Start application automatically during controller boot-up

来源:互联网 发布:如何下载软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 04:29


English •German

Start application automatically during controller boot-up


It is possible to start any program automatically during the boot-up procedure of the KR C4 controller.


•User group “Expert”

•Windows interface (CTRL+ESC)


•Open the file StartKRC.exe.config in the directory C:\KRC\BIN.

•Enter the application that is to be started in the section <applications>.

•A “non-KUKA application” should not be inserted before the start of WorkVisualServiceHost.exe.

•The applications are started in the order of the entries in StartKRC.exe.config.


<application filename="Filename.exe" arguments="-abc" waitAfterStart="10" waitType="WaitForIdle"

waitTimeOut="10" onStart="Run" onStop="End" mainWindowId=”Cross 3”/>

Parameters for applications



Type: String

•Name and path of the application to be started. The path can also be specified relative to StartKrc.exe.


Type: String

•Argument string for the application to be started.


Type: String

•“NoKrcRunning”: The action is only executed if no kernel system is running.


Type: Int

•Time in seconds that the system waits after starting the application before starting the next process.


Type: Enum

•“NoWait”: The system does not wait (default).

•“WaitForIdle”: Once the application has been started, the system waits until the application is idle.

•“WaitForExit”: Once the application has been started, the system waits until the application is exited.

•“WaitForKrcReady”: The system waits until the SmartHMI sends a WM_KRC_HMI_READY signal.


Type: Int

•Timeout in seconds for waitType=“WaitForIdle” or “WaitForExit” or “WaitForKrcReady”


Type: Enum

•Action on KRC start.

•“None”: No action.

•“Run”: Application is started (default).

•“End”: Application is stopped.


Type: Enum

•Action on KRC stop.

•“None”: No action.

•“Run”: Application is started.

•“End”: Application is stopped (default).


Type: String

•If this string is contained in the WindowText of a window belonging to the application, it is assumed that it

is the main window of the application to which the WM_CLOSE signal is sent on exiting. If the parameter is not

specified or is empty, the application is terminated by means of TerminateApplication.



<configuration>  <kukaroboter.startkrc>  <applications>  <application internal="ClearRamDisk" conditions="NoKrcRunning"/>  <application filename="VxWin\UploadRTOS.exe" arguments="-faststart "-config '%INSTALLATIONDIR%\ROBOTER\Config\System\%ENVPATH%\VxWin\VxWin.config' -file '%INSTALLATIONDIR%\ROBOTER\Config\System\Common\VxWin\faststart.cfg' -vmf '%INSTALLATIONDIR%\VXWIN\Vmf.bin' -os '%INSTALLATIONDIR%\ROBOTER\vxworks.bin' -startvmfos"" conditions="NoKrcRunning" waitAfterStart="2"/>  <application filename="VxWin\UploadRTOS.exe" arguments="-config "'%INSTALLATIONDIR%\ROBOTER\Config\System\%ENVPATH%\VxWin\VxWin.config' -vmf '%INSTALLATIONDIR%\VXWIN\Vmf.bin'" "%INSTALLATIONDIR%\ROBOTER\vxworks.bin"" conditions="NoKrcRunning" waitAfterStart="5"/>  <application filename="VxWin\UploadRTOS.exe" arguments="-faststart -once -nosleep -nowait"/>  <application filename="SmartHmi\SmartHMI.exe" waitType="WaitForKrcReady" timeOut="120" mainWindowId="SmartHMI"/>  <application filename="Cross3.exe" onStart="None" onStop="End" mainWindowId="Cross 3"/>  <application filename="Services\WorkVisualServiceHost\WorkVisualServiceHost.exe" servicename="WorkVisualServiceHost"/> <application filename="notepad.exe" arguments="xxx.txt" waitAfterStart="10" waitType="WaitForIdle" waitTimeOut="10" onStart="Run" onStop="End" mainWindowId="Cross 3"/>  <application filename="Services\scheduler\KUKASchedulerService.exe" servicename="KUKA Scheduler Service"/>  <application filename="C:\Windows\System32\Rundll32.exe" arguments="C:\Windows\System32\advapi32.dll,ProcessIdleTasks"/>  <application filename="VxWin\UploadRTOS.exe" arguments="-x" onStart="None" onStop="Run" waitType="WaitForExit" timeOut="10"/>  </applications>  <behaviour timeOut="60" waitForPowerOk="1"/>  <trayiconvisibility trayIcon="true"/>  <diagnosis application="%INSTALLATIONDIR%\Util\KRCDiag\KRCDiag.exe" active="true"  </kukaroboter.startkrc> </configuration> 

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