Event ID: 10002

来源:互联网 发布:三国令进阶数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 19:53
This article was previously published under Q290398


One of the following events appear in the System log on a server that is running Internet Information Server (IIS):
Event Type: Error
Event Source: DCOM
Event Category: None
Event ID: 10002
Date: 2/22/2001
Time: 2:11:52 PM
User: <ComputerName>/IWAM_<ComputerName>
Computer: <ComputerName>
Description: Access denied attempting to launch a DCOM Server. The server is: {0C0A3666-30C9-11D0-8F20-00805F2CD064} The user is IWAM_<ComputerName>/<ComputerName>
Event Type: Error
Event Source: DCOM
Event Category: None
Event ID: 10003
Date: 2/22/2001
Time: 2:56:32 PM
User: <ComputerName>/IWAM_<ComputerName>
Computer: <ComputerName>
Description: Access denied attempting to launch a DCOM Server using DefaultLaunchPermssion. The server is: {0C0A3666-30C9-11D0-8F20-00805F2CD064} The user is IWAM_<ComputerName>/<ComputerName>


The Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM) server that is failing to launch is Machine Debug Manager (0C0A3666-30C9-11D0-8F20-00805F2CD064). This occurs because Machine Debug Manager lacks sufficient DCOM permissions.

By default, Machine Debug Manager is not set up to use custom DCOM permissions; thus, it uses the default, computer-level DCOM permissions. For security reasons, the default DCOM permissions are tight. Blank access permissions mean that only the system and the identity of the client that is same as the server can access DCOM server. If the client's identity differs from the server's, the client receives the "Access denied" error.


To resolve this problem, follow these steps:
1.At a command prompt, type the following command to open Distributed COM Configuration Properties:
2.On the Applications tab, in the list of DCOM servers, browse to the Machine Debug Manager entry. If this entry does not exist, type the following command at a command prompt to add the entry:
mdm.exe /regserver
3.Re-open Distributed COM Configuration Properties, click Machine Debug Manager, and then click Properties.
4.On the Security tab, click Use custom access permissions, and then click Edit.
5.Add the appropriate users to the access permissions for Machine Debug Manager. Microsoft recommends that you allow access permissions for at least the following users:
Click OK twice to return to the Security tab.
6.On the Security tab, click Use custom launch permissions, and then click Edit.
7.Add the appropriate users to the launch permissions for Machine Debug Manager. Microsoft recommends that you allow launch permissions for at least the following users:
Click OK twice to return to the Security tab.
8.On the Identity tab, click The interactive user to set the user account identity of Machine Debug Manager. If no one will be logged onto the computer, click This user, and then type the user name and password of a user in the Administrators group.
9.Close all instances of Mdm.exe, or restart your computer, so that these changes take effect.


Internet Information Server and Microsoft Visual Studio use Machine Debug Manager (Mdm.exe) to provide application debugging. Machine Debug Manager is initialized whenever IIS is started.

When IIS is running in-process (Inetinfo.exe), the System account starts and accesses Machine Debug Manager. In addition, the System account allows the operating system components, such as RPC Endpoint Mapper (RPCSS), access to the DCOM server.

When IIS is running out-of-process (Mtx.exe or Dllhost.exe), typically the IWAM_<ComputerName> account starts and accesses Machine Debug Manager.


For additional information about using the Distributed COM Configuration Properties utility, click the article numbers below to view the articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
176799 INFO: Using DCOM Config (DCOMCNFG.EXE) on Windows NT
246054 INFO: DCOMCNFG and AppID/.exe Mapping and Implications