
来源:互联网 发布:网络四大名著相关推荐 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/04 21:02





public interface TimeInterpolator {    /**     * Maps a value representing the elapsed fraction of an animation to a value that represents     * the interpolated fraction. This interpolated value is then multiplied by the change in     * value of an animation to derive the animated value at the current elapsed animation time.     *     * @param input A value between 0 and 1.0 indicating our current point     *        in the animation where 0 represents the start and 1.0 represents     *        the end     * @return The interpolation value. This value can be more than 1.0 for     *         interpolators which overshoot their targets, or less than 0 for     *         interpolators that undershoot their targets.     */    float getInterpolation(float input);}


有了 Android属性动画ValueAnimator源码简单分析文章的分析,我们知道插值器的使用是在ValueAnimator类的animateValue()函数中使用的。animateValue()函数源码如下。

    void animateValue(float fraction) {        fraction = mInterpolator.getInterpolation(fraction);        mCurrentFraction = fraction;        int numValues = mValues.length;        for (int i = 0; i < numValues; ++i) {            mValues[i].calculateValue(fraction);        }        if (mUpdateListeners != null) {            int numListeners = mUpdateListeners.size();            for (int i = 0; i < numListeners; ++i) {                mUpdateListeners.get(i).onAnimationUpdate(this);            }        }    }

看到第二行插值器的使用了哦。那接了下就得去知道animateValue()函数是在哪里调用的了。 继续看ValueAnimator类中的animationFrame()函数

    boolean animationFrame(long currentTime) {        boolean done = false;        switch (mPlayingState) {        case RUNNING:        case SEEKED:            float fraction = mDuration > 0 ? (float)(currentTime - mStartTime) / mDuration : 1f;            if (mDuration == 0 && mRepeatCount != INFINITE) {                // Skip to the end                mCurrentIteration = mRepeatCount;                if (!mReversing) {                    mPlayingBackwards = false;                }            }            if (fraction >= 1f) {                if (mCurrentIteration < mRepeatCount || mRepeatCount == INFINITE) {                    // Time to repeat                    if (mListeners != null) {                        int numListeners = mListeners.size();                        for (int i = 0; i < numListeners; ++i) {                            mListeners.get(i).onAnimationRepeat(this);                        }                    }                    if (mRepeatMode == REVERSE) {                        mPlayingBackwards = !mPlayingBackwards;                    }                    mCurrentIteration += (int) fraction;                    fraction = fraction % 1f;                    mStartTime += mDuration;                    // Note: We do not need to update the value of mStartTimeCommitted here                    // since we just added a duration offset.                } else {                    done = true;                    fraction = Math.min(fraction, 1.0f);                }            }            if (mPlayingBackwards) {                fraction = 1f - fraction;            }            animateValue(fraction);            break;        }        return done;    }

6行先拿到了一个fraction,float fraction = mDuration > 0 ? (float)(currentTime - mStartTime) / mDuration : 1f; 这个也好理解就是用动画的当前时间减去动画的开始时间在除以每次动画的持续时间。得到了fraction。
14-35行 fraction>1 动画多次播放了,并且播放的次数还没完。27行 fraction = fraction % 1f; 多次播放也是分解从一次一次来看的,这个时候fraction就相当于是每次动画过程中的线性速率0-1之间值的。
36-38行 如果是反向播放 1-fraction 这个好说。
39行 调用animateValue(fraction);


提示:上面函数的调用过程大部分都是直接给出了结论,直接给出了在哪里哪里调用了 都是在 Android属性动画ValueAnimator源码简单分析的分析基础之上给出来的。

1. Android已经实现的插值器



/** * An interpolator where the rate of change starts and ends slowly but * accelerates through the middle. */@HasNativeInterpolatorpublic class AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator extends BaseInterpolator        implements NativeInterpolatorFactory {    public AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator() {    }    @SuppressWarnings({"UnusedDeclaration"})    public AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {    }    public float getInterpolation(float input) {        return (float)(Math.cos((input + 1) * Math.PI) / 2.0f) + 0.5f;    }    /** @hide */    @Override    public long createNativeInterpolator() {        return NativeInterpolatorFactoryHelper.createAccelerateDecelerateInterpolator();    }}

getInterpolation()函数,根据AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator插值器的曲线图得到对应的数学表达式(cos((x + 1) * PI) / 2.0) + 0.5,然后数学表达式转换为代码形式。

2. 自定义插值器


pow(2, -10 * x) * sin((x - factor / 4) * (2 * PI) / factor) + 1
factor = 0.4 这个我们在构造函数的时候指定

第三步 代码实现(把数学表达式转换为代码)

public class SpringInterpolator implements Interpolator {    private static final float DEFAULT_FACTOR = 0.4f;    private float mFactor;    public SpringInterpolator() {        this(DEFAULT_FACTOR);    }    public SpringInterpolator(float factor) {        mFactor = factor;    }    @Override    public float getInterpolation(float input) {        // pow(2, -10 * input) * sin((input - factor / 4) * (2 * PI) / factor) + 1        return (float) (Math.pow(2, -10 * input) * Math.sin((input - mFactor / 4.0d) * (2.0d * Math.PI) / mFactor) + 1);    }}

第四步 具体效果


参照自定义插值器里面还实现了一种CubicHermiteInterpolator的插值器。CubicHermiteInterpolator插值器的两个点可以通过,.67,.83,.67 来获取想要的数值。具体的效果也可以在例子代码里面看到。




public interface TypeEvaluator<T> {    /**     * This function returns the result of linearly interpolating the start and end values, with     * <code>fraction</code> representing the proportion between the start and end values. The     * calculation is a simple parametric calculation: <code>result = x0 + t * (x1 - x0)</code>,     * where <code>x0</code> is <code>startValue</code>, <code>x1</code> is <code>endValue</code>,     * and <code>t</code> is <code>fraction</code>.     *     * @param fraction   The fraction from the starting to the ending values     * @param startValue The start value.     * @param endValue   The end value.     * @return A linear interpolation between the start and end values, given the     *         <code>fraction</code> parameter.     */    public T evaluate(float fraction, T startValue, T endValue);}

TypeEvaluator接口只需要实现一个evaluate()函数就好了,这个函数有三个参数,fraction: 表示当前这段数值变化值得比例,startValue:表示当前这段数值变化的开始值,endValue: 表示当前这段数据变化的结束值。

看到这里我们肯定的好奇TypeEvaluator(估值器)在哪里用到了,估值出来的值去哪里了呢。继续在前面文章 Android属性动画ValueAnimator源码简单分析的基础之上来看这个问题。
有了 Android属性动画ValueAnimator源码简单分析的分析我们知道估值器的使用是在KeyframeSet类里面的getValue()函数里面。

    public Object getValue(float fraction) {        // Special-case optimization for the common case of only two keyframes        if (mNumKeyframes == 2) {            if (mInterpolator != null) {                fraction = mInterpolator.getInterpolation(fraction);            }            return mEvaluator.evaluate(fraction, mFirstKeyframe.getValue(),                    mLastKeyframe.getValue());        }        if (fraction <= 0f) {            final Keyframe nextKeyframe = mKeyframes.get(1);            final TimeInterpolator interpolator = nextKeyframe.getInterpolator();            if (interpolator != null) {                fraction = interpolator.getInterpolation(fraction);            }            final float prevFraction = mFirstKeyframe.getFraction();            float intervalFraction = (fraction - prevFraction) /                (nextKeyframe.getFraction() - prevFraction);            return mEvaluator.evaluate(intervalFraction, mFirstKeyframe.getValue(),                    nextKeyframe.getValue());        } else if (fraction >= 1f) {            final Keyframe prevKeyframe = mKeyframes.get(mNumKeyframes - 2);            final TimeInterpolator interpolator = mLastKeyframe.getInterpolator();            if (interpolator != null) {                fraction = interpolator.getInterpolation(fraction);            }            final float prevFraction = prevKeyframe.getFraction();            float intervalFraction = (fraction - prevFraction) /                (mLastKeyframe.getFraction() - prevFraction);            return mEvaluator.evaluate(intervalFraction, prevKeyframe.getValue(),                    mLastKeyframe.getValue());        }        Keyframe prevKeyframe = mFirstKeyframe;        for (int i = 1; i < mNumKeyframes; ++i) {            Keyframe nextKeyframe = mKeyframes.get(i);            if (fraction < nextKeyframe.getFraction()) {                final TimeInterpolator interpolator = nextKeyframe.getInterpolator();                final float prevFraction = prevKeyframe.getFraction();                float intervalFraction = (fraction - prevFraction) /                    (nextKeyframe.getFraction() - prevFraction);                // Apply interpolator on the proportional duration.                if (interpolator != null) {                    intervalFraction = interpolator.getInterpolation(intervalFraction);                }                return mEvaluator.evaluate(intervalFraction, prevKeyframe.getValue(),                        nextKeyframe.getValue());            }            prevKeyframe = nextKeyframe;        }        // shouldn't reach here        return mLastKeyframe.getValue();    }

对于这个函数的具体分析可以参考 Android属性动画ValueAnimator源码简单分析里面对这个函数详细的分析,这里是想在多扯一点,当我们使用ValueAnimator.ofObject()的时候,是一定要去设置估值器的,其实从代码的侧面也是可以看出来得这个函数里面使用的mEvaluator都是没有null值判断的。他不像IntKeyframeSet类里面的getIntValue()函数的mEvaluator,IntKeyframeSet类里面的getIntValue()函数的mEvaluator是有一个为null判断的如果没指定mEvaluator的时候会调用类似于IntEvaluator类的具体实现的。

    void calculateValue(float fraction) {        Object value = mKeyframes.getValue(fraction);        mAnimatedValue = mConverter == null ? value : mConverter.convert(value);    }

第二行的 mKeyframes.getValue(fraction);调用到了getValue(),得到的值放在了mAnimatedValue里面,要通过PropertyValuesHolder类的getAnimatedValue()函数来得这个值,接着我们的知道PropertyValuesHolder类的calculateValue()函数在哪里用到了吧。ValueAnimator类的animateValue函数中调用了 看代码

    void animateValue(float fraction) {        fraction = mInterpolator.getInterpolation(fraction);        mCurrentFraction = fraction;        int numValues = mValues.length;        for (int i = 0; i < numValues; ++i) {            mValues[i].calculateValue(fraction);        }        if (mUpdateListeners != null) {            int numListeners = mUpdateListeners.size();            for (int i = 0; i < numListeners; ++i) {                mUpdateListeners.get(i).onAnimationUpdate(this);            }        }    }

第6行 调用到了哦。mValues[i].calculateValue(fraction);

    public Object getAnimatedValue() {        if (mValues != null && mValues.length > 0) {            return mValues[0].getAnimatedValue();        }        // Shouldn't get here; should always have values unless ValueAnimator was set up wrong        return null;    }


提示:上面函数的调用过程大部分都是直接给出了结论,直接给出了某某函数在哪里哪里调用了 都是在 Android属性动画ValueAnimator源码简单分析的分析基础之上给出来的。

1. Android系统内置的估值器
Android里面默认提供了如下几种估值器 ArgbEvaluator, FloatArrayEvaluator, FloatEvaluator, IntArrayEvaluator, IntEvaluator, PointFEvaluator, RectEvaluator。

public class ArgbEvaluator implements TypeEvaluator {    private static final ArgbEvaluator sInstance = new ArgbEvaluator();    /**     * Returns an instance of <code>ArgbEvaluator</code> that may be used in     * {@link ValueAnimator#setEvaluator(TypeEvaluator)}. The same instance may     * be used in multiple <code>Animator</code>s because it holds no state.     * @return An instance of <code>ArgbEvalutor</code>.     *     * @hide     */    public static ArgbEvaluator getInstance() {        return sInstance;    }    /**     * This function returns the calculated in-between value for a color     * given integers that represent the start and end values in the four     * bytes of the 32-bit int. Each channel is separately linearly interpolated     * and the resulting calculated values are recombined into the return value.     *     * @param fraction The fraction from the starting to the ending values     * @param startValue A 32-bit int value representing colors in the     * separate bytes of the parameter     * @param endValue A 32-bit int value representing colors in the     * separate bytes of the parameter     * @return A value that is calculated to be the linearly interpolated     * result, derived by separating the start and end values into separate     * color channels and interpolating each one separately, recombining the     * resulting values in the same way.     */    public Object evaluate(float fraction, Object startValue, Object endValue) {        int startInt = (Integer) startValue;        int startA = (startInt >> 24) & 0xff;        int startR = (startInt >> 16) & 0xff;        int startG = (startInt >> 8) & 0xff;        int startB = startInt & 0xff;        int endInt = (Integer) endValue;        int endA = (endInt >> 24) & 0xff;        int endR = (endInt >> 16) & 0xff;        int endG = (endInt >> 8) & 0xff;        int endB = endInt & 0xff;        return (int)((startA + (int)(fraction * (endA - startA))) << 24) |                (int)((startR + (int)(fraction * (endR - startR))) << 16) |                (int)((startG + (int)(fraction * (endG - startG))) << 8) |                (int)((startB + (int)(fraction * (endB - startB))));    }}

看起来也是蛮简单的,ArgbEvaluator和颜色有关系的,evaluate函数里面分别对startValue和endValue做了拆分。int总共32位,8位8位的去拆分,分别对应A,R,G,B。 然后对A,R,G,B每个都做fraction转换,在组合到一起形成一个int值。
2. 自定义估值器

public class CharEvaluator implements TypeEvaluator<Character> {    @Override    public Character evaluate(float fraction, Character startValue, Character endValue) {        int startInt = (int) startValue;        int endInt = (int) endValue;        int curInt = (int) (startInt + fraction * (endInt - startInt));        return (char) curInt;    }}




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