and the result of the preceding operation and return a new value.We’ve already implemented this logic in the add method of Our StringCombiner.

The accumulator is used to fold the stream’s value into the container objects.这里写图片描述
Figure: accumulator

The combine method is an analogue of the third method of our reduce operation.If we have two containers, then we need to be able to merge them together.Again, we’ve already implemented this in a previous refactor step, so we just use the StringCombiner.merge method.

   public BinaryOperator<StringCombiner> combiner() {        return StringCombiner::merge;    }

During the collect operation, our container objects are pairwise merged using the defined combiner until we have only one container at the end.
Figure: Combiner

The last step in our refactoring process, before we got to collectors, was to put the toString method inline at the end of the method chain. This converted our StringCombiner into the String that we really wanted.
Figure: Finisher

Collector’s finisher method performs the same purpose. We’ve already folded our mutable container over a Stream of values, but it’s not quite the final value that we want. The finisher gets called here, once, in order to make that conversion.

public Function<StringCombiner, String> finisher() {   return StringCombiner::toString;}


    public Set<Characteristics> characteristics() {        return characteristics;    }

A characteristic is a Set of objects that describes the Collector, allowing the framework to perform certain optimizations.

Java 8 contains a java.util.StringJoiner class that performs a similar role and has a similar API.

5.8 一些细节

// Caching a value using an explicit null check public Artist getArtist(String name) {    Artist artist = artistCache.get(name);    if (artist == null) {        artist = readArtistFromDB(name);        artistCache.put(name, artist);    }    return artist;}

Cache as Map<String, Artist> artistCache and were wanting to look up artists using an expensive database operation.

Java8 introduces a new computeIfAbsent method that takes a lambda to compute the new value if it doesn’t already exist.

public Artist getArtist(String name) {    return artistCache.computeIfAbsent(name, this::readArtistFromDB);}

You may want variants of this code that don’t perform computation only if the value is absent; the new compute and computeIfPresent methods on the Map interface are useful for these cases.

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