Orocos 无锁的 Muliti Writer Single Reader Queue

来源:互联网 发布:怎样复制知乎的文字 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/10 02:33

无锁的数据结构应用越来越广泛,现在几乎所有的多核cpu都提供了 CAS 操作。

实现无锁的 Muliti Writer Single Reader Queue 的关键还是 实现指针的 CAS( gcc: __sync_val_compare_and_swap ).

这里有一个 Single Writer Mulity Reader 的 无锁实现 see link

创建一个数组 _buf = new C[_size], 成员变量 _indxes 保存这当前的索引值, 在 enqueue 和 dequeue 过程中用 局部变量 oldval 和 newval 用于保存当前索引和设置递增的索引,然后原子的更新当前索引 (os::CAS(&_indxes._value, oldval._value, newval._value))。

template<class T>class AtomicMWSRQueue{    //typedef _T* T;    const int _size;    typedef T C;    typedef volatile C* CachePtrType;    typedef C* volatile CacheObjType;    typedef C ValueType;    typedef C* PtrType;    /**     * Both read and write pointer are in a union.     * This means a read's cas may fail because a     * write happened (preemption). An implementation     * with 2 distinct read/write pointers would not     * suffer from this.     */     // union 的使用使得可以通过一次读写 value 的值而更新 index[0]  和 index[1] 两个变量    union SIndexes    {        unsigned long _value;        unsigned short _index[2];    };    /**     * The pointer to the buffer can be cached,     * the contents are volatile.     */    CachePtrType _buf;    /**     * The indexes are packed into one double word.     * Therefore the read and write index can be read and written atomically.     */    volatile SIndexes _indxes;    /**     * Atomic advance and wrap of the Write pointer.     * Return the old position or zero if queue is full.     */     // 这个地方可重入,每次都会递增 newval._index[0]    CachePtrType advance_w()    {        SIndexes oldval, newval;        do        {            oldval._value = _indxes._value; /*Points to a free writable pointer.*/            newval._value = oldval._value; /*Points to the next writable pointer.*/            // check for full :            if ((newval._index[0] == newval._index[1] - 1) || (newval._index[0] == newval._index[1] + _size - 1))            {                return 0;            }            newval._index[0]++;            if (newval._index[0] >= _size)                newval._index[0] = 0;            // if ptr is unchanged, replace it with newval.        } while (!os::CAS(&_indxes._value, oldval._value, newval._value));        // frome here on :        // oldval is 'unique', other preempting threads        // will have a different value for oldval, as        // wptr advances. As long as oldval has not been written,        // rptr will not advance and wptr will remain stuck behind it.        // return the old position to write to :        return &_buf[oldval._index[0]];  // oldval._index[0] 从 0 开始 到 最大值 _size    }    /**     * Advance and wrap of the Read pointer.     * Only one thread may call this.     */    bool advance_r(T& result)    {        SIndexes oldval, newval;        // read it:        oldval._value = _indxes._value;        result = _buf[oldval._index[1]];        // return it if not yet written:        if ( !result )            return false;        // got it, clear field.        _buf[oldval._index[1]] = 0;        // move pointer:        do        {            // re-read indxes, since we are the only reader,            // _index[1] will not have changed since entry of this function            oldval._value = _indxes._value;  // 如果 CAS 失败,则此处会恢复 index[0] 和 index[1] 使得之前 ++newval._index[1] 失效,需要再次递增            newval._value = oldval._value;            ++newval._index[1];  //             if (newval._index[1] >= _size)                newval._index[1] = 0;            // we need to CAS since the write pointer may have moved.            // this moves read pointer only:        } while (!os::CAS(&_indxes._value, oldval._value, newval._value));  // 如果在读的过程中,其他线程进行了写操作,则再次更新两个指针 index[0] 和 index[1] 的值        return true;    }    // non-copyable !    AtomicMWSRQueue(const AtomicMWSRQueue<T>&);public:    typedef unsigned int size_type;    /**     * Create an AtomicMWSRQueue with queue size \a size.     * @param size The size of the queue, should be 1 or greater.     */     // 构造后必须初始化    AtomicMWSRQueue(unsigned int size) :        _size(size + 1)    {        _buf = new C[_size];        this->clear();    }    ~AtomicMWSRQueue()    {        delete[] _buf;    }    /**     * Inspect if the Queue is full.     * @return true if full, false otherwise.     */    bool isFull() const    {        // two cases where the queue is full :        // if wptr is one behind rptr or if wptr is at end        // and rptr at beginning.        SIndexes val;        val._value = _indxes._value;        return val._index[0] == val._index[1] - 1 || val._index[0] == val._index[1] + _size - 1;    }    /**     * Inspect if the Queue is empty.     * @return true if empty, false otherwise.     */    bool isEmpty() const    {        // empty if nothing to read.        SIndexes val;        val._value = _indxes._value;        return val._index[0] == val._index[1];    }    /**     * Return the maximum number of items this queue can contain.     */    size_type capacity() const    {        return _size - 1;    }    /**     * Return the number of elements in the queue.     */    size_type size() const    {        SIndexes val;        val._value = _indxes._value;        int c = (val._index[0] - val._index[1]);        return c >= 0 ? c : c + _size;    }    /**     * Enqueue an item.     * @param value The value to enqueue.     * @return false if queue is full, true if queued.     */    bool enqueue(const T& value)    {        if (value == 0)            return false;        CachePtrType loc = advance_w();        if (loc == 0)            return false;        *loc = value;        return true;    }    /**     * Dequeue an item.     * @param value Stores the dequeued value. It is unchanged when     * dequeue returns false and contains the dequeued value     * when it returns true.     * @return false if queue is empty, true if result was written.     */    bool dequeue(T& result)    {        T tmpresult;        if (advance_r(tmpresult) ) {            result = tmpresult;            return true;        }        return false;    }    /**     * Return the next to be read value.     */    const T front() const    {        return _buf[_indxes._index[1]];    }    /**     * Clear all contents of the Queue and thus make it empty.     */    void clear()    {        for (int i = 0; i != _size; ++i)        {            _buf[i] = 0;        }        _indxes._value = 0;    }};

reference link: [http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/aix/library/au-multithreaded_structures2/](http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/aix/library/au-multithreaded_structures2/

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