Theano 使用、开发与测试的各种细节记录

来源:互联网 发布:推荐系统算法 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 12:07

To test some code only when it need GPU: Use theano flag init_gpu_device=gpu1。 The difference between device and init_gpu_device is that the former one uses GPU for all the ops, while the latter one only does so when it is needed.

linzhou@eos11:~/Theano$ THEANO_FLAGS=init_gpu_device=gpu1 ~/Theano/bin/theano-nose test_gpueye ~/Theano/theano/sandbox/cuda/tests/ WARNING (theano.sandbox.cuda): GPU device gpu1 will be initialized, and used if a GPU is needed. However, no computation, nor shared variables, will be implicitly moved to that device. If you want that behavior, use the 'device' flag instead.Using gpu device 1: GeForce GT 610 (CNMeM is disabled, cuDNN not available)

theano-nose is a script which wraps nose with a bunch of proper theano flags. We can use it as if it is nose. e.g.:

linzhou@eos11:~/Theano$ THEANO_FLAGS=init_gpu_device=gpu1 ~/Theano/bin/theano-nose ~/Theano/theano/sandbox/cuda/tests/

In nose, add the flag -s to enable break points.


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