Centos 安装Git-cola

来源:互联网 发布:mysql可视化工具导入 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/19 17:08


sudo yum -y install git*

找到 git-all.noarch , 安装这个.

sudo yum install git-all.noarch

============ 以下是git-cola的文档内容 ==========

因为貌似Centos的yum没有提供cola的下载. 我用了git-gui一个下午果断弃了.

然后去git-cola的官网下了他的源码. 找到了一份叫readme的文档.


## RUN FROM SOURCEYou don‘t need to install *git-cola* to run it.Running *git-cola* from its source tree is the easiestway to try the latest version.    git clone git://github.com/git-cola/git-cola.git    cd git-cola    ./bin/git-cola    ./bin/git-dagHaving *git-cola*‘s *bin/* directory in your path allows you to run*git cola* like a regular built-in Git command:    # Replace "$PWD/bin" with the path to git-cola‘s bin/ directory    PATH="$PWD/bin":"$PATH"    export PATH    git cola    git dagThe instructions below assume that you have *git-cola* present in your`$PATH`.  Replace "git cola" with "./bin/git-cola" as needed if you‘d like tojust run it in-place.# INSTALLATIONNormally you can just do "make install" to install *git-cola*in your `$HOME` directory (`$HOME/bin`, `$HOME/share`, etc).If you want to do a global install you can do    make prefix=/usr installThere are also platform-specific installation methods.You‘ll probably want to use one of these anyways since theyhave a nice side-effect of installing *git-cola*‘s PyQt4and argparse dependencies.


git clone git://github.com/git-cola/git-cola.git && cd git-cola



发现可以跑起来了. 然后是安装到系统... 执行

make prefix=/usr install

安装就可以了. 期间可能会提示安装不成功, 因为缺少了一个Qt4的库, 顺水推舟地用下面的指令安装了Qt4, 再重新make一次即可:

sudo yum install PyQt4

如果出现ImportError: No module named argparse

easy_install argparse

 至于使用的方法嘛, 跟乌龟的差不多~

文件打开项目的根目录. 然后右键"在终端中打开"... 在终端中输入:

git cola


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