2016年6月2日 几乎是强迫自己在更新 关于python的多线程处理

来源:互联网 发布:网络投诉管理办法 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 00:19





try:    import sys    import time    import os    import platform    import threading    #os.chdir('../res')    #sys.path.append(os.getcwd())    #from adb import ADB    #except ImportError as e:    #   print("[f] Required module missing. %s" % e.args[0])    #   sys.exit(-1)except:        passclass StatusMonitor:    def __init__(self):        self.adb_task = None        self._dict = {}        try:            base_dir = os.path.dirname(os.getcwd()) #Get the abs path for the config file            configfile_path = os.path.join(base_dir, r'\untility\configfile.txt') #Get configfile.txt            CONFIGFILE = open(configfile_path, 'r')            adbstatus_path = os.path.join(base_dir, r'\logs\adb_status.txt')            self.ADBFILE = open(adbstatus_path, 'a+')        except:            print ("File not exist")            return False        #Create a dict for the config file        for line in CONFIGFILE:            (key,value) = line.strip().split(':',maxsplit=1)            self._dict[key] = value        global adb_status_monitor        self.adb_status_monitor = 1    def device_state_monitor_start(self):        #status = self.multiprocessing.Value('b', 1)        #print ("Sub process for ADB_status monitor started ",status)        #adb_task = multiprocessing.Process(target=device_state_monitor_start)        #adb_task.start()        #Check adb status        while True:            if self.adb_status_monitor == 1:                Time_mark = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")                self.ADBFILE.write(str(Time_mark + '  '))                #adb_status = self._ABDInstance.shell_command('ping -c 5 localhost')                adb_status = True                if adb_status == True:                    self.ADBFILE.write('ADB works normally')                    self.ADBFILE.write('\n')                    print ('ADB works normally')                        #While ADB works normally, then check the Moneky process                        #monkey_result = self.shell_command( "\ps|grep com.android.commands.monkey\")                    monkey_result = True                    if monkey_result == True:                        self.ADBFILE.write('Monkey works normally')                        self.ADBFILE.write('\n')                        print ('Monkey works normally')                    else:                        self.ADBFILE.write('Monkey process is terminated')                        self.ADBFILE.write('\n')                        print ('Monkey works abnormally')                else:                    self.ADBFILE.write('ADB is disconnected,and Monkey process can not be found')                    self.ADBFILE.write('\n')                    print ('ADB is disconnected')                #wait 10 minutes                time.sleep(8)            else:                break    def device_state_monitor_stop(self):        global adb_status_monitor        self.adb_status_monitor = 0        self.ADBFILE.close()    def regNewProcess(self):        self.adb_task = threading.Thread(target=self.device_state_monitor_start)        #self.adb_task.setDaemon(True)        self.adb_task.start()        print('The thread adb task start') #打印这句话证明线程启动    """def check_parameters(self):        #Check the config file for blank value        configfile = self._dict        print (configfile)        for key in configfile:                if configfile[key] =='':                print ([key], "Error: Value is blank")                return False            else:                #print ([key,configfile[key]],'Pass')                pass        test_hour = self.get_parameters('TEST_HOUR')        cycle_time = self.get_parameters('CYCLE_TIME')        change_prof_hour = self.get_parameters('CHANGE_PROFILE_HOUR')        test_type = self.get_parameters('TEST_TYPE')        execute_method = self.get_parameters('EXECUTE_METHOD')        #Check the Test_hour/Cycle_time/change_prof_hour        if int(test_hour) < int(cycle_time):            # 'TEST_HOUR' should longer than 'CYCLE_TIME'            print ("Error: test_hour < cycle time is incorrect")            return False        elif int(cycle_time) < int(change_prof_hour):            # 'CYCLE_TIME' should longer than 'CHANGE_PROFILE_TIME'            print ("Error: cycle_time < change_prof_hour is incorrect")            return False        elif (test_type) != 'black'and (test_type) != 'white':            # Only 'black' or 'white' is available in 'TEST_TYPE'            print ("Error: test_type should be 'black' or 'white'.")            return False        elif (execute_method) != '1' and (execute_method) != '2':            # Only '1' or '2' is available in 'EXECUTE_METHOD'            print ("Error: execute_method should be '1' or '2'")            return False        else:            print ("Check parameters completed.No error occurs")        return True"""    def get_parameters(self,item):        value = self._dict.get(item,None)        if value == None:            print (item,' KEY error, please check the key_name')        return value      # Test module    if __name__=='__main__':    i = StatusMonitor()    k = i.regNewProcess()    #l = i.device_state_monitor_stop()    mm = i.get_parameters('TEST_TYPE')    print(k,mm)
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