RxJava Observer与Subscriber的关系

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1. RxJava使用介绍 【视频教程】
2. RxJava操作符
  • Creating Observables(Observable的创建操作符) 【视频教程】
  • Transforming Observables(Observable的转换操作符) 【视频教程】
  • Filtering Observables(Observable的过滤操作符) 【视频教程】
  • Combining Observables(Observable的组合操作符) 【视频教程】
  • Error Handling Operators(Observable的错误处理操作符) 【视频教程】
  • Observable Utility Operators(Observable的辅助性操作符) 【视频教程】
  • Conditional and Boolean Operators(Observable的条件和布尔操作符) 【视频教程】
  • Mathematical and Aggregate Operators(Observable数学运算及聚合操作符) 【视频教程】
  • 其他如observable.toList()、observable.connect()、observable.publish()等等; 【视频教程】
3. RxJava Observer与Subcriber的关系 【视频教程】
4. RxJava线程控制(Scheduler) 【视频教程】
5. RxJava 并发之数据流发射太快如何办(背压(Backpressure)) 【视频教程】


RxJava 的观察者模式

RxJava 有四个基本概念:Observable (可观察者,即被观察者)、 Observer (观察者)、 subscribe (订阅)、事件。Observable 和 Observer 通过 subscribe() 方法实现订阅关系,从而 Observable 可以在需要的时候发出事件来通知 Observer。

与传统观察者模式不同, RxJava 的事件回调方法除了普通事件 onNext() (相当于 onClick() / onEvent())之外,还定义了两个特殊的事件:onCompleted() 和 onError()。

  • onCompleted(): 事件队列完结。RxJava 不仅把每个事件单独处理,还会把它们看做一个队列。RxJava 规定,当不会再有新的 onNext() 发出时,需要触发 onCompleted() 方法作为标志。
  • onError(): 事件队列异常。在事件处理过程中出异常时,onError() 会被触发,同时队列自动终止,不允许再有事件发出。
  • 在一个正确运行的事件序列中, onCompleted() 和 onError() 有且只有一个,并且是事件序列中的最后一个。需要注意的是,onCompleted() 和 onError() 二者也是互斥的,即在队列中调用了其中一个,就不应该再调用另一个。

RxJava 的观察者模式大致如下图:


基于以上的概念, RxJava 的基本实现主要有三点:

1) 创建 Observer

Observer 即观察者,它决定事件触发的时候将有怎样的行为。 RxJava 中的 Observer 接口的实现方式:

Observer<Apps> observer = new Observer<Apps>() {        @Override        public void onCompleted() {            listView.onRefreshComplete();        }        @Override        public void onError(Throwable e) {            listView.onRefreshComplete();        }        @Override        public void onNext(Apps appsList) {            listView.onRefreshComplete();            appLists.addAll(appsList.apps);            adapter.notifyDataSetChanged();        }    };

除了 Observer 接口之外,RxJava 还内置了一个实现了 Observer 的抽象类:Subscriber。 Subscriber 对 Observer 接口进行了一些扩展,但他们的基本使用方式是完全一样的:

Subscriber subscriber = new Subscriber<Apps>() {        @Override        public void onCompleted() {            listView.onRefreshComplete();        }        @Override        public void onError(Throwable e) {            listView.onRefreshComplete();        }        @Override        public void onNext(Apps appsList) {            listView.onRefreshComplete();            appLists.addAll(appsList.apps);            adapter.notifyDataSetChanged();        }    };

不仅基本使用方式一样,实质上,在 RxJava 的 subscribe 过程中,Observer 也总是会先被转换成一个 Subscriber 再使用。所以如果你只想使用基本功能,选择 Observer 和 Subscriber 是完全一样的。


public abstract class Subscriber<T> implements Observer<T>, Subscription 



// if not already wrapped   包裹一层        if (!(subscriber instanceof SafeSubscriber)) {            // assign to `observer` so we return the protected version            subscriber = new SafeSubscriber<T>(subscriber);        }


hook.onSubscribeStart(observable, observable.onSubscribe).call(subscriber);   return hook.onSubscribeReturn(subscriber);


private static final RxJavaObservableExecutionHook hook = RxJavaPlugins.getInstance().getObservableExecutionHook();


/** * Copyright 2014 Netflix, Inc. *  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at *  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 *  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */package rx.plugins;import rx.Observable;import rx.Observable.OnSubscribe;import rx.Observable.Operator;import rx.Subscriber;import rx.Subscription;import rx.functions.Func1;/** * Abstract ExecutionHook with invocations at different lifecycle points of {@link Observable} execution with a * default no-op implementation. * <p> * See {@link RxJavaPlugins} or the RxJava GitHub Wiki for information on configuring plugins: * <a href="https://github.com/ReactiveX/RxJava/wiki/Plugins">https://github.com/ReactiveX/RxJava/wiki/Plugins</a>. * <p> * <b>Note on thread-safety and performance:</b> * <p> * A single implementation of this class will be used globally so methods on this class will be invoked * concurrently from multiple threads so all functionality must be thread-safe. * <p> * Methods are also invoked synchronously and will add to execution time of the observable so all behavior * should be fast. If anything time-consuming is to be done it should be spawned asynchronously onto separate * worker threads. *  */public abstract class RxJavaObservableExecutionHook {    /**     * Invoked during the construction by {@link Observable#create(OnSubscribe)}     * <p>     * This can be used to decorate or replace the <code>onSubscribe</code> function or just perform extra     * logging, metrics and other such things and pass-thru the function.     *      * @param f     *            original {@link OnSubscribe}<{@code T}> to be executed     * @return {@link OnSubscribe}<{@code T}> function that can be modified, decorated, replaced or just     *         returned as a pass-thru     */    public <T> OnSubscribe<T> onCreate(OnSubscribe<T> f) {        return f;    }    /**     * Invoked before {@link Observable#subscribe(rx.Subscriber)} is about to be executed.     * <p>     * This can be used to decorate or replace the <code>onSubscribe</code> function or just perform extra     * logging, metrics and other such things and pass-thru the function.     *      * @param onSubscribe     *            original {@link OnSubscribe}<{@code T}> to be executed     * @return {@link OnSubscribe}<{@code T}> function that can be modified, decorated, replaced or just     *         returned as a pass-thru     */    public <T> OnSubscribe<T> onSubscribeStart(Observable<? extends T> observableInstance, final OnSubscribe<T> onSubscribe) {        // pass-thru by default        return onSubscribe;    }    /**     * Invoked after successful execution of {@link Observable#subscribe(rx.Subscriber)} with returned     * {@link Subscription}.     * <p>     * This can be used to decorate or replace the {@link Subscription} instance or just perform extra logging,     * metrics and other such things and pass-thru the subscription.     *      * @param subscription     *            original {@link Subscription}     * @return {@link Subscription} subscription that can be modified, decorated, replaced or just returned as a     *         pass-thru     */    public <T> Subscription onSubscribeReturn(Subscription subscription) {        // pass-thru by default        return subscription;    }    /**     * Invoked after failed execution of {@link Observable#subscribe(Subscriber)} with thrown Throwable.     * <p>     * This is <em>not</em> errors emitted via {@link Subscriber#onError(Throwable)} but exceptions thrown when     * attempting to subscribe to a {@link Func1}<{@link Subscriber}{@code <T>}, {@link Subscription}>.     *      * @param e     *            Throwable thrown by {@link Observable#subscribe(Subscriber)}     * @return Throwable that can be decorated, replaced or just returned as a pass-thru     */    public <T> Throwable onSubscribeError(Throwable e) {        // pass-thru by default        return e;    }    /**     * Invoked just as the operator functions is called to bind two operations together into a new     * {@link Observable} and the return value is used as the lifted function     * <p>     * This can be used to decorate or replace the {@link Operator} instance or just perform extra     * logging, metrics and other such things and pass-thru the onSubscribe.     *      * @param lift     *            original {@link Operator}{@code <R, T>}     * @return {@link Operator}{@code <R, T>} function that can be modified, decorated, replaced or just     *         returned as a pass-thru     */    public <T, R> Operator<? extends R, ? super T> onLift(final Operator<? extends R, ? super T> lift) {        return lift;    }}



public <T> OnSubscribe<T> onCreate(OnSubscribe<T> f) {        return f;    }public <T> OnSubscribe<T> onSubscribeStart(Observable<? extends T> observableInstance, final OnSubscribe<T> onSubscribe) {        // pass-thru by default        return onSubscribe;    }


public <T> Subscription onSubscribeReturn(Subscription subscription) {        // pass-thru by default        return subscription;    }




  1. onStart(): 这是 Subscriber 增加的方法。它会在 subscribe 刚开始,而事件还未发送之前被调用,可以用于做一些准备工作,例如数据的清零或重置。这是一个可选方法,默认情况下它的实现为空。需要注意的是,如果对准备工作的线程有要求(例如弹出一个显示进度的对话框,这必须在主线程执行), onStart() 就不适用了,因为它总是在 subscribe 所发生的线程被调用,而不能指定线程。要在指定的线程来做准备工作,可以使用 doOnSubscribe() 方法,具体可以在后面的文中看到。
  2. unsubscribe(): 这是 Subscriber 所实现的另一个接口 Subscription 的方法,用于取消订阅。在这个方法被调用后,Subscriber 将不再接收事件。一般在这个方法调用前,可以使用 isUnsubscribed() 先判断一下状态。 unsubscribe() 这个方法很重要,因为在 subscribe() 之后, Observable 会持有 Subscriber 的引用,这个引用如果不能及时被释放,将有内存泄露的风险。所以最好保持一个原则:要在不再使用的时候尽快在合适的地方(例如 onPause() onStop() 等方法中)调用 unsubscribe() 来解除引用关系,以避免内存泄露的发生。

2) 创建 Observable

Observable 即被观察者,它决定什么时候触发事件以及触发怎样的事件。 RxJava 使用 create() 方法来创建一个 Observable ,并为它定义事件触发规则:

Observable observable = Observable.create(new Observable.OnSubscribe<String>() {    @Override    public void call(Subscriber<? super String> subscriber) {        subscriber.onNext("Hello");        subscriber.onNext("John");        subscriber.onCompleted();    }});

可以看到,这里传入了一个 OnSubscribe 对象作为参数。OnSubscribe 会被存储在返回的 Observable 对象中,它的作用相当于一个计划表,当 Observable 被订阅的时候,OnSubscribe 的 call() 方法会自动被调用,事件序列就会依照设定依次触发(对于上面的代码,就是观察者Subscriber 将会被调用两次 onNext() 和一次 onCompleted())。这样,由被观察者调用了观察者的回调方法,就实现了由被观察者向观察者的事件传递,即观察者模式。

create() 是 RxJava 最基本的创造事件序列的操作符。基于这个操作符, RxJava 还提供了一些方法用来快捷创建事件队列,详见RxJava操作符系列文章:http://blog.csdn.net/jdsjlzx/article/details/51485861

3) Subscribe (订阅)
创建了 Observable 和 Observer 之后,再用 subscribe() 方法将它们联结起来,整条链子就可以工作了。代码形式很简单:

observable.subscribe(observer);// 或者:observable.subscribe(subscriber);

Observable.subscribe(Subscriber) 的内部实现是这样的(仅核心代码):

public final Subscription subscribe(Subscriber<? super T> subscriber) {        return Observable.subscribe(subscriber, this);    }    private static <T> Subscription subscribe(Subscriber<? super T> subscriber, Observable<T> observable) {     // validate and proceed        if (subscriber == null) {            throw new IllegalArgumentException("observer can not be null");        }        if (observable.onSubscribe == null) {            throw new IllegalStateException("onSubscribe function can not be null.");            /*             * the subscribe function can also be overridden but generally that's not the appropriate approach             * so I won't mention that in the exception             */        }        // new Subscriber so onStart it        subscriber.onStart();        /*         * See https://github.com/ReactiveX/RxJava/issues/216 for discussion on "Guideline 6.4: Protect calls         * to user code from within an Observer"         */        // if not already wrapped        if (!(subscriber instanceof SafeSubscriber)) {            // assign to `observer` so we return the protected version            subscriber = new SafeSubscriber<T>(subscriber);        }        // The code below is exactly the same an unsafeSubscribe but not used because it would         // add a significant depth to already huge call stacks.        try {            // allow the hook to intercept and/or decorate            hook.onSubscribeStart(observable, observable.onSubscribe).call(subscriber);            return hook.onSubscribeReturn(subscriber);        } catch (Throwable e) {            // special handling for certain Throwable/Error/Exception types            Exceptions.throwIfFatal(e);            // if an unhandled error occurs executing the onSubscribe we will propagate it            try {                subscriber.onError(hook.onSubscribeError(e));            } catch (Throwable e2) {                Exceptions.throwIfFatal(e2);                // if this happens it means the onError itself failed (perhaps an invalid function implementation)                // so we are unable to propagate the error correctly and will just throw                RuntimeException r = new RuntimeException("Error occurred attempting to subscribe [" + e.getMessage() + "] and then again while trying to pass to onError.", e2);                // TODO could the hook be the cause of the error in the on error handling.                hook.onSubscribeError(r);                // TODO why aren't we throwing the hook's return value.                throw r;            }            return Subscriptions.unsubscribed();        }    }

可以看到,subscriber() 做了3件事:

  1. 调用 Subscriber.onStart() 。这个方法在前面已经介绍过,是一个可选的准备方法。
  2. 调用 Observable 中的 OnSubscribe.call(Subscriber) 。在这里,事件发送的逻辑开始运行。从这也可以看出,在 RxJava 中, Observable 并不是在创建的时候就立即开始发送事件,而是在它被订阅的时候,即当 subscribe() 方法执行的时候。
  3. 将传入的 Subscriber 作为 Subscription 返回。这是为了方便 unsubscribe().


除了 subscribe(Observer) 和 subscribe(Subscriber) ,subscribe() 还支持不完整定义的回调,RxJava 会自动根据定义创建出 Subscriber 。形式如下:

Action1<String> onNextAction = new Action1<String>() {    // onNext()    @Override    public void call(String s) {        Log.d(tag, s);    }};Action1<Throwable> onErrorAction = new Action1<Throwable>() {    // onError()    @Override    public void call(Throwable throwable) {        // Error handling    }};Action0 onCompletedAction = new Action0() {    // onCompleted()    @Override    public void call() {        Log.d(tag, "completed");    }};// 自动创建 Subscriber ,并使用 onNextAction 来定义 onNext()observable.subscribe(onNextAction);// 自动创建 Subscriber ,并使用 onNextAction 和 onErrorAction 来定义 onNext() 和 onError()observable.subscribe(onNextAction, onErrorAction);// 自动创建 Subscriber ,并使用 onNextAction、 onErrorAction 和 onCompletedAction 来定义 onNext()、 onError() 和 onCompleted()observable.subscribe(onNextAction, onErrorAction, onCompletedAction);

注:正如前面所提到的,Observer 和 Subscriber 具有相同的角色,而且 Observer 在 subscribe() 过程中最终会被转换成 Subscriber 对象,因此,从某种程度上来说用 Subscriber 来代替 Observer ,这样会更加严谨。


首先,我们分别定义mSubscriber 和 mObserver 。


protected Subscriber<D> mSubscriber = new Subscriber<D>() {        @Override        public void onCompleted() {            executeOnLoadFinish();        }        @Override        public void onError(Throwable e) {            TLog.error("onError " + e.toString());            executeOnLoadDataError(null);        }        @Override        public void onNext(D d) {            TLog.log("onNext " );            List<T> list = d;            TLog.log("entity " + list.size());            executeOnLoadDataSuccess(list);            TLog.log("onSuccess totalPage " + totalPage);        }    };    protected Observer<D> mObserver = new Observer<D>() {        @Override        public void onCompleted() {            executeOnLoadFinish();        }        @Override        public void onError(Throwable e) {            TLog.error("onError " + e.toString());            executeOnLoadDataError(null);        }        @Override        public void onNext(D d) {            TLog.log("onNext " );            List<T> list = d;            TLog.log("entity " + list.size());            executeOnLoadDataSuccess(list);            TLog.log("onSuccess totalPage " + totalPage);        }    };
observable.subscribeOn(Schedulers.io())                .map(new Func1<Response<D>,D>() {                    @Override                    public D call(Response<D> response) {                        if(response == null){                            throw new ApiException(100);                        }                        totalPage = response.total;                        return response.result;                    }                })                .observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread())                //.subscribe(mObserver);                .subscribe(mSubscriber);


  • mObserver可以重复使用,也就是subscribe(mObserver)可以重复订阅;
  • 当使用Observable.create方式创建Observable时,mSubscriber也能重复使用,也可以实现subscribe(mSubscriber)重复订阅,但当使用Observable.just、Observable.from方式创建Observable时,mSubscriber不能重复使用,也就不能重复订阅了(详见文章:http://blog.csdn.net/jdsjlzx/article/details/54959052)。
  • RxJava给出的建议是每次使用都new一个新的Subscriber 或者是使用Observer,也就是不要重复使用mSubscriber。


请注意,如果你每次都使用subscribe(new Subscriber< T>() {})方式实现订阅,就不会出现上面的问题。


private void toSubscribe(Observable<Response<D>> observable) {        observable.subscribeOn(Schedulers.io())                .map(new Func1<Response<D>,D>() {                    @Override                    public D call(Response<D> response) {                        if(response == null){                            throw new ApiException(100);                        }                        totalPage = response.total;                        return response.result;                    }                })                .observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread())                .subscribe(new Subscriber<D>() {                    @Override                    public void onCompleted() {                        executeOnLoadFinish();                    }                    @Override                    public void onError(Throwable e) {                        TLog.error("onError " + e.toString());                        executeOnLoadDataError(null);                    }                    @Override                    public void onNext(D d) {                        TLog.log("onNext " );                        List<T> list = d;                        TLog.log("entity " + list.size());                        executeOnLoadDataSuccess(list);                        TLog.log("onSuccess totalPage " + totalPage);                    }                });    }




了解RxJava .observeOn()与.subscribeOn():

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