Java maven项目整合Redis

来源:互联网 发布:手机淘宝 天天特价 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 15:02












#config for redisredis.pool.maxActive=512redis.pool.maxIdle=100redis.pool.maxWait=100000redis.pool.testOnBorrow=trueredis.pool.testOnReturn=trueredis.ip=


public class RedisProvider {protected static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RedisProvider.class);protected static JedisPool jedispool;protected static int EXPIRE = 130;static{ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("redis");        if (bundle == null) {            throw new IllegalArgumentException(                    "[] is not found!");        }        EXPIRE = Integer.valueOf(bundle.getString("redis.expire"));                JedisPoolConfig jedisconfig = new JedisPoolConfig();        jedisconfig.setMaxActive(Integer.valueOf(bundle                .getString("redis.pool.maxActive")));        jedisconfig.setMaxIdle(Integer.valueOf(bundle                .getString("redis.pool.maxIdle")));        jedisconfig.setMaxWait(Long.valueOf(bundle                .getString("redis.pool.maxWait")));        jedisconfig.setTestOnBorrow(Boolean.valueOf(bundle                .getString("redis.pool.testOnBorrow")));        jedisconfig.setTestOnReturn(Boolean.valueOf(bundle                .getString("redis.pool.testOnReturn")));        jedispool = new JedisPool(jedisconfig, bundle.getString("redis.ip"),                Integer.valueOf(bundle.getString("redis.port")), 100000);}public static Jedis getJedis() {        Jedis jedis = null;        try {            jedis = jedispool.getResource();        } catch (JedisConnectionException jce) {            ExceptionUtil.getTrace(jce);            try {                Thread.sleep(3000);            } catch (InterruptedException e) {                ExceptionUtil.getTrace(e);            }            jedis = jedispool.getResource();        }        return jedis;    }    public static void returnResource(JedisPool pool, Jedis jedis) {        if (jedis != null) {            pool.returnResource(jedis);        }    }}

public class RedisHelper extends RedisProvider{/** * Set the string value as value of the key. Default settings at save * time(2000s) *  * @param key * @param value * @return */public static String set(String key, String value) {Jedis jedis = null;String rtn = null;try {jedis = getJedis();rtn = jedis.setex(key, EXPIRE, value);} catch (Exception e) {LOG.error(ExceptionUtil.getTrace(e));jedispool.returnBrokenResource(jedis);} finally {returnResource(jedispool, jedis);}return rtn;}public static String set2(String key, String value) {Jedis jedis = null;String rtn = null;try {jedis = getJedis();rtn = jedis.setex(key, 360000, value);} catch (Exception e) {LOG.error(ExceptionUtil.getTrace(e));jedispool.returnBrokenResource(jedis);} finally {returnResource(jedispool, jedis);}return rtn;}/** * Get the value of the specified key. *  * @param key * @return */public static String get(String key) {Jedis jedis = null;String rtn = null;try {jedis = getJedis();rtn = jedis.get(key);} catch (Exception e) {LOG.error(ExceptionUtil.getTrace(e));jedispool.returnBrokenResource(jedis);} finally {returnResource(jedispool, jedis);}return rtn;}/** * Get the values of all the specified keys *  * @param keys * @return */public static List<String> mget(String... keys) {Jedis jedis = null;List<String> rtn = new ArrayList<String>();try {jedis = getJedis();rtn = jedis.mget(keys);} catch (Exception e) {LOG.error(ExceptionUtil.getTrace(e));jedispool.returnBrokenResource(jedis);} finally {returnResource(jedispool, jedis);}return rtn;}/** * Set the the respective keys to the respective values. *  * @param keysvalues * @return */public static String mset(String... keysvalues) {Jedis jedis = null;String rtn = null;try {jedis = getJedis();rtn = jedis.mset(keysvalues);} catch (Exception e) {LOG.error(ExceptionUtil.getTrace(e));jedispool.returnBrokenResource(jedis);} finally {returnResource(jedispool, jedis);}return rtn;}/** * Return all the fields and associated values in a hash. *  * @param key * @return */public static Map<String, String> hgetall(String key) {Jedis jedis = null;Map<String, String> rtn = Maps.newHashMap();try {jedis = getJedis();rtn = jedis.hgetAll(key);} catch (Exception e) {LOG.error(ExceptionUtil.getTrace(e));jedispool.returnBrokenResource(jedis);} finally {returnResource(jedispool, jedis);}return rtn;}/** * Set the specified hash field to the specified value. *  * @param key * @param field * @param value * @return */public static Long hset(String key, String field, String value) {Jedis jedis = null;Long rtn = null;try {jedis = getJedis();rtn = jedis.hset(key, field, value);jedis.expire(key, EXPIRE);} catch (Exception e) {LOG.error(ExceptionUtil.getTrace(e));jedispool.returnBrokenResource(jedis);} finally {returnResource(jedispool, jedis);}return rtn;}/** * 以map形式存放对象. *  * @param key * @param field * @param obj * @return */public static long setObject(String key, String field, Object obj) {Jedis jedis = null;Long rtn = null;try {jedis = getJedis();rtn = jedis.hset(key.getBytes(), field.getBytes(),ObjectsTranscoder.getObjectsTranscoder().serialize(obj));} catch (Exception e) {LOG.error(ExceptionUtil.getTrace(e));jedispool.returnBrokenResource(jedis);} finally {returnResource(jedispool, jedis);}return rtn;}/** * 获取对象. *  * @param key * @param field * @return */public static Object getObject(String key, String field) {Jedis jedis = null;byte[] rtn = null;try {jedis = getJedis();rtn = jedis.hget(key.getBytes(), field.getBytes());} catch (Exception e) {LOG.error(ExceptionUtil.getTrace(e));jedispool.returnBrokenResource(jedis);} finally {returnResource(jedispool, jedis);}return ObjectsTranscoder.getObjectsTranscoder().deserialize(rtn);}public static void addObject(String key, Object obj) {Jedis jedis = null;try {jedis = getJedis();jedis.sadd(key.getBytes(), ObjectsTranscoder.getObjectsTranscoder().serialize(obj));jedis.expire(key.getBytes(), EXPIRE);} catch (Exception e) {LOG.error(ExceptionUtil.getTrace(e));jedispool.returnBrokenResource(jedis);} finally {returnResource(jedispool, jedis);}}public static List<Object> getAllObject(String key) {List<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>();Jedis jedis = null;try {jedis = getJedis();Set<byte[]> set = jedis.smembers(key.getBytes());if (set != null && !set.isEmpty()) {Iterator<byte[]> it = set.iterator();for (; it.hasNext();) {byte[] b =;Object obj = ObjectsTranscoder.getObjectsTranscoder().deserialize(b);list.add(obj);}}} catch (Exception e) {LOG.error(ExceptionUtil.getTrace(e));jedispool.returnBrokenResource(jedis);} finally {returnResource(jedispool, jedis);}return list;}public static void delAllObject(String key) {Jedis jedis = null;try {jedis = getJedis();jedis.del(key.getBytes());} catch (Exception e) {LOG.error(ExceptionUtil.getTrace(e));jedispool.returnBrokenResource(jedis);} finally {returnResource(jedispool, jedis);}}public static Long hset2(String key, String field, String value) {Jedis jedis = null;Long rtn = null;try {jedis = getJedis();rtn = jedis.hset(key, field, value);} catch (Exception e) {LOG.error(ExceptionUtil.getTrace(e));jedispool.returnBrokenResource(jedis);} finally {returnResource(jedispool, jedis);}return rtn;}public static void hdel2(String key) {Jedis jedis = null;try {jedis = getJedis();jedis.del(key);} catch (Exception e) {LOG.error(ExceptionUtil.getTrace(e));jedispool.returnBrokenResource(jedis);} finally {returnResource(jedispool, jedis);}}public static void flush() {Jedis jedis = null;jedis = getJedis();jedis.flushAll();}public static String hget(String key, String field) {Jedis jedis = null;String rtn = null;try {jedis = getJedis();rtn = jedis.hget(key, field);} catch (Exception e) {LOG.error(ExceptionUtil.getTrace(e));jedispool.returnBrokenResource(jedis);} finally {returnResource(jedispool, jedis);}return rtn;}public static long hdel(String key, String[] field) {Jedis jedis = null;Long rtn = null;try {jedis = getJedis();rtn = jedis.hdel(key, field);} catch (Exception e) {LOG.error(ExceptionUtil.getTrace(e));jedispool.returnBrokenResource(jedis);} finally {returnResource(jedispool, jedis);}return rtn;}public static long mdel(String[] key) {Jedis jedis = null;Long rtn = null;try {jedis = getJedis();rtn = jedis.del(key);} catch (Exception e) {LOG.error(ExceptionUtil.getTrace(e));jedispool.returnBrokenResource(jedis);} finally {returnResource(jedispool, jedis);}return rtn;}/** * 设置分布式锁 *  * @param key * @param value * @return */public static long setLock(String key, String value) {Jedis jedis = null;Long rtn = null;try {jedis = getJedis();rtn = jedis.setnx(key, value);jedis.expire(key, EXPIRE);} catch (Exception e) {LOG.error(ExceptionUtil.getTrace(e));jedispool.returnBrokenResource(jedis);} finally {returnResource(jedispool, jedis);}return rtn;}/** * 释放锁 *  * @param key * @return */public static long delLock(String key) {Jedis jedis = null;Long rtn = null;try {jedis = getJedis();rtn = jedis.del(key);} catch (Exception e) {LOG.error(ExceptionUtil.getTrace(e));jedispool.returnBrokenResource(jedis);} finally {returnResource(jedispool, jedis);}return rtn;}/** * 存储子调用链的list * @param dateKey * @param cidList */public static void memoryCid(String dateKey,String cid){Jedis jedis = null;try {jedis = getJedis();jedis.sadd(dateKey, cid);jedis.expire(dateKey, EXPIRE);} catch (Exception e) {System.out.println(ExceptionUtil.getTrace(e));LOG.error(ExceptionUtil.getTrace(e));jedispool.returnBrokenResource(jedis);}finally {returnResource(jedispool, jedis);}}/** * 获取调用链list * @param dateKey * @return */public static Set<String> getAllCids(String dateKey){Jedis jedis = null;Set<String> set = null;try {jedis = getJedis();set = jedis.smembers(dateKey);} catch (Exception e) {System.out.println(ExceptionUtil.getTrace(e));LOG.error(ExceptionUtil.getTrace(e));jedispool.returnBrokenResource(jedis);}finally {returnResource(jedispool, jedis);}return set;}}

public class ExceptionUtil {    public static String getTrace(Throwable throwable) {        StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();        PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(stringWriter);        throwable.printStackTrace(writer);        StringBuffer buffer = stringWriter.getBuffer();        return buffer.toString();    }}




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