Myeclisps 新建maven web 要求Java 1.7 or newer

来源:互联网 发布:源码大全网页 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/14 06:06

How to solve “Dynamic Web Module 3.1 requires Java 1.7 or newer” in Eclipse




Dynamic Web Module 3.1 requires Java 1.7

Have you noticed above type of error in your Eclipse? When you’re creating a project with Dynamic Web Module 3.1 support, you should be using Java 1.7 or newer. Please follow below steps to resolve it.


Make sure your Java Project is configured probably to use Java 1.7.

Right click your project > Properties > Java Compiler and set “Compiler compliance level” to 1.7

Eclipse - Java Compiler Settings


Java Build Path. Click “Edit“. And change it to “Java 7”

Eclipse Java Version Setting

Eclipse - JRE System Library Settings


Next from the menu on the left select Project Facets > Java and set its version to 1.7

Eclipse - Project Facets Settings

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