LeetCode No332. Reconstruct Itinerary

来源:互联网 发布:安卓4.0淘宝 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/08 06:37

1. 题目描述

Given a list of airline tickets represented by pairs of departure and arrival airports [from, to], reconstruct the itinerary in order. All of the tickets belong to a man who departs from JFK. Thus, the itinerary must begin with JFK.

If there are multiple valid itineraries, you should return the itinerary that has the smallest lexical order when read as a single string. For example, the itinerary [“JFK”, “LGA”] has a smaller lexical order than [“JFK”, “LGB”].
All airports are represented by three capital letters (IATA code).
You may assume all tickets form at least one valid itinerary.
Example 1:

tickets = [["MUC", "LHR"], ["JFK", "MUC"], ["SFO", "SJC"], ["LHR", "SFO"]]Return ["JFK", "MUC", "LHR", "SFO", "SJC"].

Example 2:

tickets = [["JFK","SFO"],["JFK","ATL"],["SFO","ATL"],["ATL","JFK"],["ATL","SFO"]]Return ["JFK","ATL","JFK","SFO","ATL","SFO"].Another possible reconstruction is ["JFK","SFO","ATL","JFK","ATL","SFO"]. But it is larger in lexical order.

2. 思路

  1. 将航线抽象建模为一个图,则题目的意思为 找出一条航线其可以由所有的票连接而成,若有多条,则选取字典序最小的那条航线。
  2. 航线的起点为”JFK”节点,当一个节点的出度为0时,其必定为航线的终点。
  3. 由于邻接边用multiset表示,当前的票已经排序,所以深度遍历时,只要存在边被遍历完,则必然是字典序最小的那条。

3. 代码及复杂度分析

class Solution {public:    vector<string> findItinerary(vector<pair<string, string>> tickets) {        map<string, multiset<string>> targets;        for (auto ticket : tickets)             targets[ticket.first].insert(ticket.second);        vector<string> itenary;        stack<string> s;        s.push("JFK");        while (!s.empty()) {            string curr_airport = s.top();            if (targets[curr_airport].empty()) {                itenary.push_back(curr_airport);                s.pop();            } else {                s.push(*(targets[curr_airport].begin()));                targets[curr_airport].erase(targets[curr_airport].begin());            }        }        reverse(itenary.begin(), itenary.end());        return itenary;    }};

4. 参考链接

  1. https://leetcode.com/discuss/85439/short-iterative-solution-explanation-recursive-backtracking
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